Webinar Workshop Data Science: Intelligent Continuous Sensor yang di sampaikan oleh Moh. Iqbal, M.Si pada tanggal 9 Mei 2020 telah berjalan dengan baik. Kegiatan ini di ikuti oleh 67 peserta baik dari ITS Maupun luar ITS, harapanya kegiatan ini dapat memberikan wawasan kepada peserta terkait data Science
Berikut ini adalah pokok-pokok bahasan yang di sampaikan dalam materi ini:
Abstract: In the era of Big data, the existence of data is abundant to many real-world applications but difficult to recognize the characterization. We want to build smart environment systems, i.e. smart houses, intelligent transports, and smart factories by analyzing the characteristic of each triggered sensor continuously. To do-so, we present an interaction between human and machine. More specifically, we efficiently annotate the triggered sensors and assist any model to learn from small number of labeled data as soon as possible
Jasminea, a student from the ITS Mathematics Department, has once again brought honor to her alma mater by securing
On December 15, 2024, the Mathematics Department held an internship seminar attended by students who had completed their internship
The Mathematics Department of FSAD-ITS successfully hosted the INDOMS East Java Regional Congress which was held solemnly. This congress had the