
Sejarah Departemen

  • 1965
    The Mathematics Undergraduate Program of FMIPA ITS was established in 1965 based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 72 of 1965. When it was established, the Mathematics Department was under the Faculty of Definitive and Natural Sciences (FIPIA)
  • 1983
    In 1983, ITS (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember) underwent a change in organizational structure which resulted in ITS having 5 Faculties and the name FIPIA changing to FMIPA with 4 departments, namely Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, and Chemistry
  • 1987
    In 1987 to 1992 the Mathematics Department of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences ITS had established a collaboration with the Mathematics and Information Faculty, Delft University of Technology (DUT) in the Netherlands. The collaboration is in the form of improving curriculum, improving education facilities and infrastructure, training lecturers and sending lecturers for further study. The collaboration with the Netherlands was carried out again in the form of a Workshop Workshop (RWS) held in 1998 and 2003.

    One of the results of the collaboration was the completion of the 1994 and 1999 curriculum so that there were five areas of interest (Algebra, Analysis, Models and Systems, Operations Research and Simulation, Computer Science) established. For the 2009 competency-based curriculum, the five areas of interest are adjusted into four Course Clusters (RMK):

    1. RMK Analysis & Algebra.
      This family emphasizes understanding and developing the basics of Mathematics, Analysis, and Algebra so as to be able to follow and develop new theories of mathematics and other sciences.
    2. RMK Modeling and Systems.
      This family emphasizes understanding and developing the basics of Mathematics, System Modeling and Simulation, so as to be able to develop and apply them in real problems.
    3. RMK Operations Research and Data Processing
      This family emphasizes the understanding and development of the basics of Mathematics, Operations Research, Statistical Data Processing, Stochastic Processes, so as to develop and apply them in real problems.
    4. Computer Science RMK
      This family emphasizes understanding and developing the basics of Mathematics, Computer Science and Information Systems so as to be able to build and develop professional software

  • 2014
    In the 2014 curriculum, areas of expertise are simplified into 3 fields, namely Analysis and Algebra, Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. The Field of Applied Mathematics is a merger of the fields of Simulation Modeling and the Field of Operations Research and Data Processing. This is done to facilitate research collaboration between fields and provide wider opportunities and more flexible choices for students.
  • 2017
    Now FMIPA is divided into two, being the Faculty of Natural Sciences (FIA) and the Faculty of Mathematics, Computing and Data Science (FMKSD). In the Faculty of Computing and Science Data consists of three departments: Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial.
  • 2019
    In 2019, establishing a Doctoral Study Program (S3) focused on the development of applied mathematics supported by strong analytical and algebraic and computational skills.
  • 2020
    Changes to the Faculty, becoming the Faculty of Science and Data Analysis
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