Kegiatan Workshop Hyperstructure: Theory and Applications yang disampaikan oleh Prof. Bijan Davvaz Yazd University, Iran, merupakan rangkaian dari program World Class Proffesor (WCP) Departemen Matematika FMKSD-ITS. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di ruang sidang I Departemen Matematika ITS pada tanggal 29 Agustus 2019 pukul 08.00 dihadiri oleh Dosen yang tergabung dalam INDOMS Jawa Timur, Dosen Departemen Matematika dan Mahasiswa ITS. Selain narasumber utama Prof. Bijan, acara ini juga mengundang pembicara Dr. Subiono dari ITS dan Joko Cahyono, M.Si dari STT Atlas Nusantara.
Jasminea, a student from the ITS Mathematics Department, has once again brought honor to her alma mater by securing
On December 15, 2024, the Mathematics Department held an internship seminar attended by students who had completed their internship
The Mathematics Department of FSAD-ITS successfully hosted the INDOMS East Java Regional Congress which was held solemnly. This congress had the