Master Degree

Master Degree

Master of Mathematics Study Program (PSMM) has produced graduates who have contributed very significantly to the development of human resources, especially in eastern Indonesia. This is supported by the knowledge in analysis, algebra and computing related to the development of applied mathematics. Since its establishment in 2003, PSMM has graduated 523 masters of science until the 128 st graduation period (September 2023). Currently, the lecturers in PSMM consist of 6 professors and 24 doctors who are competent in the fields of Max-Plus Algebra, Data Science, Graph Theory, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Dynamic Systems, Financial Mathematics, Bioinformatics, Systems Theory, Data Assimilation and Digital Image Processing. PSMM has collaborated with several universities, both within and outside the country, for example Shibaura Institute of Technology (Japan), University of Oxford (UK), University of Essex (UK), Technische Universiteit Delft (The Netherlands) and Universiti Malaysia Pahang (Malaysia). Since 2019, PSMM has been accredited A with SK number 4332/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/M/XI/2019.

If you are interested to register in Mathematics Master Program ITS, please join the WhatsApp Group via the following link:


Becoming a Master of Mathematics Study Program with an international reputation in the fields of analysis, algebra and computation for theoretical and applied development, especially in industry and marine with an environmental perspective


Mission of Education

  • Organizing master mathematics education to produce graduates of international quality and mastering concepts in the fields of analysis, algebra, and computation and their applications.
  • To produce masters of mathematics who believe in and fear God Almighty

Mission of Research

Actively involved in the development of mathematics and its application through international quality research activities, especially in the fields of algebra, analysis, modeling and computation.

Mission of Community Service

Empowering departmental resources to play an active role in solving problems faced by society, industry and government by integrating analysis, algebra, modeling and computation.

Mission of Management

  • Developing networks and synergizing with domestic and foreign universities, industry, society, and government in implementing the Tridharma of Higher Education in the field of mathematics and its applications.
  • Improving the competence of lecturers and education staff so that they are more creative and professional in carrying out their duties

Program Educational Objectives

  1. Produce graduates who can have careers as academics, researchers, practitioners in the industrial sector who can use their knowledge, skills and experience to solve real problems when carrying out their professional practice.
  2. Individuals who are able to develop research networks related to the application of mathematics to real life problems, especially in the fields of industry, energy, maritime, finance and information technology, as well as producing innovative mathematical works based on local wisdom
  3. Individuals who are able to develop their careers, can work individually and in teams, have a leadership and managerial skill.

Alumni Profile

The graduates of MoMath are expected to work in the following areas:

  1.  Academics
  2. Practitioners (Industry and Government)
  3. Research Associate
  4. Data Scientist
  5. Financial and Banking Analyst

Program Learning Outcomes


Able to demonstrate attitudes and character that reflect: devotion to God Almighty, ethics and integrity, noble character, sensitivity and care for social and environmental problems, respecting cultural differences and pluralism, upholding law enforcement prioritizing the interests of the nation and wider community, through creativity and innovation, excellence, strong leadership, synergy, and other potential to achieve maximum results.

General Skills

  • Able to develop and solve scientific and technological problems in their scientific field through research with an inter- or multidisciplinary approach to produce innovative and tested work in the form of theses and papers that have been accepted in accredited national scientific journals or accepted at reputable international conferences
  • Able to manage one’s own learning, and develop oneself as a lifelong learner to compete at national and international levels, in order to make a real contribution to solving problems by implementing information and communication technology and paying attention to sustainability principles.

Special Skills

  • Able to solve mathematical problems by applying basic mathematical statements, methods and calculations
  • Able to analyze mathematical problems in one of the areas: analysis, algebra, modeling, systems, optimization or computational science
  • Able to work and research collaboratively on mathematical problems in the fields of pure mathematics, applied mathematics or computational science
  • Able to communicate and present mathematical ideas clearly and coherently, both in writing and orally


Able to identify and explain the quality of complex mathematical problems


In the 2023 curriculum, the required credits on Master students was set at 36 credits scheduled for 4 (four) semesters and no later than 8 (eight) semesters including completion of thesis (2019 ITS Academic Regulations). The Study Program has three fields of interest, namely Applied Analysis and Algebra, Applied and Industrial Mathematics, as well as Data and Computing Science. The course is prepared based on the expected competencies from graduates of the Study Program, which are divided into compulsory courses, compulsory courses for each field of interest and elective courses for each field of interest. In the following table, the curriculum structure is presented based on the distribution of study load components and interest fields. The field of interest is determined when students register.

