

The Mathematics Department has several applications and information systems for students such as the Final Project Information System, Practical Work Information System, Student Achievement Information System. Find applications that facilitate your learning process at ITS here SIAMAT

This final project information system aims to facilitate the Head of the Study Program to manage the Final Project and Thesis. Students are required to log in first and then enter the title TA / Thesis, then KAPRODI will determine the examiner and schedule it.

This practical work information system aims as a database of internship  in order to facilitate the Head of the Study Program to record and control students who are taking  internship. Students are required to upload  internship reports to this system

Sistem ini bertujuan sebagai database prestasi mahasiswa, mahasiswa yang berprestasi nantinya akan memberikan data ke HIMATIKA, kemudian petugas dari  HIMATIKA akan memasukkan data ke sistem ini.

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