Thesis is an 8 credit course that must be taken by every ITS Mathematics student as a requirement to complete their Masters degree and obtain a Masters in Mathematics degree.
- Thesis Form and Format
- Schedule of Thesis Seminar and Examination
- Foreign language regulations as exam requirements
Students are allowed to conduct a thesis seminar at the earliest 12 weeks after the implementation of the thesis proposal seminar. The following is the process that students must go through to participate in the Thesis Seminar (SEMHAS):
- Students register for SEMHAS Thesis in the SIAMAT program.
- Students submit SEMHAS Thesis files to the Head of the Postgraduate Study Program (KAPRODI).
- The Head of Study Program schedules the SEMHAS Thesis.
- Students carry out SEMHAS Thesis. SEMHAS Thesis is carried out for 60 minutes, which begins with a 20-minute presentation, then continued with a question and answer session for 40 minutes. The supervisor becomes the moderator in SEMHAS Thesis. There are at least two examiners in SEMHAS Thesis. The supervisor and examiner carry out the assessment using a rubric.
- The Head of the Programme announces the results of the Thesis Seminar as well as notes or revisions from the examiners.
- If the Thesis Seminar result states that it CAN BE CONTINUED, then the student can continue the process of working on the Thesis by making revisions and registering for the Thesis Examination.
- If the Thesis Seminar result is the opposite, then the student can do a repeat SEMHAS Thesis by collecting the SEMHAS Thesis files (return to point 2)