
International Internship Dept. of Mathematic-Informatics, CYTech at Dept. of Mathematics, ITS, 2024

Rab, 04 Sep 2024
1:18 pm
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Oleh : Admin-Matematika   |

Four students from Dept. of Mathematics-Informatics, CYTech have been joined ”International Internship Program” at Dept. of Mathematics, ITS during June – September 2024. There are two groups to join in the two main projects. The first group with the members are Ian, Hang and Mickael, Fizaine focused on “Game Automation from Deep Q Learning”. The second group with the members are Zakaria, El-Ghoul, and Jalis, Ait-Ouakli focused on ”Carbon Price Prediction using Deep Learning”. They are supervised under PIC: Mohammad Iqbal, Ph.D., Co-PIC: Prof. Mohammad Isa Irawan, Dr. Imam Mukhlash, and Endah RMP, Ph.D. They already finished the project with excellent results.

They said “that joining the internship program can help them to know data science and artificial intelligence which useful for finished the Master program and pursuing future career”

International Internship International Internship International Internship


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