Joint events initiated by Department of Mathematics, Department of Statistics, Department of Business Management, and Department of Business Statistics of ITS with Directorate General of Budget Financing and Risk Management Ministry of Finance, were held on December 3rd 2018 in the form of MoU Signing and Guest Lecture. The MoU between ITS and Directorate General of Budget Financing and Risk Management Ministry of Finance are signed by the Rector of ITS Prof. Ir. Joni Hermana MscES. PhD. and Suharianto SE, Ak, MM, Head of Sub-Directorate Financial Analysis and Government Bond Market for Education, Research, and Community Services. The guest lecture with topic “My Investment for Indonesia through SBN Retail”, were delivered by Suharianto, SE, Ak, MM (Head of Sub-Directorate Financial Analysis and Government Bond Market) and Slamet Prayitno, SE, SST, Ak, MBA (Head of Section Transaction of SBSN II , Directorate of Islamic Financing ).
Pemerintah telah merilis jadwal resmi Seleksi Nasional Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru (SNPMB) untuk tahun 2025. SNPMB 2025 mencakup dua jalur
Keluarga Besar Departemen Matematika ITS mengucapkan selamat kepada tim manajemen periode 2025-2029 Departemen Matematika ITS atas pelantikannya. Semoga dengan
Jasminea, a student from the ITS Mathematics Department, has once again brought honor to her alma mater by securing