Publikasi Ilmiah

No Judul Penulis Penerbit Indexing
1 Modified Kalman filter-based model predictive control for ship heading control with probabilistic constraints Subchan, S., Maulana Syafii, A., Asfihani, T., Adzkiya, D. Systems Science and Control Engineering, 2021, 9(1), pp. 109–116
2 Mining non-redundant distinguishing subsequence for trip destination forecasting Mohammad Iqbal, Hsing-Kuo Pao Knowledge-Based Systems, 2021, 211, 106519
3 Shallow Water Models for Efficiently Visualizing Fluid Flow in Complex Topography Areas Sanjoyo, B.A., Purwitasari, D., Hariadi, M., Tsukasa, K., Purnomo, M.H. IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2021, 51(1), pp. 1–10
4 Removing non-smoothness in solving Black-Scholes equation using a perturbation method Endah RM Putri, Lutfi Mardianto, Amirul Hakam, Chairul Imron, Hadi Susanto Physics Letters A, 127367, North-Holland
5 Data-driven modeling and forecasting of COVID-19 outbreak for public policy making Agus Hasan, ERM Putri, Hadi Susanto, Nuning Nuraini ISA transactions, Elsevier
6 Finite Maturity American-Style Stock Loans with Regime-switching Volatility X Lu, ERM Putri The ANZIAM Journal
7 Epidemic Modeling of COVID-19 in the ASEAN countries using a Genetic Partial Fitting Algorithm with the Presence of a Second Wave VR Tjahjono, H Kurniawan, A Hakam, ERM Putri, H Susanto Journal of Applied Science and Engineering 24 (6), 901-914
8 The application of model predictive control on stock portfolio optimization with prediction based on Geometric Brownian Motion-Kalman Filter WH Syaifudin, ERM Putri Journal of Industrial & Management Optimization
9 Wong–Zakai Approximation for Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert Equation Driven by Geometric Rough Paths K Fahim, E Hausenblas, D Mukherjee Applied Mathematics & Optimization, 1-46
10 The extension of step- signatures K FAHIM Turkish Journal of Mathematics 45 (3), 1345-1367
11 SMT-based Reachability Analysis of High Dimensional Interval Max-Plus Linear Systems MS Mufid, D Adzkiya, A Abate IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
12 Identification of the Spread of the Influenza Virus Type A/H9N2 in Indonesia Using the Neighbor-Joining Algorithm with Felsenstein Models S Amiroch, MI Irawan, I Mukhlash, ANM Ansori, CA Nidom Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences 48 (5)
13 Ensemble Kalman Inversion for Determining Model Parameter of Self-potential Data in the Mineral Exploration E Apriliani, W Srigutomo Self-Potential Method: Theoretical Modeling and Applications in Geosciences 179-202
14 Model predictive control in optimizing stock portfolio based on stock prediction data using Holt-Winter’s exponential smoothing Agustina, C.S., Asfihani, T., Ginting, R.R., Subchan, S. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1821(1), 012030
15 Spreading dynamic of infectious disease in two interacting areas Kamiran,, Widodo, B., Hariyanto,, Asiyah, N., Hakam, A. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1821(1), 012028
16 The efficiency of Spatial Durbin Model (SDM) parameters estimation on advertisement tax revenue in Malang City Atikah, N., Widodo, B., Rahardjo, S., …Kholifia, N., Afifah, D.L. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1821(1), 012012
17 Magnetohydrodynamics fluid flow passing through a sliced magnetic sphere influenced by mixed convection Widodo, B. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1836(1), 012042
18 Fixed point theorems under Rhoades and Reich contractive conditions in complete cone metric spaces Sunarsini,, Apriliani, E., Yunus, M. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1821(1), 012003
19 Edge metric dimensions of neighbourhood corona graph containing dominant vertices Rosyidah, N.M., Rinurwati, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1821(1), 012017
20 The Domination number of 2-neighbourhood-corona graphs Darmaji,, Rinurwati,, Wahyudi, S. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1821(1), 012011
21 Metric and edge-metric dimensions of bobble-neighbourhood-corona graphs Rinurwati,, Nabila, R.E. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1836(1), 012010
22 Common closed neighbourhood prime labeling Rinurwati,, Alfiyani, A.S. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1836(1), 012009
23 Decentralized extended Kalman filter of multi-robot position Apriliani, E., Mardlijah,, Arif, D.K., Fadhilah, H.N. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1821(1), 012021
24 Comparison of Ensemble Kalman Filter, Unscented Kalman Filter, and Fractional Kalman Filter for estimating the concentration of CO and NO 2 Prakosa, S.E., Lestari, D.D., Dianawati, R., …Herisman, I., Akbar, M.S. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1821(1), 012052
25 Modelling and Verification of Cash Withdrawal Transaction in Automated Teller Machine Using Timed Automata Hendrawan, A.R., Adzkiya, D. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1821(1), 012031
26 Control design of motion of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) with Active Ballast using Sliding Mode Control Mardlijah,, Chandra, A., Adzkiya, D. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1821(1), 012056
27 Cat bond valuation using Monte Carlo and quasi Monte Carlo method Siyamah, I., Putri, E.R.M., Imron, C. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1821(1), 012053
28 Monte Carlo method to valuate CAT bonds of flood in Surabaya under Jump Diffusion Process Kurniawan, H., Putri, E.R.M., Imron, C., Prastyo, D.D. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1821(1), 012026
29 Study numerical scheme of finite difference for solution partial differential equation of parabolic type to heat conduction problem Hanafi, L., Mardlijah, M., Utomo, D.B., Amiruddin, A. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1821(1), 012032
30 Analysis of Technology Acceptance of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System in the Regional Office of PT. XYZ throughout Indonesia BF Billyan, M Isa Irawan Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1844(1), 012008
31 Sentiment analysis and topic modeling of BPJS Kesehatan based on twitter crawling data using Indonesian Sentiment Lexicon and Latent Dirichlet Allocation algorithm TD Dikiyanti, AM Rukmi, M Isa Irawan Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1821(1), 012054
32 A genetic algorithm for solving large scale global optimization problems ML Shahab, F Azizi, BA Sanjoyo, MI Irawan, N Hidayat, AM Rukmi Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1821(1), 012055
