Focus Group Discussion Islamic Finance Speaker: Nafis Alam, Ph.D. Department of Accounting and Finance
Workshop Mathematical Aspects of Artificial Neural Networks by: Prof. Pitoyo Hartono Chukyo University, Japan Vanue:
Workshop Fuzzy and Rough Set: Theory and Applications World Class Proffesor (WCP) Programme in
Workshop Hyperstructure: Theory and Applications World Class Proffesor (WCP) Programme in Department of Mathematics,
Workshop Partial Differential Equations (PDEs): Current Issues in Teaching and Research World Class Proffesor
The International Conference on Mathematics: Pure, Applied and Computation (ICoMPAC 2019) is jointly organized
Jadwal Evaluasi Akhir Semester Genap Tahun Akademik 2018-2019 Departemen Matematika Program Sarjana dan Pascasarjana
We need 20 Student from Department of Mathematics ITS as a buddy for the
Departemen Matematika ITS menggelar kegiatan Workshop dengan tema “Algebraic Geometry and Its Applications in
Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) menggelar kegiatan “OJK Mengajar” kegiatan ini berkerjasama dengan Departemen matematika
Dalam rangka meningkatkan kemampuan mahasiswa, Departemen Matematika meyelenggarakan kegiatan workshop dengan tema Time Dependent Solutions
The International Conference on Mathematics : Pure, Applied, and Computation (ICoMPAC) was successfully
Seminar Series 2 merupakan rangkaian kegiatan dari program World Class Professor 2021 yang diselenggarakan
Departemen Matematika akan menyelenggarakan International Guest Lecture dengan tema Conic Optimization for Drone-Ship Routing
Call for Paper IJCSAM (International Journal of Computing Science and Applied Mathematics) Volume 9