Dra. Laksmi Prita Wardhani, M.Si

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Dra. Laksmi Prita Wardhani, M.Si

Email laksmi_pw@matematika.its.ac.id
Ruang T.209, Gedung T Lantai 2
Professional membership INDOMS
Profil Scholar Scholar-ITS Scopus Sinta

Research Interest

  • Statistical Mathematics
  • Probability Theory and


  • Master of Science, Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science (FMIPA) ,Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya . The Netherlands. Title of the thesis ” Eliminasi Parameter Pengganggu pada analisis Bayesian “. (August 2001).
  • Bachelor Degree in Mathematics, in Mathematics of Departement of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science Gajah Mada University (UGM), Agustus 1985

Publications (Recent Journals and Conferences)

  1. The Number of Flood Occurrence in Indonesia in 2015 Using Poisson Regression Model, Journal of Physics : Conference Series vol 1489, 2018
  2. The theft Criminality Fore-casting in the Surabaya District Police Region using Poisson GARMA Model and Negatif Binomial GARMA Model”, Journal of Physics : Conference Series vol 1490, 2019
  3. Poisson GSTAR model: spatial temporal modeling count data follow generalized linear model and count time series models, Journal of Physics : Conference Series vol 1490, 2019
  4. Model Binomial Negatif dan Poisson Inverse Gaussian dalam mengatasi overdispersi pada Regresi Poisson, Seminar pada Konferensi Nasional Matematika Ke-17 (KNM XVII), Juli 2014.
  5. An Overview Spatial Time Series Model for Count Data, International Conference on Aktuarial Science And Statistics (ICASS, 2nd), Desember 2016
  6. Iteratively Reweighted Least Square (IRLS) Algorithm in Parameter Estimation of Spatial Time Series Model for Poisson,
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