Alumni Activities

The Mathematics Alumni Association is an organization that gathers and distributes the aspirations of the ITS Mathematics Study Program alumni to contribute to the development of the alma mater and has a role in developing Indonesian generation. As the number of alumni increases, the more challenges will be present in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to consolidate in organization field and professionalism. The increase in number of alumni also demands the distribution of information that is increasingly widespread, fast, and appropriate.

With the development of the life era, it is expected that there will be a role for alumni to take part in fields that are in line with their profession

Alumni Guest Lecture

Theme Speaker Date
Women in Coding Inne Prinusantari 22 November 2019
Energi Nasional: Kondisi dan Harapan 1. Dr. Prahoro Yulijanto Nurtjahyo 11 Oktober 2019
Prospect of Data Science Data in Revolution Industrial 4.0 1. Muhammad Sifa’ul Rizky

2. Doni Rubiagatra

27 September 2019
Mathematics Graduate in World of Work 1. Ais Maulidia Maziyah
2. Haidar Ammarafif Ramzy
3. Desna Yuanda
4. Hartanto Setiawan
5. Ivan Octaviano
16 September 2019
 Workshop Hyperstructure: Theory and Applications 1. Joko Cahyono 29 Agustus 2019
2. Persitarini Ayu R.
3. Mirzaq Khorul M.
4. Anindya Rachmawati
20 Februari 2019
Creating and Developing Tech Startup Ikhwan Mohammad Iqbal 25 Januari 2019
Data Analyst Maya Nurlita Wulandari 30 Oktober 2018
Guest Lecture Bring Your Technology Ideas to Life: Build a Startup Business from Campus 1. Bakhtiar Arifin (2006)
2. Ikhwan Mohammad Iqbal (2012)
11 Oktober 2018
Alumni sharing 1. Windy Tresnaning Wahyuni 7 September 2018
Applications of Mathematics in Business and Enterpreneurship 1. Agus Priyanto
2. Kurnia Cahyono
15 Agustus 2018
Alumni sharing 1. Budi Suprianto
2. Agung Wijaksono
3. Herny Kuncahyani
18 September 2017
Alumni sharing 1. Dr. Ummuh Habibah 20 April 2016
Welcoming the Internet of Things Era with becoming Data Scientist 1. Kristianus Yulianto 1 Oktober 2015

Sumbangsih Alumni untuk Departemen Matematika

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