
Thesis Seminar Procedure

Thesis is an 8 credit course that must be taken by every ITS Mathematics student as a requirement to complete their Masters degree and obtain a Masters in Mathematics degree.

Students are allowed to conduct a thesis seminar at the earliest 12 weeks after the implementation of the thesis proposal seminar. The following is the process that students must go through to participate in the Thesis Seminar (SEMHAS):

  1. Students register for SEMHAS Thesis in the SIAMAT program.
  2. Students submit SEMHAS Thesis files to the Head of the Postgraduate Study Program (KAPRODI).
  3. The Head of Study Program schedules the SEMHAS Thesis.
  4. Students carry out SEMHAS Thesis. SEMHAS Thesis is carried out for 60 minutes, which begins with a 20-minute presentation, then continued with a question and answer session for 40 minutes. The supervisor becomes the moderator in SEMHAS Thesis. There are at least two examiners in SEMHAS Thesis. The supervisor and examiner carry out the assessment using a rubric.
  5. The Head of the Programme announces the results of the Thesis Seminar as well as notes or revisions from the examiners.
  6. If the Thesis Seminar result states that it CAN BE CONTINUED, then the student can continue the process of working on the Thesis by making revisions and registering for the Thesis Examination.
  7. If the Thesis Seminar result is the opposite, then the student can do a repeat SEMHAS Thesis by collecting the SEMHAS Thesis files (return to point 2)

Thesis Seminar File

  1. 5 copies of thesis draft (each in a white mica folder)
  2. Supervisor approval sheet (download here)
  3. Thesis Guidance Form (minimum 12x)
  4. TEFL proof (if available)
  5. proof of publication (if any)

Thesis Seminar Assessment Rubric

Criteria Performance Level and Description Weight
1: Less 2: Enough 3: Good 4: Very Satisfying
CONTENTS Visual Aids and Their Arrangement Visual aids actually interfere with the presentation.

The presentation goes back and forth, back and forth, confusing.

The visual aids are difficult to read in parts, but do not interfere with the presentation.

Some parts of the presentation are out of sequence.

Doesn’t follow the rule of nine, but still easy to read.

Some use bullet points.

Proper use of color, size, and position of letters, images, and tables.

The presentation has a good systematic structure, only needs minor improvements in several parts.

Visual aids are easy to read, following the rule of nine (9 lines/slide, 9 words/line).

Use bullet points to help the audience focus on keywords.

Proper use of letters, images, and tables (color, size, and position).

The presentation has a good systematic structure, following established standards (for example, background, problem formulation, objectives, conceptual framework, methods, results, discussion, and conclusions).

Explanation The main idea is not clear.

The audience learns nothing, or is even misled.

The main idea is not easily identified.

Does not add new insight into the topic.

Accurate but incomplete explanation. Main ideas can be identified.

The audience can learn the facts between the lines, but not gain new insight into the topic.

Accurate and complete explanation.

The main ideas in the presentation are easy to follow and understand.

Add new insight into the topic.

Understanding Can’t answer all questions. Uncomfortable with questions and only able to answer simple questions. Answers all questions as expected, without further elaboration. Demonstrate full knowledge by answering all questions with explanations and elaborations. 5




Speech Ability, Body Movement and Eye Contact Not audible/too loud.


It is not correct to pronounce most of the terms.

-Restless, walking back and forth.

No eye contact with audience, always looking at notes.

Often mumbling.

Most of the terms are incorrectly pronounced.

Position is not upright, leaning on one side of the body, hands are glued to the side of the body or on the podium. Minimal eye contact with the audience, looking at notes a lot.

The sound is clear, but the volume drops in some parts.

Pronounces most of the terms correctly.

Need to add or reduce body movements to emphasize important points. Eye contact with the audience, and occasionally look at notes.

The voice is clear. Correct pronunciation of terms.

Use body language to describe or emphasize important points.

Maintain direct eye contact with the audience.