Table 1. Curriculum Structure

Study Component Credits Information
Compulsory Courses 8
  1. Functional Analysis (3 Credits)
  2. Matrix Computations (3 Credits)
  3. Research and Writing in Mathematics (2 Credits)
Compulsory Courses for each Field of Interest 9 Compulsory Courses for Applied Analysis and Algebra consist of:

  1. Approximation Theory (3 Credits)
  2. Module Theory (3 Credits)
  3. Algebraic Graph (3 Credits)
Compulsory Courses for Applied and Industrial Mathematics choose 3 couses among the following 4 courses:

  1. Mathematical Modeling (3 Credits)
  2. Dynamic Systems (3 Credits)
  3. Numerical Computation (3 Credits)
  4. Calculus of Variations (3 Credits)
Compulsory Courses for Data and Computing Science consist of:

  1. Computer Vision (3 Credits)
  2. Machine Learning (3 Credits)
  3. Data Science Concepts (3 Credits)
Thesis 8
Elective Courses 11 Students must take 11 credits of elective courses in their field of interest.
Total 36

Table 2. The recommended scheme of taking courses in 4 semesters for each field of interest

Field of Interest Applied Analysis and Algebra Applied and Industrial Mathematics Data and Computing Science
Semester 1 Compulsory Courses (8 Credits)

  1. Functional Analysis (3 Credits)
  2. Matrix Computations (3 Credits)
  3. Research and Writing in Mathematics (2 Credits)
Compulsory Courses in their Field of Interest (3 Credits)
Semester 2 Compulsory Courses in their Field of Interest (6 Credits)
Elective Courses in their Field of Interest (3 Credits)
Semester 3 Elective Courses in their Field of Interest (8 Credits)
Semester 4 Thesis (8 SKS)

Table 3. Elective Courses in each Field of Interest

Applied Analysis and Algebra Applied and Industrial Mathematics Data and Computing Science
  1. Max-Plus Algebra (3 Credits)
  2. Fourier Analysis and Wavelets (3 Credits)
  3. Stochastic Calculus (3 Credits)
  4. Topics in Applied Algebra (2 Credits)
  5. Topics in Applied Analysis (2 Credits)
  1. Data Assimilation (3 Credits)
  2. Biomathematics (3 Credits)
  3. Financial Mathematics (3 Credits)
  4. Risk Analysis (3 Credits)
  5. Environmental Mathematics (3 Credits)
  6. Boundary Element Methods (2 Credits)
  7. Computational Fluid Dynamics (3 Credits)
  8. Advanced Partial Differential Equations (2 Credits)
  9. Systems and Controls (3 Credits)
  10. Mathematics of Derivatives (3 Credits)
  11. Topics in Mathematical Modeling (2 Credits)
  12. Topics in Optimization (2 Credits)
  13. Survival Analysis (3 Credits)
  1. Graph and Applications (3 Credits)
  2. Fuzzy Systems (2 Credits)
  3. Formal Verification (2 Credits)
  4. Coding Theory (3 Credits)
  5. Computational Algorithms (3 Credits)
  6. Biological Computing (3 Credits)
  7. Topics in Computing (2 Credits)


  • Compulsory Courses are offered in each semester
  • The amount of credits after semester 1 is determined by the grade in the previous semester:
    • If the grade in the previous semester is less than 3,00 then the maximum credits are 12
    • If the grade in the previous semester is greater than or equal to 3,00 then the maximum credits are 15


The minimum study load of students in MoMath is 36 SKS, which is equivalent to 170 minutes self study and attendance-based learning every week. In every semester, there are 16 weeks of lecture or other scheduled activities, including evaluation. The study load and other required activities are equivalent to 99.96 ECTS, where 1 ECTS equals 25 working hours. The other required activities (outside the study load) are:

  1. Some elective courses in Semester 2 and 3 requires the students to work on a specific problem, write the results in a technical report and present the results in an internal seminar. The activities are equivalent to 3 SKS.
  2. As a requirement for graduation, each student must publish some results of the thesis to an international conference or a journal. The activities are preparing the paper, writing the paper, revising the paper, preparing the camera-ready version, presenting the paper. The activities are equivalent to 5 SKS.
  3. There are some activities in thesis, which take some time, such as writing the proposal, presenting the proposal, revising the proposal, presenting the results in an internal seminar. The activities are equivalent to 5 SKS.