33 Discovering Unusual Periodically Human Activity Patterns through Fuzzy High Utility Rare Itemsets Mining Soma Ushio, Mohammad Iqbal, Imam Mukhlash Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1821(1), 012029
34 Extended use of error-free transformation for real matrix multiplication to complex matrix multiplication Nurul Yakim Kazal, Imam Mukhlash, Bandung Arry Sanjoyo, Nurul Hidayat, Katsuhisa Ozaki Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1821(1), 012022
35 Number plate recognition on vehicle using YOLO – Darknet Setiyono, B., Amini, D.A., Sulistyaningrum, D.R. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1821(1), 012049
36 Classification of Damaged Road Types Using Multiclass Support Vector Machine (SVM) Sulistyaningrum, D.R., Putri, S.A.M., Setiyono, B., Ahyudanari, E., Oranova, D. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1821(1), 012048
37 Measurement of Crack Damage Dimensions on Asphalt Road Using Gabor Filter Sulistyaningrum, D.R., Setiyono, B., Anita, J.N., Muheimin, M.R. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1752(1), 012086
38 Development of reuse module on stowage planning system using CBR for multiport route NLA Pramesti, I Mukhlash, S Nugroho Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1821(1), 012040
39 Estimation of Vehicle Speed at Night Based on Rear Lights Setiyono, B., Ratna, D., Ilmi, M.F., Usadha, I.G.N.R. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1752(1), 012087
40 Investigating the Impact of Website Quality on User Satisfaction in IDN Times News Website S Pratiwi, M Isa Irawan Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1842, 1
41 Root Cause Analysis of Fires in Coal Power Plants Using RFMEA Methods MJ Nugroho, E Bahartyan, R Raymond, B Hidayat, MI Irawan IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1096, 1
42 Sequences analysis and phylogenetic of leukemia DNA D Lusiyanti, N Nacong, MI Irawan Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1763,1
43 SMT-Based Model Checking of Max-Plus Linear Systems MS Mufid, A Micheli, A Abate, A Cimatti 32nd International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR 2021)
44 Unsteady magnetohydrodynamics nano fluid flows past a cut magnetic solid sphere when the mix convection included B Widodo Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1872 (1), 012032
45 Key Performance Indicators for Influencer Marketing on Instagram C Primasiwi, MI Irawan, R Ambarwati 2nd International Conference on Business and Management of Technology …
46 Pergerakan Aliran MHD Ag-AIR Melewati Bola Pejal Y Norasia, B Widodo, D Adzkiya Limits: Journal of Mathematics and Its Applications 18 (1), 15-21
47 Safety Verification of SEITR Epidemic Model on Recombination HIV and Hepatitis B Virus using Taylor Model A Asmudik, D Adzkiya, M Mardlijah, H Hariyanto IJCSAM (International Journal of Computing Science and Applied Mathematics …
49 Implementasi Education 4.0 dan Merdeka Belajar dalam Matematika di Perguruan Tinggi Basuki Widodo PRISMA, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Matematika
50 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF THE HIGH POTENTIAL INCIDENT IN ANDALS OIL OF INDONESIA Fermi Dwi Wicaksono, Udisubakti Ciptomulyono, Ketut Buda Artana, Mohammad Isa Irawan Jurnal Teknologi, 83,2
51 Boundary layer flow on permeable flat surface in Ag-Al2O3/Water hybrid nanofluid with viscous dissipation BWMZS M.K.A. Mohamed1, A. Hussanan, H.T. Alkasasbeh DATA ANALYTICS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS (DAAM) 2 (2021), 11-19
52 Prediksi Penyebaran Covid-19 di Indonesia dan Jawa Timur dengan Metode Extended Kalman Filter HN Fadhilah, E Apriliani, DK Arif Limits: Journal of Mathematics and Its Applications 18 (1), 1-13
No Judul Penulis Penerbit Indexing
1 A semi-analytic valuation of American options under a two-state regime-switching economy Xiaoping Lu, Endah RM Putri Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications Scopus
2 A Unified Approach to Consensus Control of Three-Link Manipulators Zhai, G., Nakamura, S., Mardlijah Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications, 97, pages3–15(2020), Springer Scopus Q1
3 A Cryptographic Algorithm using Wavelet Transforms over Max-Plus Algebra Subiono, Joko Cahyono, Dieky Adzkiya, Bijan Davvaz Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, Article in Press, Elsevier Scopus Q2
4 Calculus of meet plus hyperalgebra (tropical semihyperrings) Bijan Davvaz, S. Subiono, M. Al Tahan Communications in Algebra, Article in Press, Taylor and Francis Scopus Q2
5 Near Approximations in Rings Bijan Davvaz, Soleha, Dian Winda Setyawati, Rinurwati, Imam Mukhlash Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, Article in Press, Springer Scopus Q3
6 Pavement Distress Classification Using Deep Learning Method Based on Digital Image Dwi Ratna Sulistyaningrum, Daniel Oranova, Ravy Hayu Pramestya, Imam Mukhlash, Budi Setiyono, Ervina Ahyudanari 2nd International Symposium on Transportation Studies in Developing Countries (ISTSDC 2019), Atlantis Press Scopus
7 Pemodelan Dan Optimasi Multi-Tujuan Portofolio Saham Dengan Resiko Menggunakan Nadir Compromise Programming S Subchan, E Rahmawati Limits: Journal of Mathematics and Its Applications 16 (2), 105-116 Sinta 2
8 Performance Analysis of Linear Quadratic Regulator Method in Microalga Growth with Control of Light Intensity Mardlijah, Fadhillah, A., Hanafi, L. Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
9 Design and implementation of battery charging system on solar tracker based stand alone PV using fuzzy modified particle swarm optimization Imam Abadi, Chairul Imron, Mohammad Musa Bachrowi, Dwi Nur Fitriyanah AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering, 2018, 2 (1): 37-47 Google Scholar
10 Penerapan Random Forest untuk Mengukur Tingkat Keparahan Penyakit pada Daun Apel L Ratnawati, DR Sulistyaningrum Jurnal Sains dan Seni ITS 8 (2), A71-A77 Sinta 4
11 Implementasi Ensemble Kalman Filter pada Estimasi Gerak Proyektil di Bawah Pengaruh Faktor Temperatur dan Kecepatan Angin D Agustin, E Apriliani, H Nurhadi Jurnal Nasional Aplikasi Mekatronika, Otomasi dan Robot Industri (AMORI), Vol. 1 No.1 Google Scholar
12 Estimasi Gerak Proyektil dengan Metode Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) pada Inisial Kondisi Pesawat Udara Bergerak R Aprilia, E Apriliani, H Nurhadi Jurnal Nasional Aplikasi Mekatronika, Otomasi dan Robot Industri (AMORI), Vol. 1 No.1 Google Scholar
13 Implementation of Kalman filter algorithm on reduced models using Linear Matrix Inequality method and its application to measurement water level N Estuningsih, E Apriliani Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1490 (1), 012054 Scopus
