Quality Assurance

Kantor Penjaminan Mutu
Headline News

The second National Quality Assurance Meeting for 21 Legal Entity State Universities (PTN-BH) throughout Indonesia at Hasanudin University, Makassar

September 03, 2019 09:09:56
Latest News
September 03, 2019 09:09:56

List of Study Programs that are Internationally Accreditation and Certification.

September 03, 2019 09:09:56

September 03, 2019 09:09:56

The following are the requirements for documents that must be uploaded to the Online Higher Education Accreditation System (SAPTO) : Template Buku 3, and Borang Data Kuantitatif can be

September 03, 2019 09:09:56

Servicedesk application is an application that is used to convey complaints and request for civitas akademika ITS and ITS outside parties addressed to the unit/Department/faculty in ITS. On Tuesday

September 03, 2019 09:09:56

With respect to the plan of implementation of the Office's e-SIM in an integrated and comprehensive organization of administration and governance efforts in the Environment, ITS for that FTK

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