
A Symbolic Approach for Reachability Analysis of Max-Plus Linear System

Rab, 27 Mei 2020
11:52 am
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Oleh : Admin-Matematika   |

Departemen matematika akan meyelenggarakan webinar dengan tema A Symbolic Approach for Reachability Analysis of Max-Plus Linear System, kegiatan ini akan dilaksanakan pada hari Rabu, 3 Juni 2020 Pukul 10.00-12.00 WIB. Pemateri Muhammad Syifa’ul Mufid, M.Si alumni Matematika ITS angkatan 2008 dan sedang menempuh doctoral di University of Oxford, UK

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Abstract: This work discusses the reachability analysis (RA) of Max-Plus Linear (MPL) systems, a class of continuous-space, discrete-event models defined over the max-plus algebra. Given the initial and target sets, we develop algorithms to verify whether there exist trajectories of the MPL system that, starting from the initial set, eventually reach the target set. We show that RA can be solved symbolically by encoding the MPL system, as well as initial and target sets into difference logic, and then checking the satisfaction of the resulting logical formula via an off-the-shelf satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) solver. The performance and scalability of the developed SMT-based algorithms are shown to clearly outperform state-of-the-art RA algorithms for MPL systems, newly allowing to investigate RA of high-dimensional MPL systems.


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