Students, who carry out Final Year Project (TA), must complete TA Proposal Seminar first. If students are eligible in the process, then students can continue to work on their Final Year Project.
The following is the procedure to carry out a Proposal Seminar (SEMPRO)
- Register SEMPRO via SIAMAT
- Entry data of TA title, field, laboratory, and prospective supervisor
- Print out identity form for SEMPRO via SIAMAT
- Submit SEMPRO documents to academic secretary of department
- Academic secretary of department arranges SEMPRO schedule and determines examiners
- Students present TA Proposal Seminar
- Academic secretary of department announces SEMPRO results and revisions from the examiners
- If SEMPRO examination is passed, then students can continue working on their final year project
- If SEMPRO examination is failed, then students must retake SEMPRO
The following is standard format of TA SEMPRO