Bachelor Degree

Bachelor Degree

The Undergraduate Study Program in the field of mathematics aims to provide high-quality learning process opportunities for students so that they can improve their abilities, motivation and learning behavior as well as a high work ethic. Students will be given an understanding and development of the basics of mathematics, which is divided into three clusters of courses namely analysis and algebra, applied mathematics (system modeling and simulation, optimization problems, data processing) and computer science (computational science and information systems).


PSSM-ITS as a leading institution in mathematics undergraduate education program with international reputation especially in anlysis, algebra and computation to support and develop applied mathematics in industrial, ocean, financial and informatic technology wiyh environmental concept.


  1. To carry out mathematics education based of informatics technology and communications to produce graduate with believe in god, international qualification, relative with job market need, respond to development of science and technology and have entrepreneur science.
  2. Increase mathematics research quality and its applications in national and international level supporting science and technology especially in industrial, energy, ocean, financial and informatic technology with environmental concept.
  3. To increase community service activity to spread mathematics and its application.
  4. To develop network and synergy with higher education inside and foreign indrustial, community and government in carryout Tri dharma higher education in mathematics and its application.


To supply education and high quality research based on informatic and communication technology to produce mathematic graduates that:

  1. Respond to change and science development and technology,
  2. Have international quality with competency in analysis, algebra, applied mathematics, and computer science suit job market need,
  3. Able to help solve real problem, especially related to energy, transportation, environmental, ocean, financial, industrial and informatic technology, and
  4. Have entrepreneur science.

Alumni Profile

The graduates of BoMath ITS are expected to work in the following areas

  • Finance, banking, and insurance: applying knowledge and skill in finance, banking, and insurance, based on mathematical and statistical methods.
  • System analyst and programmer: applying knowledge and skill of programming languages and algorithm analysis, and software engineering to develop software applications.
  • Data analyst: applying knowledge and skill based on mathematical thinking in data processing and programming to analyze data and its application.
  • Educator: applying knowledge and skill in mathematics to give some courses in mathematics and related field.
  • Logisticians: applying knowledge and skills based on mathematics of optimization in managing logistics.
  • Entrepreneur: applying the knowledge and skill in mathematical thinking framework related to creative business and entrepreneurship.
  • Research assistant: applying mathematics and data processing knowledge and skill in research field.
  • Further study in a master program.

Program Educational Objectives

  1. Graduates with competence including analysis, algebra, applied mathematics and computing science
  2. Graduates who are able to compete internationally
  3. Graduates who are able to adapt new development related to applications of mathematics to real-life problems, mainly in the field of industry, information technology, energy, maritime, environment and finance
  4. Graduates who are able to develop their career, work efficiently both individually or in a team, have leadership and managerial capabilities

Program Learning Outcomes

  1. [C2] Students are able to identify and explain foundations of mathematics that include pure, applied, and the basic of computing
  2. [C3] Students are able to solve simple and practical problems by applying basic mathematical statements, methods and computations
  3. [C4] Students are able to analyze simple and practical problems in at least one field of analysis, algebra, modeling, system optimizations and computing sciences
  4. [C5] Students are able to work on a simple and clearly defined scientific task and explain the results, both written and verbally either on the area of pure mathematics or applied mathematics or computing sciences
  5. [C3] Students are able to make use of the principles of long life learning to improve knowledge and current issues on mathematics
  6. Students are able to demonstrate religious attitude and tolerance
  7. Students are able to demonstrate an attitude of responsibility and commitment to law enforcement, ethics, norms for community and environmental sustainability


The curriculum of Department of Mathematics FMKSD ITS is arranged in the form of compulsory (core) courses and elective courses in accordance with the fields of study attended by students. Compulsory courses are given to provide a strong mathematical and scientific foundation for students and general subjects. The basic mathematics subject covers courses agreed upon by all mathematics majors (in this case discussed in IndoMS professional organizations) and courses that are characteristic of Department of Mathematics FMKSD ITS. Subjects must be given in semesters 1 to 8, while elective courses start to be given starting in semester 7. Elective courses are grouped by field of study (expertise).