14 Sliding mode control design for autonomous surface vehicle motion under the influence of environmental factor H Nurhadi, E Apriliani, T Herlambang, D Adzkiya International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 10 (5), 4789
15 Estimation of Air Pollutant Transportation Equation in Surabaya using Kalman Filter Method Didik Khusnul Arif, Helisyah Nur Fadhilah, Prima Aditya International Journal of Computing Science and Applied Mathematics Google Scholar
16 Unsteady magnetohydrodynamics mixed convection flow pass sliced magnetic sphere in nano fluid O Safitri, B Widodo, D Adzkiya, K Kamiran AIP Conference Proceedings Scopus
17 Missile Control Design for Moving Target using Model Predictive Control Tahiyatul Asfihani, Mirzaq Khoirul Mufidah, Subchan Subchan, Dieky Adzkiya Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
18 Linearization of two-state thruster models Dieky Adzkiya, Hendro Nurhadi, Teguh Herlambang Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
19 Classification and Counting of Moving Vehicle at Night with Similarity of Rear Lamp B Setiyono, RD Susanti, DR Sulistyaningrum, IGN Usadha Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
20 Rice disease classification based on leaf image using multilevel Support Vector Machine (SVM) Dwi Ratna Sulistyaningrum, Alima Rasyida, Budi Setiyono Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
21 Vehicle detection using histogram of oriented gradients and real adaboost DR Sulistyaningrum, T Ummah, B Setiyono, DB Utomo, BA Sanjoyo Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
22 Identification of flavonoid isolates of papaya (Carica papaya L.) seed and their activity as pancreatic lipase inhibitors Muntholib, Dwi Sulistyaningrum, Subandi, Siti Marfu’ah AIP Conference Proceedings Scopus
23 Detection and counting potholes using morphological method from road video M Muslim, DR Sulistyaningrum, B Setiyono AIP Conference Proceedings Scopus
24 Sum Nano-Zagreb Index of Some Graph Operations Rinurwati*, Muhammad Chalid and Fansury Journal Physics; Conference Series Scopus
25 The theft criminality forecasting in the surabaya district police region using poisson GARMA model and negative binomial GARMA model LP Wardhani, D Indrawati, N Wahyuningsih, H Kuswanto Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
26 Poisson GSTAR model: spatial temporal modeling count data follow generalized linear model and count time series models LP Wardhani, H Kuswanto Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
27 Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow Around Circular Cylinder and Three Passive Controls to Reduce Drag Coefficient at Re= 500 Chairul Imron, Amirul Hakam, Basuki Widodo, Tri Yogi Yuwono International Journal of Computing Science and Applied Mathematics Google Scholar
28 Unsteady magnetohydrodynamics of viscous fluid past a magnetic sliced sphere AS Nugraha, B Widodo, C Imron AIP Conference Proceedings Scopus
29 Unsteady magnetohydrodynamics of nano fluid over porous sliced magnetic sphere M Thahiruddin, B Widodo, C Imron AIP Conference Proceedings Scopus
31 Design and application of reuse stage algorithm of case-based reasoning method on container stowage planning A Pratama, Imam Mukhlash, S Nugroho Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1490 (1), 012014
32 Identification of topics in News Articles Using Algorithm of Porter Stemmer Enhancement and Likelihood Classifier Alvida M Rukmi, D Andriyani, Imam Mukhlas Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1490 (1), 012056
33 Sentiment analysis of customer response of telecommunication operator in Twitter using DCNN-SVM Algorithm IE Firdausi, Imam Mukhlash, ADS Gama, Nurul Hidayat Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1490 (1), 012071
34 Mining non-redundant distinguishing subsequence for trip destination forecasting M Iqbal, HK Pao Knowledge-Based Systems, 106519
35 XGBoost and Network Analysis for Prediction of Proteins Affecting Insulin based on Protein Protein Interactions MHZ Al Faroby, M Isa Irawan, NNT Puspaningsih Kinetik: Game Technology, Information System, Computer Network, Computing, Electronics, and Control
36 Image Pattern Verification Based On Seller’s Batik Solo Product Name Using SURF As A Texture Based Image Retrieval BR Lidiawaty, M Isa Irawan, RVH Ginardi 2020 International Electronics Symposium (IES), 674-679
37 The Rate of Seller Correctness in Naming Batik Solo Pattern: Studied in Indonesia Online Marketplace BR Lidiawaty, M Isa Irawan, RVH Ginardi JURNAL SOSIAL HUMANIORA (JSH), 80-93
38 Determinants of Behavior Intention and Use Behavior among Bukalapak’s Consumers O Giandi, M Isa Irawan, R Ambarwati IPTEK The Journal for Technology and Science 31 (2), 158-168
39 Comparison of stock price prediction using geometric Brownian motion and multilayer perceptron M Azizah, M Isa Irawan, Endah Rokhmati M Putri AIP Conference Proceedings 2242 (1), 030016
40 Opinion Analysis of Traveler Based on Tourism Site Review Utilize Sentiment Analysis Using Support Vector Machine Method SA Amira, M Isa Irawan IPTEK The Journal for Technology and Science 31 (2)
41 Implementation of social media mining for decision making in product planning based on topic modeling and sentiment analysis M Isa Irawan, R Wijayanto, M Luthfi Shahab, Nurul Hidayat, Alvida M Rukmi
42 Stable Algorithm Based On Lax-Friedrichs Scheme for Visual Simulation of Shallow Water Bandung A Sanjoyo, M Hariadi, MH Purnomo EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology 8 (1), 19-34
43 ARCH-COMP20 Category Report: Hybrid Systems with Piecewise Constant Dynamics and Bounded Model Checking L Bu, A Abate, Dieky Adzkiya, MS Mufid, R Ray, Y Wu, E Zaffanella EPiC Series in Computing 74, 1-15
44 Aliran Konveksi Campuran Magnetohidrodinamik yang Melewati Bola Bermagnet L Mardianto, Basuki Widodo, Dieky Adzkiya Limits: Journal of Mathematics and Its Applications 17 (1), 9-18
45 Symbolic Reachability Analysis of High Dimensional Max-Plus Linear Systems M Syifa’ul Mufid, Dieky Adzkiya, A Abate arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.04510
46 Trajectory Estimation of Autonomous Surface Vehicle Using Extended Kalman Filter T Herlambang, Dieky Adzkiya, H Nurhadi Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1538 (1), 012035
47 Prediksi Harga Saham Menggunakan Geometric Brownian Motion Termodifikasi Kalman Filter dengan Konstrain V Maulidya, Erna Apriliani, Eendah Rokhmati M Putri Indonesian Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 (1), 6-18
