International Internship 2024
Dept. of Mathematics, ITS
June – September 2024
Dept. of Mathématiques – Informatique
CYTech, Cergy, France
Title: Deep Reinforcement Learning on Game Automation
Activity: This project aims to create a deep reinforcement learning model fpr game automation. We first analyze the state-of-the-art of deep reinforcement learning model to a particular game by finding their drawbacks. Next, we develop a new deep reinforcement learning model to cope with the finding drawbacks to boost the performances.
Ian-Alexis Minh Phuoc Hang
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) membuka kesempatan bagi calon mahasiswa untuk bergabung dalam Program Magister dan Doktor Matematika yang
Florida, 9 Maret 2025 Tim Barunastra Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) kembali mengukir prestasi membanggakan dengan kembali membawa pulang
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