Thesis Examination Procedure

The following is the process that students must go through to take the Thesis Examination:

    1. Students submit the Thesis Examination files to the Head of the Postgraduate Study Program (KAPRODI).
    2. The Head of Study Program schedules the Thesis Examination.
    3. Students take the Thesis Examination in private. The Thesis Examination is carried out for 120 minutes. The chairman of the Thesis Examination is not the Supervisor. The supervisor and examiners carry out the assessment using a rubric.
    4. The Head of the Study Program announces the results of the Thesis Examination as well as notes or revisions from the examiners.
    5. If the Thesis Examination result is declared PASSED, then the student can continue the process of working on the Thesis by making revisions and completing the graduation files.
    6. If the Thesis Examination results are the opposite, then the student can retake the Thesis Examination by collecting the Thesis Examination files (return to point 1)

Thesis Examination Files

  1. 5 copies of thesis draft (each in a white mica folder)
  2. TEFL Evidence
  3. Proof of publication (if any)

Thesis Exam Assessment Rubric

Examiner Lecturer Assessment Rubric

No Assessment Components Less (56-63) Enough (65-70) Good (73-81) Very Satisfying (83-95) Weight
1 Mastery of the field of science Students do not master the field of science Students have less mastery of the field of science Students have a good command of their field of study Students have mastered the field of science very well 20%
2 Mastery of research methods relevant to thesis research Students do not master research methods that are relevant to their thesis research. Students do not have a good grasp of research methods that are relevant to their thesis research. Students have a good command of research methods that are relevant to their thesis research. Students have a very good command of research methods that are relevant to their thesis research. 20%
3 The ability to abstract and systematically organize scientific thought patterns Students are unable to abstract and systematically organize their scientific thinking patterns. Students are less able to abstract and systematically organize their scientific thinking patterns. Students are able to abstract and systematically organize their scientific thinking patterns well. Students are able to abstract and systematically organize their scientific thinking patterns very well. 20%
4 The ability to convey scientific arguments to answer questions relevant to the thesis research. Students are unable to convey scientific arguments to answer questions relevant to their thesis research. Students are less able to convey scientific arguments to answer questions relevant to their thesis research. Students are able to convey scientific arguments to answer questions relevant to their thesis research well. Students are able to convey scientific arguments to answer questions relevant to their thesis research very well. 20%
5 Ability to propose strategies to develop research Students are unable to propose strategies to develop their research. Students are less able to propose strategies to develop their research. Students are able to propose strategies to develop their research well. Students are able to propose strategies to develop their research very well. 20%


Supervisor Lecturer Assessment Rubric

No Assessment Components Less (56-63) Enough (65-70) Good (73-81) Very Satisfying (83-95) Weight
1 Attitudes: independence, initiative, problem solving skills, organizational skills, leadership, collaborative work and oral communication Students have a bad attitude Students have a bad attitude Students have a good attitude Students have very good attitudes 40%
2 Research log book – Writing is not systematic, concise and unclear

– Images and graphs are presented unclearly and in incorrect format.

– Writing mathematical formulas and formulas does not comply with the correct rules and format.

– The writing is less systematic, less concise and less clear

– Images and graphs are presented unclearly and in incorrect format.

– Writing mathematical formulas and formulas does not comply with the correct rules and format.

– Systematic, concise and clear writing

– Images and graphs are presented clearly and in the correct format.

– Writing mathematical formulas and formulas according to the correct rules and format

– The writing is very systematic, very concise and very clear.

– Images and graphs are presented very clearly and in the correct format.

– Writing mathematical formulas and formulas is in accordance with the correct rules and format.

3 Politeness Students have no manners Students lack manners Students have good manners Students have very good manners 20%
4 Journal articles or proceedings related to the thesis Journal articles or proceedings are of poor quality Journal articles or proceedings are of poor quality Journal articles or proceedings are of good quality Journal articles or proceedings are of excellent quality. 20%

The thesis assessment uses the following composition:

  1. Proposal Seminar Grade (10%)
  2. Thesis Seminar Grade (20%)
  3. Supervisor’s Grade during Thesis Examination (40%)
  4. Examiner’s Score during Thesis Examination (30%)

Graduation Information

    1. Preview of signed diploma
    2. Proof of graduate biodata updates
    3. Certificate of Publication in International Seminar/Journal ( download here )
    4. Draft paper published at International Seminar/submitted to Journal
    5. Proof of Publication (International Seminar Certificate/Journal Submission)
    6. Receipt of Thesis Book Submission ( download here )
    7. Thesis Approval Sheet ( download here )
    8. Library Clearance Certificate from the central library
    9. Proof of Uploading Files in SIAMAT
    10. TEFL Certificate

    The Judicial Examination file is in a folder with the folder name: NRP_NAME and sent to email:

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