48 Kontrol Optimal pada Model Penyebaran Virus Influenza Tipe A H1N1 dengan Menggunakan Prinsip Minumum Pontryagin I Rahmadhania, Didik K Arif Limits: Journal of Mathematics and Its Applications 17 (1), 67-81
49 The Application of Robust Extended H∞ Filter and Consensus Control to The Multi-robot Motion Systems P Aditya, Erna Apriliani, Didik K Arif 2019 11th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE)
50 Design of Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Control Based One-Axis Solar Tracker on Battery Charging System I Abadi, TO Hardiana, Chairul Imron, DN Fitriyanah, Y Jani, K Abdullah E3S Web of Conferences 190, 00015
51 Performance Comparison of the Single Axis and Two-Axis Solar System using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System Controls Chairul Imron, I Abadi, IA Akbar, J Maknunah, YA Nor, AS Uyun E3S Web of Conferences 190, 00005
52 Fuzzy Logic Controller Application for an Active Two-Axis Solar Tracking System Chairul Imron, I Abadi, N Brillianti, MK Asy’ari, YA Nor, AS Uyun E3S Web of Conferences 190, 00004
53 Modelling and simulation of transportation system effectiveness to reduce traffic congestion: a system dynamics framework Erma Suryani, Rully A Hendrawan, Philip FE Adipraja, Arif Wibisono, Basuki Widodo, Rarasmaya Indraswari Transportation Planning and Technology 43 (7), 670-697
55 Computation of the Transient in Max-Plus Linear Systems via SMT-Solving Alessandro Abate, Alessandro Cimatti, Andrea Micheli, Muhammad Syifa’ul Mufid International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems
56 Comparison of American Binomial Options with Discrete and Continuous Dividend Dian Ayu Merdekawati, Yolanda Norasia, Charisma Juni Kumalasari, Endah Rokhmati Merdika Putri IJCSAM (International Journal of Computing Science and Applied Mathematics)
57 How many can you infect? Simple (and naive) methods of estimating the reproduction number H Susanto, VR Tjahjono, A Hasan, MF Kasim, N Nuraini, Endah Rokhmati M Putri, R Kusdiantara, H Kurniawan arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.15706
58 A new estimation method for COVID-19 time-varying reproduction number using active cases Agus Hasan, Hadi Susanto, R Kusdiantara, Endah Rokhmati M Putri, P Hadisoemarto, N Nuraini arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.03766
59 Rainfall forecasting with climate change detection and its pattern relationship to rice production Endah RM Putri, I Gusti Ayu Riska Astari, Nuri Wahyuningsih Journal of Physics: Conference Series
60 Modeling COVID-19 Transmissions and Evaluation of Large Scale Social Restriction in Jakarta, Indonesia Agus Hasan, Yuki Nasution, Hadi Susanto, Endah Putri, Venansius Tjahjono, Dilla Puspita, Kamal Sukandar, Nuning Nuraini, Widyastuti Widyastuti medRxiv
61 Conic relaxation approaches for equal deployment problems Sena Safarina, Satoko Moriguchi, Tim J Mullin, Makoto Yamashita Discrete Applied Mathematics
62 Analisis Kestabilan Model Matematika Penyebaran Penyakit Rabies pada Anjing dengan Kontrol Optimal Berupa Kontrasepsi Nirwana Fatria Kridayati, Kamiran Kamiran, Nur Asiyah Jurnal Sains dan Seni ITS
63 Analisis Kestabilan dan Kontrol Optimal Model Penyebaran Tuberkulosis (TB) dengan Terapi dan Vaksinasi Menggunakan Metode Runge Kutta Anita Puspitasari, Kamiran Kamiran, Nur Asiyah
64 Inventory models for short life cycle clothing products use a logistic growth model Valeriana Lukitosari, AP Subriadi Journal of Physics: Conference Series
65 A game-theoretic model of marketing strategy using consumer segmentation Valeriana Lukitosari, TF Simanjuntak, DB Utomo Journal of Physics: Conference Series
66 Stability and Bifurcation Analysis of Time Delayed Prey-Predator System with Holling Type-III Response Function Nur Aina Maziun, Subchan Subchan IJCSAM (International Journal of Computing Science and Applied Mathematics)
67 Optimal Control of Multi-Supplier Inventory Management with Lead Time Darsih Idayani, Subchan Subchan International Journal of Computing Science and Applied Mathematics
No Title Authors Published Indexing
1 Extracting Production Rules for Cerebrovascular Examination Dataset through Mining of Non-Anomalous Association Rules Chao Ou-Yang, Chandrawati Putri Wulandari, Mohammad Iqbal, Han-Cheng Wang, Chiehfeng Chen Applied Sciences, Vol 9 No. 22 Scopus Q1
2 Bounded Model Checking of Max-Plus Linear Systems via Predicate Abstractions Muhammad Syifa’ul Mufid, Dieky Adzkiya, Alessandro Abate Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences Scopus Q2
3 Reduction in ship fuel consumption and emission by sailing at slow speeds  A. P. Gusti, Semin, A. A. B. Dinariyana, M. I. Irawan, M. Furusho Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (JESTEC) Vol. 14 Issue 6, 2019 Scopus Q2
4 Student visual thinking schemes in understanding the concept of solving trigonometric equations Darmadi, Irawan, M.I., Mukhlash, I., Adzkiya, D., Sanusi International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, Vol. 8, Issu 12, 2019 Scopus Q4
5 Analysis of the Model Reduction Using Singular Perturbation Approximation on Unstable and Non-Minimal Discrete-Time Linear Systems and Its Applications  D.K. Arif, Fatmawati, D. Adzkiya, Mardlijah, H.N. Fadhilah and P. Aditya Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory Scopus Q3
6 Modelling of Crystal Growth in Peat Soil Stabilized With Mixing of Lime CACO3 and Fly Ash Faisal Estu Yulianto, Basuki Widodo International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, Vol 10, Issue 3 Scopus Q3
7 Mathematical model of the drag coefficient using three passive controls on a circular cylinder C Imron, L Mardianto, B Widodo, T Yuwono Applied Sciences, Vol 21 pp. 136-145 Scopus Q1
8 Mining Fuzzy Time Intervals of Fuzzy Stock Price Co-Movements Patterns Imam Mukhlash, Mohammad Iqbal, Maya N. Wulandari, Andi A. Arafah ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications, Vol. 10, No. 10 Scopus Q4
9 Inventory strategy for spare parts redundancy to support server operations during production processes Valeriana Lukitosari, Suparno, I Nyoman Pujawan dan Basuki Widodo Production & Manufacturing Research Scopus Q2
10 A Unified Approach to Consensus Control of Three-Link Manipulators Guisheng Zhai, Nakamura, Mardlijah Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems Scopus Q1
11 Modified T2FSMC approach for solar panel systems Mardlijah, Dieky Adzkiya, Lutfi Mardiyanto, Muhammad Ikhwan Systems Science & Control Engineering Scopus Q2
12 Mathematical Model of C d for Circular Cylinder Using Two Passive Controls at Re = 5000 Chairul Imron , C.J. Kumalasari, Basuki Widodo and T.Y. Yuwono Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory Scopus Q3
