Registration Opening of Study Excursion 2019: ITS Goes Beyond
Hello ITS Students! We have a good news!
The most anticipated program in 2018 is back. Starting from today, the registration for Study Excursion 2019: ITS Goes Beyond is officially opened! We are going to Singapore! Don’t miss your chance. The deadline is 31st August 2018 at 19.00!
To register yourself for this program, please fill this form:
For further information, please visit this link:
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) kembali mencatatkan prestasi gemilang dengan meraih akreditasi Unggul untuk Program Doktoral S3 Matematika dan
Shibaura, Jepang – 10 Maret 2025 – Dua mahasiswa dari Departemen Matematika, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Muhammad Faishal
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