
Dosen Matematika ITS dan tim mendapat juara pertama pada The Pioneers 4.0 Hackathon Series 2024

Fri, 08 Mar 2024
3:47 pm
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Oleh : Admin-Matematika   |

Muhammad Luthfi Shahab dan tim mendapat juara pertama pada “The Pioneers 4.0 Hackathon Series” 2024 yang diselenggarakan pada 5 – 7 Maret 2024 oleh:

  1. Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology, United Arab Emirates,
  2. Edge Learning and Innovation Factory, United Arab Emirates, dan
  3. Lipton Teas and Infusions, United Arab Emirates.

Dalam kegiatan ini, Lipton Teas and Infusions adalah rekan industri yang menyediakan permasalahan yang harus diselesaikan dalam perlombaan ini. Secara umum, permasalahannya berkaitan dengan optimalisasi jadwal produksi teh pada industri tersebut.

Permasalahan lebih detail:

At the Lipton Jebel Ali facility, raw tea from various plantations is carefully blended into the final tea blends. These blends are temporarily stored in silos before being packed as finished goods such as teabags and loose tea pouches. Your challenge is to devise an optimization model that aligns the blending schedule with the finished goods production schedule.

You will be provided with a Finished Goods Production Schedule, along with all the necessary information like transfer times between different process steps, consumption rates, and material stocks, in order to deliver a program that can output an optimal blending schedule to ensure that the right blends are ready in time for packing, minimize the surplus of blends produced, and reduce the number of steps required to execute the plan.

Anggota tim:

  1. Muhammad Luthfi Shahab, Khalifa University, PhD Mathematics
  2. Siti Maghfirotul Ulyah, Khalifa University, PhD Mathematics
  3. Sebastian Cavada, Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence, MSc Computer Vision
  4. Sara Abdulbasit, Ajman University, BSc Networking Security
  5. Mariam Alzaabi, Khalifa University, MSc Computer Science
  6. Segni Desalegn, Khalifa University, BSc Computer Science

The Pioneers 4.0 Hackathon SeriesThe Pioneers 4.0 Hackathon Series

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