The field of expertise provided in the 2018-2023 curriculum are:

  • Analysis and Algebra: emphasizes understanding, learning and developing the basics of mathematics, analysis and algebra so as to be able to follow and develop new theories of mathematics and other sciences.
  • Applied Mathematics is a merger of the fields of Simulation Modeling and the field of Operations Research and Data Processing. Modeling and Simulation is emphasizes understanding and developing the basics of mathematics, system modeling and simulation, so as to be able to develop and apply it to real problems. While the field of Operations Research and Data Processing is emphasizes understanding and developing the basics of mathematics, operations research, processing statistical data and stochastic processes so as to be able to develop and apply them in real problems.
  • Computer Science: emphasizes understanding and developing the basics of mathematics, computational science and information systems so as to be able to develop and develop software professionally.

At the end of semester 6, students can choose practical work courses as a means to understand and/or apply their knowledge to solve real problems. After students complete 110 credits, students can take final project. To facilitate the final project (research activities), in the semester 7, a course on Mathematical Scientific Writing was conducted. This subject must be followed by students who are currently and will carry out the final research.

In general, the study program curriculum is guided by DIKTI and ITS standards with equivalence to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). SKS is referred to Indonesia credits system. 1 SKS = 36 study hours/semester. About the credit equivalence between SKS (Indonesia credits) and ECTS (European Credits System), it can be calculated through the formula: 1 SKS = 1.6 ECTS

Components SKS ECTS
Minimum study load 144 230.4
Article Publication 2 3.2
English Proficiency 2 3.2
Extra Curricular 2 3.2
Total 240


No. Kode MK Nama Mata Kuliah (MK) sks Module
1 SM234101 Kalkulus 1 3 Download 
2 SF234103 Fisika Mekanika 3 Download
3 SM234102 Geometri Analitik 3 Download
4 SM234103 Logika Matematika 3 Download
5 SM234104 Metode Statistika 3 Download
6 SM234105 Algoritma dan Pemrograman Komputer 1 3 Download
Jumlah sks 18
No. Kode MK Nama Mata Kuliah (MK) sks Module
1 SM234201 Kalkulus 2 3
2 SF234203 Fisika Listrik dan Magnet 3
3 SK234102 Kimia 3
4 SM234202 Matematika Diskrit 3 Download
5 SM234203 Aljabar Linier Elementer 3 Download
6 SM234204 Algoritma dan Pemrograman Komputer 2 3 Download
Jumlah sks 18
No. Kode MK Nama Mata Kuliah (MK) sks Module
1 SM234301 Aljabar I 3 Download
2 SM234302 Analisis I 4 Download
3 SM234303 Riset Operasi I 4 Download
4 SM234304 Metode Numerik 3 Download
5 SM234305 Persamaan Diferensial Biasa 3 Download
6 SM234306 Kalkulus Peubah Banyak 3 Download
Jumlah sks  20
No. Kode MK Nama Mata Kuliah (MK) sks Module
1 SM234401 Aljabar II 3 Download
2 SM234402 Analisis II 2 Download
3 SM234403 Metode Matematika 3 Download
4 SM234404 Teori Peluang 3 Download
5 SM234405 Analisis Vektor 3 Download
6 SM234406 Persamaan Diferensial Parsial 3 Download
7 SM234407 Fungsi Peubah Kompleks 3 Download
Jumlah sks 20
No. Kode MK Nama Mata Kuliah (MK) sks Module
1 SM234501 Aljabar Linier 4 Download
2 SM234502 Teknik Simulasi 3 Download
3 SM234503 Matematika Statistika 3 Download
4 SM234504 Matematika Sistem 3 Download
5 SM234505 Pemodelan Matematika 4 Download
6 SM234506 Karier Matematika 2
7 SM234507 Penulisan Ilmiah Matematika 2
Jumlah sks 21
No. Kode MK Nama Mata Kuliah (MK) sks Module
1 UG234911 Pancasila 2
2 UG234912 Bahasa Indonesia 2
3 UG234914 Bahasa Inggris 2
4 UG234915 Kewirausahaan Berbasis Teknologi 2
5 MK Pengayaan 3
6 MK Pilihan 10
Jumlah sks 21