13 Web-based implementation of risk analysis of paddy production with ENSO indicators Nisa Miftachurochmah, Imam Mukhlash, Sutikno Journal of Machine Learning and Computing Scopus Q4
14 Numerical solution on MHD stagnation point flow in ferrofluid with newtonian heating and thermal radiation effect Yasin, S.H.M. , Anuar Mohamed, M.K., Ismail, M.Z., Basuki Widodo CFD Letters Scopus Q4
15 Optimal Control of Lipid Extraction Model on Microalgae Using Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) and Pontryagin Maximum Principle (PMP) Methods Mardlijah, Nur Ilmayasinta , Lukman Hanafi, Suharmadi Sanjaya Matematika Thomson Reuters
16 An Analytic Valuation of a Deposit Insurance Endah Rokhmati Merdika Putri, Venansius R Tjahjono , Daryono B Utomo Matematika Thomson Reuters
17 A Simple Genetic Algorithm for Optimizing Multiple Sequence Alignment on the Spread of the SARS Epidemic Siti Amiroch, M Isa Irawan, Imam Mukhlash Open Bioinformatics Journal Scopus Q1
18 Implementation Euler implicit scheme of unsteady magnetohydrodinamic micropolar fluid pass a sphere affected by mixed convection Basuki Widodo, Fauziyah, M. , Dieky Adzkiya Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
19 Numerical investigation on magnetohydrodynamics mixed convection flow past a magnetic sphere Mardianto, L., Dieky Adzkiya Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
20 Unsteady nano fluid flow through magnetic porous sphere under the influence of mixed convection Basuki Widodo., Abu M, Chairul Imron Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
21 Magnetohydrodynamics with Forced Convection in Micropolar Fluid Flows Pass a Magnetic Porous Sphere Basuki Widodo., Oktavia, P.R, Nur Asiyah Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
22 Maximum Likelihood Method on The Construction of Phylogenetic Tree for Identification the Spreading of SARS Epidemic Siti Amiroch, M Isa Irawan, Imam Mukhlash 2018 International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Informatics (SAIN), Scopus
23 Designing Consensus Algorithms for Three-Link Manipulators Guisheng Zhai, S. Nakamura, Mardlijah Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
24 Altitude Control Design of LSU-05 Aircraft Using Abstraction Method Muhammad Afif Nasrul Anam , Dieky Adzkiya , Tahiyatul Asfihani Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
25 Numerical simulation of tsunami propagation with Finite Difference Method and 4th Runge Kutta  Order Method (study case : south coast of Java island) Firdaus Priyatno Putra, Shaffiani Nurul Fajar, Prima Aditya , Erna Apriliani, Sadjidon, and Didik Khusnul Arif Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
26 The commutative ring for prime near-rings by involving derivation Mochammad Reza Habibi , Dian Winda Setyawati, Komar Baihaqi Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
27 Application of Needleman-Wunch Algorithm to identify mutation in DNA sequences of Corona virus Mohammad Isa Irawan , Imam Mukhlash , Abduh Rizky and Alfiana Ririsati Dewi Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
28 On Some closed operations in threshold graphs Soleha , Sie Evan Setiawan and Amelia Margaretha , Dieky Adzkiya Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
29 Sequences and its properties on type-metric space Sunarsini , Mahmud Yunus , A Dimaz Wisnu and Sadjidon Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
30 Stability and persistence analysis on the epidemic model multiregion multi-patches Chairul Imron , Hariyanto, Mahmud Yunus, Sentot D. Surjanto, and Nihaya A. C. Dewi Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
31 New heuristic algorithm for traveling salesman problem M. Luthfi Shahab Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
32 The application of statistic image analysis for classification of breast cancer based on mammograms Dwi Ratna Sulistyaningrum , Budi Setiyono , Daryono B Utomo and Bandung A Sanjoyo Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
33 Optimal control for extraction lipid model of microalgae Chlorella Vulgaris using PMP method Mardlijah , Nur Ilmayasinta, Elmir Arif Irhami Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
34 An epidemic cholera model with control treatment and intervention Subchan , Irma Fitria, Ahmad M Syafi’i Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
35 Software development to predict the level of paddy production using Gaussian Copula Marginal Regression Gandes Goldestan , Sutikno, Budi Setiyono, Imam Mukhlash Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
36 Modeling The Number of Flood Occurrence in Indonesia in 2015 Using Poisson Regression Model Okky Savitri Febiyani , Laksmi Prita Wardhani, Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
37 Development of trigonometric visualization concepts to increase the study motivations of SMK students Mohammad Isa Irawan  , Imam Mukhlash, Dieky Adzkiya, Darmadi and Sanusi Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
38 Model reduction analysis using Hankel Norm Approximation on discrete-time linear system with the special shape of matrix A Didik Khusnul Arif , Dieky Adzkiya, Mohammad Khoirul Roziq, Prima Aditya and Helisyah Nur Fadhilah Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
39 A numerical method for valuation of european option with regime-switching volatility and interest rate Endah RM Putri, Chairul Imron , Mey Lista Tauryawati Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
40 Reduction of Cd in circular cylinder using three passive control at Re=500 Chairul Imron  , K Charisma Juni, Basuki Widodo and Triyogi Yuwono Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
41 Role of clustering based on density to detect patterns of stock trading deviation Alvida Mustika Rukmi , Soetrisno , Abirohman Wahid Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
42 Mathematical model’s parameters identification in a prototype of solar panel’s motor Mardlijah , Sega Bagus Prandita , Noorman Rinanto Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
43 Comparison between PID controller and fuzzy sliding mode control (FSMC) on super heater system Mardlijah, Abdul Mahatir Najar , Didik Khusnul Arif Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
44 MHD fluid flow with the effect of mixed convection passing on a magnetic sphere in newtonian nano fluid Basuki Widodo , Yolanda Norasia, Dieky Adzkiya Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