The conversion table between the minimum study load and other required activities, from SKS to ECTS is described in the following table:

Components SKS ECTS
Minimum study load 36 73.44
Activities in some elective courses 3 6.12
Publication in conference or journal 5 10.20
Some activities in thesis 5 10.20
Total 99.96

List of Courses

No Course Name Credits Download
1 Functional Analysis 3 Syllabus
2 Matrix Computations 3 Syllabus
3 Research and Writing in Mathematics 2 Syllabus

Compulsory Courses

No Course Name Credits Download
1 Approximation Theory 3 Syllabus
2 Module Theory 3 Syllabus
3 Algebraic Graph 3 Syllabus

Elective Courses

No Course Name Credits Download
1 Max-Plus Algebra 3 Syllabus
2 Fourier Analysis and Wavelets 3 Syllabus
3 Stochastic Calculus 3 Syllabus
4 Topics in Applied Algebra 2 Syllabus
5 Topics in Applied Analysis 2 Syllabus

Compulsory Courses

No Course Name Credits Download
1 Mathematical Modeling 3 Syllabus
2 Dynamic Systems 3 Syllabus
3 Numerical Computation 3 Syllabus
4 Calculus of Variations 3 Syllabus

Elective Courses

No Course Name Credits Download
1 Data Assimilation 3 Syllabus
2 Biomathematics 3 Syllabus
3 Financial Mathematics 3 Syllabus
4 Risk Analysis 3 Syllabus
5 Environmental Mathematics 3 Syllabus
6 Boundary Element Methods 2 Syllabus
7 Computational Fluid Dynamics 3 Syllabus
8 Advanced Partial Differential Equations 2 Syllabus
9 Systems and Controls 3 Syllabus
10 Mathematics of Derivatives 3 Syllabus
11 Topics in Mathematical Modeling 2 Syllabus
12 Topics in Optimization 2 Syllabus
13 Survival Analysis 3 Syllabus

Compulsory Courses

No Course Name Credits Download
1 Computer Vision 3 Syllabus
2 Machine Learning 3 Syllabus
3 Data Science Concepts 3 Syllabus

Elective Courses

No Course Name Credits Download
1 Graph and Applications 3 Syllabus
2 Fuzzy Systems 2 Syllabus
3 Formal Verification 2 Syllabus
4 Coding Theory 3 Syllabus
5 Computational Algorithms 3 Syllabus
6 Biological Computing 3 Syllabus
7 Topics in Computing 2 Syllabus

Samples of Portfolio

1 Data Assimilation Download
2 Biological Computing Download
3 Numerical Computing Download
4 Dynamical Optimization Download
5 Stochastic Calculus Download

Daftar Tesis

Pencarian Data Tesis dapat dilakukan pada link berikut ini

Jalur Riset

Program magister jalur riset adalah program yang diselenggarakan untuk memfasilitasi pendidikan Magister dengan proses pembelajaran berbasis Riset. Program magister jalur riset ditempuh dalam jangka waktu 2 (dua) tahun dengan beban studi 36 sks, meliputi 12 sks mata kuliah, penelitian, dan publikasi tesis. Mata Kuliah yang diambil adalah Mata Kuliah yang menunjang penelitian tesis.


Tabel 4. Struktur Kurikulum Program Studi Magister Matematika Jalur Riset

Semester Nama Mata Kuliah SKS Keterangan
1 MK RPL 3
Penulisan Proposal Tesis 3 Pembimbingan
MK Pendukung Tesis 6
2 Tesis I 4 Pembimbingan
Publikasi I 6 Seminar Internasional
3 Tesis II 6 Seminar Proposal dan Ujian Tesis
4 Publikasi II 8 Jurnal Internasional


Rekognisi Pembelajaran Lampau yang selanjutnya disingkat RPL adalah pengakuan atas Capaian Pembelajaran seseorang yang diperoleh dari pendidikan formal atau nonformal atau informal, dan/atau pengalaman kerja ke dalam pendidikan formal. Mata Kuliah RPL dan Pendukung Tesis pada Jalur Riset sama dengan Mata Kuliah pada Jalur Reguler.

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