No Kode MK Nama Mata Kuliah sks Module RMK
1 SM234611 Analisis Kombinatorik 3 Download Analisis Aljabar
2 SM234612 Geometri Diferensial 2 Download Analisis Aljabar
3 SM234613 Pengantar Teori Graph 2 Download Analisis Aljabar
4 SM234614 Logika Formal 2 Analisis Aljabar
5 SM234615 Pengantar Analisis Fungsional 3 Analisis Aljabar
6 SM234621 Persamaan Diferensial Biasa Numerik 3 Pemodelan
7 SM234622  Persamaan Diferensial Tak Linier 2 Pemodelan
8 SM234623 Pengantar Komputasi Dinamika Fluida 3 Download Pemodelan
9 SM234624 Pengantar Optimasi Dinamis 3 Download Pemodelan
10 SM234625 Pemodelan Matematika Sistem 2 Pemodelan
11 SM234631 Riset Operasi 2 3 Download MIKe
12 SM234632 Metode Peramalan 2 Download MIKe
13 SM234633 Proses Stokastik 2 Download MIKe
14 SM234634 Pengantar Matematika Derivatif 2 Download MIKe
15 SM234635 Pengantar Analisis Risiko 2 MIKe
16 SM234636 Matematika Bisnis 2 MIKe
17 SM234641 Kecerdasan Tiruan 2 Download PMBD
18 SM234642 Sistem Basis Data 2 Download PMBD
19 SM234643 Pengantar Bioinformatika 2 Download PMBD
20 SM234644 Pengantar Sains Data 2 Download PMBD
21 SM234645 Teori Fuzzy dan  Aplikasi 2 Download PMBD
22 SM234651 Perangkat Lunak Matematika 3 Download Provikom
23 SM234652 Desain dan Analisis Algoritma 2 Provikom
24 SM234653 Pengolahan Citra Digital 3 Download Provikom
25 SM234654 Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak 2 Provikom
26 SM234655 Pengantar Verifikasi Sistem 2 Download Provikom
No. Kode MK Nama Mata Kuliah (MK) sks Module
1 SM234701 Kerja Praktek 3
2 Agama 2
3 UG234913 Kewarganegaraan 2 Download
4 UG234916 Aplikasi Teknologi dan Transformasi Digital 3
5 MK Pilihan 10
Jumlah sks 20


No Kode MK Nama Mata Kuliah sks Module RMK
1 SM234711 Pengantar Aproksimasi 3 Download Analisis Aljabar
2 SM234712 Aljabar Fuzzy 2 Download Analisis Aljabar
3 SM234713 Kalkulus Quantum 3 Download Analisis Aljabar
4 SM234714 Pengantar Kalkulus Stokastik 2 Download Analisis Aljabar
5 SM234715 Kapita Selekta Aljabar 2 Download Analisis Aljabar
6 SM234716 Kapita Selekta Analisis 2 Download Analisis Aljabar
7 SM234721 Pengantar Sistem dan Kontrol 2 Pemodelan
8 SM234722 Estimasi Optimum 2 Download Pemodelan
9 SM234723 Persamaan Diferensial Parsial Numerik 2 Download Pemodelan
10 SM234724 Pengantar Optimasi Numerik 3 Pemodelan
11 SM234725 Kapita Selekta Pemodelan, Sistem, dan Simulasi 2 Pemodelan
12 SM234731 Pengantar Matematika Keuangan 2 Download MIKe
13 SM234732 Pengendalian Kualitas Statistika 2 Download MIKe
14 SM234733 Kapita Selekta Matematika Industri 2 Download MIKe
15 SM234741 Pengantar Pembelajaran Mesin 2 Download PMBD
16 SM234742 Penambangan Data 2 Download PMBD
17 SM234743 Pengembangan Aplikasi Web 2 Download PMBD
18 SM234744 Teknologi Basis Data 2 PMBD
19 SM234745 Sistem Pendukung Keputusan 2 Download PMBD
20 SM234746 Kapita Selekta Sains Data 2 Download PMBD
21 SM234751 Pengantar Komputasi Kuantum 2 Download Provikom
22 SM234752 Kriptografi 2 Download Provikom
23 SM234753 Struktur Data 2 Download Provikom
24 SM234754 Komputasi Cloud 2 Download Provikom
25 SM234755 Kapita Selekta Sains Komputasi 2 Download Provikom
26 SM234702 Magang A 2
27 SM234703 Magang B 4
28 SM234704 Magang C 6
No. Kode MK Nama Mata Kuliah (MK) sks
1 SM234801 Tugas Akhir 6
Jumlah sks 6
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