45 Comparison of LQG and Adaptive PID Controller for USV Heading Control Tahiyatul Asfihani , Didik Khusnul Arif, Subchan, Firdaus Priyatno Putra and Moch. Ardi Firmansyah Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
46 Modelling of Short Rate (β 2) Parameter Diebold-Li Model Using Vasicek Stochastic Differential Equations Meylita Sari , Endah R.M. Putri  , Nuri Wahyuningsih Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
47 Minimizing cost and backorder risk through customer priority on spares inventory Valeriana Lukitosari , A P Subriadi , I Siyamah Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
48 Fixed Point Theorem On Fuzzy Metric Space Lukman Zicky , Sunarsini , I Gusti Ngurah Rai Usadha Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
49 A Genetic Algorithm with Best Combination Operator for the Traveling Salesman Problem Muhammad Luthfi Shahab, Titin J Ambarwati, Soetrisno Soetrisno, Mohammad Isa Irawan International Journal of Computing Science and Applied Mathematics Sinta2, Google Scholar
50 Application of Daubechies Wavelet Transformation for Noise Rain Reduction on the Video Siti Khotijah, Dwiratna Sulistyaningrum, International Journal of Computing Science and Applied Mathematics Scholar, Sinta
51 Comparison of Numerical Methods on Pricing of European Put Options Lutfi Mardianto,  Aditya Putra Pratama, Annisa Rahmita Soemarsono, Amirul Hakam, Endah Rokhmati Merdika Putri International Journal of Computing Science and Applied Mathematics Scholar, Sinta
53 MULTI VEHICLE SPEED DETECTION USING EUCLIDEAN DISTANCE BASED ON VIDEO PROCESSING Budi Setiyono, Dwi Ratna Sulistyaningrum, Soetrisno Soetrisno, Danang Wahyu Wicaksono International Journal of Computing Scopus Q2
54 Wind disturbance elimination on dual axis solar tracker using fuzzy logic control S Rizal, Mardlijah The 3rd International Conference on Natural and Environmental Sciences 2019 Scopus
55 Bat Algorithm for Solving Molecular Docking of Alkaloid Compound SA2014 Towards Cyclin D1 Protein in Cancer Fedric Fernando, Mohaammad Isa Irawan, Arif Fadlan Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1366, Scopus
56 Calibrating weather forecasting in Indonesia: The geostatistical output perturbation method  Sutikno, Purhadi, Imam Mukhlash Malaysian Journal of Science, 38, tahun 2019 Scopus
57 Determination of Location and Numbers of Monorail Stops in Surabaya with Max Covering Problem Model Andika A, Mardlijah EPIC Scopus
58 Disturbance compensating model predictive control for warship heading control in missile firing mission Tahiyatul Asfihani, Dieky Adzkiya, Subchan Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
59 Estimation of solar radiation per month on horizontal surface using adaptive neurofuzzy inference system (case study in Surabaya) Jauharotul Maknunah, Imam Abadi,Chairul Imron EPIC Scopus
60 Forecasting of Vannamei Shrimp Production based on Weather factors Using RBFNN approach  M Ulul Albab, Mohammad Isa Irawan, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1373 Scopus
61 Gold Return Volatility Modeling Using Garch Primadina Hasanah, Siti Q. Nasir, Subchan Indonesian Journal of Mathematics Education, 2, 1 Q2
62 Identification of Potential Landslide Disaster in East Java Using Neural Network Model (Case Study: District of Ponogoro) Alvina  Khairun Nisa, Mohammad Isa Irawan, danar Guruh Pratomo Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1366 Scopus
63 implementation of Kalman Filter Algorithm on Reduced Models with LMI method and Its Application to Heat Conduction Problem Nenik Estuningsih, Fatmawati, Erna Apriliani International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), 10, 4 Scopus Q3
64 In Silico Analysis Using Hybrid Support Vector Machine and Second Order of Markov Chain for Multiple Sequence Alignment to Identify the Types of Leukaemia Mohammad Isa Irawan, Mohammad Hamim Zajuli Al Faroby, Awik Puji Dyah Nurhayat Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1366 Scopus
65 Kalman Filter Estimation of Identifed Reduced Model Using Balanced Truncation: a Case Study of the Bengawan Solo River Didik K. Arif, Dieky Adzkiya, Helisya N. Fadhila Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory, 19, 4 Scopus Q3
66 MHD Flow and Heat Transfer of Ferrofluid on Stagnation Point along Flat Plate with Convective Boundary Conditiion and Thermal Radiation Effect SHM Yasin, MKA Mohamad, Basuki Widodo Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1366 Scopus
67 MHD Newtonian and non-Newtonian Nano Fluid Flow Passing on a Magnetic Sphere with Mixed Convection Effect  Basuki Widodo, Yolanda Norasia, Dieky Adzkiya Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1218 Scopus
68 Model reduction analysis using Hankel Norm Approximation on discrete-time linear system with the special shape of matrix A Didik Khusnul Arif, Dieky Adzkiya, Mohammad Khoirul Roziq, Prima Aditya and Helisyah Nur Fadhilah Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1218 Scopus
69 Modeling of Cristal Growth in Peat Soil Stabilized with Mixing of Lime CACO3 and Fly Ash FE Yulianto, Basuki Widodo International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 10, 3 Scopus
70 Molecular Docking of Alkaloid Compound SA2014 towards Cyclin D1 Protein in Cancer using Firefly Algorithm Zulfa Afiq Fikriya, Mohammad Isa Irawan, Awik Puji Dyah Nurhayat Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1366 Scopus
71 Optimal Control Of Dynamic IS-LM Bussiness Cycle Model With Two Time Delay Airin Nur Hidayati, Erna Apriliani, I Gst Ngr Rai Usadha Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1373 Scopus
72 Position estimation of Touristant ASV using ensemble Kalman filter Hendro Nurhadi, Teguh Herlambang, Dieky Adzkiya AIP Conference Proceedings 2187, 060006 (2019); Scopus
73 Smart solar tracking system based on fuzzy-Pi controller for maximizing the power of PV Imam Abadi, Chairul Imron, Nadia Fasa EPIC Scopus
74 Stability Analysis on the Spread of the Ebola Virus Considering Changes in Human Behavior and Climate (Case Study: Democratic Republic of the Congo) S. Sitti Rosnafian, Mardlijah, Hariyanto Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1373 Scopus
75 The application of model predictive control on stock portfolio optimization without loan Wawan Hafid Syaifudin, Endah RM Putri AIP Conference Proceedings, 2192 Scopus
76 The role of Clustering based on  density to detect  pattern of stock trading deviation Alvida Mustikarukmi, Soetrisno, Abirochman Wahid Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1218 Scopus
77 The Valuation of Deposit Insurance with Risk Using Fourier Transform Nur Afnia, Mahmud Yunus, Endah RM Putri Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1373 Scopus
