Amirul Hakam, S.Si, M.Si

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Amirul Hakam, S.Si, M.Si

Ruang F206, Gedung F Lantai 2
Professional membership INDOMS
Profil Scholar Scholar-ITS Scopus Sinta

Research Interest

  • Computational fluid dynamic
  • Mathematical finance
  • Numerical computation


  • Master of Science, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Data Analytics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember. Title of the thesis “Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow around a Circular Cylinder and Three Passive Controls”. (September 2018).
  • Bachelor Degree in Mathematics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, Indonesia. Title of the thesis “Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow around Two Circular Cylinders Side-By-Side”. (September 2015)

Publications (Recent Journals and Conferences)

  1. Removing non-smoothness in solving Black-Scholes equation using a perturbation method, Physics Letters A 402, 127367, 2021
  2. Epidemic Modeling of COVID-19 in the ASEAN countries using a Genetic Partial Fitting Algorithm with the Presence of a Second Wave, Journal of Applied Science and Engineering 24 (6), 900-914, 2021
  3. Spreading dynamic of infectious disease in two interacting areas, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1821 (1), 012028, 2021
  4. Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow Around Circular Cylinder and Three Passive Controls to Reduce Drag Coefficient at Re= 500, IJCSAM (International Journal of Computing Science and Applied Mathematics), 2020
  5. Comparison of Numerical Methods on Pricing of European Put Options, IJCSAM (International Journal of Computing Science and Applied Mathematics), 2019
  6. PID-MPC Control Design To Control Oil Temperature In Main Fermentor Machine PT. Cheil Jedang, Jombang-Indonesia, 2018 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network and Intelligent Multimedia
  7. Numerical investigation of the flow around circular cylinder with two passive controls, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 974 (1), 012011, 2018

Research and Development Project

  1. Stochastic Differential Model to Analyze the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Company Risk Management, Research Department Funds,
  2. Dynamics of Spread of Infectious Diseases in an Area Using a Multi-Group Approach (Case Study of Covid 19 in Surabaya), Department Research Fund, 2020
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