Pertukaran Pelajar

Student Exchange

Activity Name Program University Country
Lab Internship – Short Reseach
Exchange program
Choiriyah Sapta Agustina Internship Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL) MFI Campus Malaysia
Lab Internship – Short Reseach
Exchange program
Tri Wahyu Agus Setiorini Internship Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL) MFI Campus Malaysia
Study Excursion Januari 2020
Johanna Serena Alim Nuryadi Student Excursion Autodesk, NUS, Lasalle, etc Singapura
Asia University Online Summer
Adila Sekarratri Dwi Prayitno Short Program Asia University Online Summer Program Taiwan
Asia University Online Summer
Admiral Nelson Samuel
Adyatama Litik
Short Program Asia University Online Summer Program Taiwan
GPBL 2020 at SIT Adila Sekarratri Dwi Prayitno Short Program Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) Japan Jepang
GPBL 2020 at SIT Admiral Nelson Samuel A L Short Program Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) Japan Jepang
GPBL 2020 at SIT Aldi Eka Wahyu Widianto Short Program Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) Japan Jepang
GPBL 2020 at SIT Angela Nathania Short Program Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) Japan Jepang
GPBL 2020 at SIT Auliyah Safitri Soetam Putri Short Program Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) Japan Jepang
GPBL 2020 at SIT Aurel Dorothy Mado Short Program Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) Japan Jepang
GPBL 2020 at SIT Dea Kirana Short Program Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) Japan Jepang
GPBL 2020 at SIT Erlyne Nadhilah Widyaningrum Short Program Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) Japan Jepang
GPBL 2020 at SIT Fathimah Aulia Short Program Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) Japan Jepang
GPBL 2020 at SIT Imroatus Sholihah Short Program Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) Japan Jepang
GPBL 2020 at SIT Isnainatul Mayagrafinda Short Program Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) Japan Jepang
GPBL 2020 at SIT Julinar Short Program Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) Japan Jepang
GPBL 2020 at SIT M.Prima Teguh Aliffrianto Short Program Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) Japan Jepang
GPBL 2020 at SIT Mitha Aurellita Wulandari Short Program Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) Japan Jepang
GPBL 2020 at SIT Rina Gustiana Short Program Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) Japan Jepang
GPBL 2020 at SIT Thasya Rosa Chrysisosiarini S Short Program Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) Japan Jepang
GPBL 2020 at SIT Tsamarah Rana Nugraha Short Program Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) Japan Jepang
GPBL 2020 at SIT Ulfa Inas Sayekti Short Program Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) Japan Jepang
Activity Student Name University Country
Global Project Based Learning (GPBL) Fadhila Juvialika Shibaura Institute of Thechnology Jepang
Global Project Based Learning (GPBL) Ardilla Safitri Shibaura Institute of Thechnology Jepang
Global Project Based Learning (GPBL) Annisa Rahmienda Maha Shibaura Institute of Thechnology Jepang
Global Project Based Learning (GPBL) Adita Safitri Shibaura Institute of Thechnology Jepang
Global Project Based Learning (GPBL) Jinandya Mentari Nurrachelia Shibaura Institute of Thechnology Jepang
Global Project Based Learning (GPBL) Allif Alfiyan Shibaura Institute of Thechnology Jepang
Global Project Based Learning (GPBL) Mochamad Farhan Marga Kusuma Shibaura Institute of Thechnology Jepang
Global Project Based Learning (GPBL) Maslahatul Ummah Shibaura Institute of Thechnology Jepang
Global Project Based Learning (GPBL) Erlin Dhebora Shibaura Institute of Thechnology Jepang
Global Project Based Learning (GPBL) Meylawati marfuatin Shibaura Institute of Thechnology Jepang
Global Project Based Learning (GPBL) Angga Kurniawan Shibaura Institute of Thechnology Jepang
Global Project Based Learning (GPBL) Raisya Ayu Widiyanti Shibaura Institute of Thechnology Jepang
Global Project Based Learning (GPBL) Irfan Adli Shibaura Institute of Thechnology Jepang
Global Project Based Learning (GPBL) Farhan Hafizh Shibaura Institute of Thechnology Jepang
Global Project Based Learning (GPBL) Kirana Putri Suryo Condro Shibaura Institute of Thechnology Jepang
Student Excursion Meylawati marfu’atin National University Singapore, Nangyang Technologycal University Singapura
Student Excursion Sandy Editya Prakoso National University Singapore, Nangyang Technologycal University Singapura
Student Excursion Vivien Maulidya Thammasat University Thailand
Student Excursion Annisa Rahmienda Maha Thammasat University Thailand
Activity Student Name University Country
5th Batch of Pre-Service Student Teacher Exchange in Southeast Asia Danti Ardianti Soesanto Saint Louis University Philippina
International Conference On Asean Studies Ahmad Ulul Albab Universidad Autonoma de Madrid Spain
Advanced Exploration Angga Kurniawan Singapore
Advanced Exploration Yuda Hendriawan Budi Handoko Thailand
Advanced Exploration Asrul Noris Shobakh Singapore
Advanced Exploration ATHYAH DANNI SURYA GAMA Singapore
Advanced Exploration Evika Rachma Yuniasari Singapore
Advanced Exploration Wahyu Ardiansyah Singapore
Advanced Exploration Yusril Izza Friznaini Singapore
SE Goes to China Syahira Layali Universitas Dalian China
Activity Student Name University Country
Study Excursion ITS Goes Global 2017 Vira Diana Ulnazilla Singapura Singapore
Study Excursion ITS Goes Global 2017 Diah Agustin Singapura Singapore
Study Excursion ITS Goes Global 2017 Diana Indrawati Singapura Singapore
Study Excursion ITS Goes Global 2017 Titin Junik Ambarwati Singapura Singapore
Study Excursion ITS Goes Global 2017 Abirohman Wahid Singapura Singapore
Study Excursion ITS Goes Global 2017 Riko Wijayanto Singapura Singapore
Study Excursion ITS Goes Global 2017 Regita Pramesti Nur Cahyani Singapura Singapore
Study Excursion ITS Goes Global 2017 Alfiana Ririsati Dewi Singapura Singapore
Study Excursion ITS Goes Global 2017 Venansius Ryan Tjahjono Singapura Singapore
27th International Conference on Research in Science & Technology (ICRST) Amirul Hakam Asian Institut of Technology Thailand
27th International Conference on Research in Science & Technology (ICRST) Prismahardi Aji Riyantoko Asian Institut of Technology Thailand
Kumamoto University Short-Term Exchange Progra Danti Ardianti Soesanto Kumamoto Jepang
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