78 Valuation risk adjusted deposit insurance on heston model N. Hariati, M. Yunus, Endah RM Putri Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1397 Scopus
No Judul Penulis Penerbit Indexing
1 Snakes and ghosts in a parity-time-symmetric chain of dimers H Susanto, R Kusdiantara, N Li, OB Kirikchi, D Adzkiya, ERM Putri, T Asfihani Physical Review E, Vol 97, No.6, June 2018 Scopus, Q1
2 Pricing decisions for short life-cycle product in a closed-loop supply chain with random yield and random demands Shu-San Gan, I Nyoman Pujawan, Basuki Widodo Operations Research Perspectives, Vol. 5, pp. 174-190 Scopus, Q1
3 Transcription profile data of phorbol esters biosynthetic genes during developmental stages in Jatropha curcas Nurul Jadid, Rizal Kharisma Mardika, Kristanti Indah Purwani, Erlyta Vivi Permatasari, Indah Prasetyowati, Mohammad Isa Irawan Data in Brief, Vol. 18, Springer Scopus, Q1
4 Mining Fuzzy Time Interval Periodic Patterns in Smart Home Data Sensor Imam Mukhlash, Desna Yuanda, Mohammad Iqbal International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 5, 2018 Scopus, Q2
5 Generalized public transportation scheduling using max-plus algebra Subiono, Kistosil Fahim, Dieky Adzkiya Kybernetika, Vol 54, Issue 2 Scopus, Q2
6 Abstracted Models for Scheduling of Event-Triggered Control Data Traffic M Mazo Jr, A Sharifi-Kolarijani, D Adzkiya, C Hop LCNS: Control Subject to Computational and Communication Constraints, pp. 197-217 Scopus Q2
7 Tropical Abstractions of Max-Plus Linear Systems M. Syifaul Mufid, Dieky Adzkiya, Alessandro Abate   D. N. Jansen and P. Prabhakar (Eds.): FORMATS 2018, LNCS 11022, pp. 271–287, 2018.
Scopus Q2
8 Type 2 Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control (T2FSMC) with Firefly Algorithm Optimization on Solar Panel Mardlijah, Zainullah Zuhri TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control), Vol. 16 No. 6 Scopus Q3
9 Unsteady natural convection of sodium alginate viscoplastic casson based based nanofluid flow over a vertical plate with leading edge accretion/ablation Hussanan, A., Aman, S., Ismail, Z., Salleh, M.Z., Widodo, B. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences Scopus Q4
10 Opinion Mining on Book Review Using Convolutional Neural Network Algorithm — Long Short Term Memory Imam Mukhlash, Anshar Zamrudillah Arham, Fakhrur Rozi, Masaomi Kimura, Dieky Adzkiya International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing (IJMLC), Vol 8 No 5 Scopus Q4
11 Business Process Improvement of Production Systems Using Coloured Petri Nets Imam Mukhlash, Widya Nilam Rumana, Dieky Adzkiya, Riyanarto Sarno Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2018, pp. 102-112 Scopus Q4
12 Improvement of sub region matching illumination transfer in hybrid shadow removal method for moving vehicle video Budi Setiyono, Dwi Ratna Sulistyaningrum, Soetrisno, Hasanuddin Al Habib International Journal of Engineering and Technology,  Vol 7 No 4 Scopus Q4
13 Mathematical Modeling of Drag Coefficient Reduction in Circular Cylinder Using Two Passive Controls at Re= 1000 Chairul Imron, Lutfi Mardianto, Basuki Widodo, Tri Yogi Yuwono Mathematical and Computational Applications, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2018
14 Max Plus Algebra and Petri Net Application on Scheduling of Ship Engine Component’s Spare Part Ordering F Azizah, S Subiono International Journal of Computing Science and Applied Mathematics Vol.  4 No. 1, 2018, pp. 1-9
16 OPTIMAL CONTROL OF NEUTRAL LIPIDS IN MICROALGAE PRODUCTION WITH NUTRIENT LIMITATION Prismahardi Aji Riyantoko, Mardlijah, Suharmadi Sanjaya, Lukman Hanafi MATTER: International Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 4 No. 1, Maret 2018
17 Reduction of Cd in circular cylinder using two passive control at Re = 1000 and 5000 Chairul Imron1, Basuki Widodo1 and Tri Yogi Yuwono2 Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol 974, 2018 Scopus
18 Opinion mining on book review using CNN-L2-SVM algorithm M F Rozi1, I Mukhlash1, Soetrisno1 and M Kimura2 Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol 974, 2019 Scopus
19 Quaternion wavelet transform for image denoising Ahmad Khairul Umam and Mahmud Yunus Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol 974, 2020 Scopus
20 Numerical investigation of the flow around circular cylinder with two passive controls Amirul Hakam1, Basuki Widodo1, Tri Yogi Yuwono2 and Chairul Imron1 Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol 974, 2021 Scopus
21 Implementation of Kalman filter algorithm on models reduced using singular pertubation approximation method and its application to measurement of water level Vimala Rachmawati, Didik Khusnul Arif and Dieky Adzkiya Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol 974, 2022 Scopus
22 Finite Volume Method for Pricing European Call Option with Regime-switching Volatility Mey Lista Tauryawati, Chairul Imron and Endah RM Putri Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol 974, 2023 Scopus
23 Rainfall estimation with TFR model using Ensemble Kalman filter Nabila Asyiqotur Rohmah and Erna Apriliani Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol 974, 2024 Scopus
24 Comparison between GSTAR and GSTAR-Kalman Filter models on inflation rate forecasting in East Java Jessica Rahma Prillantika1, Erna Apriliani2 and Nuri Wahyuningsih3 Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol 974, 2025 Scopus
25 Construction of mathematical models the parachute jumper with change position acrobatic Asmianto, Hariyanto and Iis Herisman Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol 974, 2026 Scopus
26 Binomial tree method for pricing a regime-switching volatility stock loans Endah R.M. Putri, Muhammad S Zamani and Daryono B Utomo Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol 974, 2027 Scopus
27 Stock price prediction using geometric Brownian motion W Farida Agustini, Ika Restu Affianti and Endah RM Putri Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol 974, 2028 Scopus
28 Optimal control of predator-prey mathematical model with infection and harvesting on prey R. U. Diva Amalia1, Fatmawati1, Windarto1 and Didik Khusnul Arif2 Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol 974, 2029 Scopus
29 Convergence of sequences in ℓ 2(P) with respect to a partial metric Annisa Rahmita Soemarsono and Mahmud Yunus Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol 974, 2030 Scopus
30 Tracking and people counting using Particle Filter Method D R Sulistyaningrum1, B Setiyono2 and M S Rizky3 Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol 974, 2031 Scopus
31 Study of parameters of the nearest neighbour shared algorithm on clustering documents Alvida Mustika Rukmi, Daryono Budi Utomo and Neni Imro’atus Sholikhah Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol 974, 2032 Scopus
32 Elementary properties of triangle in normed spaces Deri Triana1 and Mahmud Yunus1 Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol 974, 2033 Scopus
33 Simulations of linear and Hamming codes using SageMath Tahta D. Timur1, Dieky Adzkiya2 and Soleha3 Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol 974, 2034 Scopus
34 Steering Angle Control of Car for Dubins Path-tracking Using Model Predictive Control Dian Kusuma Rahma Putri, Subchan and Tahiyatul Asfihani Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol 974, 2035 Scopus
35 Local adjacency metric dimension of sun graph and stacked book graph Alifiah Yulisda Badri1 and Darmaji2 Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol 974, 2036 Scopus
36 The partition dimension of cycle books graph Jaya Santoso1 and Darmaji2 Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol 974, 2037 Scopus
37 Estimation of three-dimensional radar tracking using modified extended kalman filter Prima Aditya, Erna Apriliani, Didik Khusnul Arif and Komar Baihaqi Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol 974, 2038 Scopus
38 The stability analysis of the nutrition restricted dynamic model of the microalgae biomass growth R Ratianingsih, Fitriani, N Nacong, Resnawati, Mardlijah, B Widodo AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol 1937, pp. 20015 Scopus
39 Optimal control of nutrition restricted dynamics model of Microalgae biomass growth model Ratianingsih, R., Azim, Nacong, N., (…), Mardlijah, Widodo, B. Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
40 Performance of some numerical Laplace inversion methods on American put option formula I Octaviano, AR Yuniar, L Anisa, SD Surjanto, ERM Putri Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 983, 2018 Scopus
41 Sequence analysis of Leukemia DNA N Nacong, D Lusiyanti, MI Irawan AIP Conference Proceedings 1937 (1), 020010 Scopus
42 Model predictive parking control on four wheel vehicle with optimum parking space Ikhwan, M., Mardlijah, Arif, D.K. Proceedings – 2017 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics: Advancing Knowledge, Research, and Technology for Humanity, ICELTICs 2017 Scopus
43 Determination of location and numbers of tram stops in Surabaya with model set covering problem Mardlijah; andika Ardiyansah ICAMIMIA 2017 Scopus
44 PID controller design for SSV BRP TARLAC (LD-601) ship heading using Ziegler Nichols tuning method Didik KA; Dieky A; M Ardi F ICAMIMIA 2017 Scopus
45 An efficient transformation from max-plus-linear systems to piecewise affine systems Dieky A; Alesandro Abate ICAMIMIA 2017 Scopus
46 Model predictive control on dual axis solar tracker using Matlab/Simulink simulation Muhammad Ikhwan; Mardlijah ; Chairul Imron ICOIACT 2018 Scopus
47 Model predictive parking control on four wheel vehicle with optimum parking space Muhammad Ikhwan; Mardlijah ; Didik KA ICAMIMIA 2017 Scopus
48 Estimation Time Improvement of Heat Conduction Systems Using Balanced Truncation Method Didik Khusnul Arif ; Dieky Adzkiya ; Mardlijah; Fatmawati; Tahiyatul Asfihani ; Chairul Imron ; Fella Diandra Chrisandy 2018 3rd International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems (ICCCS); IEEE Scopus
49 Moving Vehicle Classification Using Pixel Quantity Based on Gaussian Mixture Models Bayu Charisma Putra ; Budi Setiyono ; Dwi Ratna Sulistyaningrum ; Soetrisno; Imam Mukhlash 2018 3rd International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems (ICCCS); IEEE Scopus
50 Individual Recognition Using Histogram of Oriented Gradients Nurul Hidayat, Aris Tjahyanto, Xenny Zarvina Loviano, Mahmud Yunus and Dieky Adzkiya Proceedings of International Conference on Information Technology, Engineering, Science & its Applications, 2018 Scopus
51 Individual Recognition System Through Face Identification Using Hidden Markov Model Aris Tjahyanto, Nurul Hidayat, Muhammad Luthfi Shahab, Dieky Adzkiya and Alvina Khairun Nisa Proceedings of International Conference on Information Technology, Engineering, Science & its Applications, 2018 Scopus
No Nama Judul Jurnal
1 Fahim, K.,Subiono,van der Woude, J. On a generalization of power algorithms over max-plus algebra Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applications Scopus Q1
2 Ngatini,Apriliani, E.,Nurhadi, H. Ensemble and Fuzzy Kalman Filter for position estimation of an autonomous underwater vehicle based on dynamical system of AUV motion Expert Systems with Applications Scopus Q1
3 Gan, S.-S.,Pujawan, I.N.,Suparno,Widodo, B. Pricing decision for new and remanufactured product in a closed-loop supply chain with separate sales-channel International Journal of Production Economics Scopus Q1
4 Fahim, K.,Yunus, M. Max-plus algebra-based wavelet transforms and their applications in compressed image International Journal of Tomography and Simulation Scopus Q2
5 Rohedi, A.Y.,Widodo, B.,Yahya, E.,Pramono, Y.H. The new hilberg’s iteration schemes of elliptic integral function for designing all of microstrip antenna based on CPW structure International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology Scopus Q4
6 Didik Khusnul Arif, Dieky Adzkiya, Iffah Nuril Khasanah Model Reduction of Non-minimal Discrete-Time Linear-Time-Invariant Systems Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences Scopus Q4
8 M Isa Irawan, Fedric Fernando, Imam Mukhlash Optimization of PID Controller Using Genetic Algorithm for Missile’s Automatic Steering System JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL AND APPLIED INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Scopus Q3
9 Rizky Faundra, M.,Sulistyaningrum, D.R. Iris Segmentation and Normalization Algorithm Based on Zigzag Collarette Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus Q3
10 Mustaqim, K.,Arif, D.K.,Apriliani, E.,Adzkiya, D. Model reduction of unstable systems using balanced truncation method and its application to shallow water equations Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus Q3
11 Lesnussa, T.P.,Arif, D.K.,Adzkiya, D.,Apriliani, E. Identification and estimation of state variables on reduced model using balanced truncation method Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus Q3
12 Suastika, K.G.,Yuwana, L.,Hakim, L.,Darmaji,Khusnul, D. Characterization of Central Kalimantan’s Amethysts by Using X-Ray Diffraction Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus