Surabaya, February 21, 2025 – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has conducted a visitation for six study programs to
PTN-BH Quality Assurance National Meeting participants pictured with UNHAS Rector Prof. Jamaluddin Jompa Starting the year 2024, UNHAS through the Institute for Quality Assurance and Educational Development (LPMPP) was
PENGUMUMAN TENTANG KONSULTASI INSTRUMEN AKREDITASI PROGRAM STUDI EMBA Nomor: 138/DE/A.5/HA.1/IV/2022 Sehubungan dengan dimulainya proses Akreditasi Program Studi (APS) EMBA pada tanggal 31 Maret 2022, dengan ini diumumkan kepada Program
Convert International Accreditation to LAMSAMA UPPS/Study Programs that have received international accreditation can apply for conversion to LAMSAMA. Accreditation agencies that provide accreditation and can be converted are those
LAMEMBA EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENT ABOUT LEXA ACCOUNT ACTIVATION Number: 116/DE/A.5/HA.1/III/2022 In connection with the commencement of the Study Program accreditation process by LAMEMBA on March 31, 2022, it is
International Accreditation Conversion Application Process to LAMSAMA UPPS/study program sends an application letter to LAMSAMA via email to The accreditation agency that carries out the accreditation is included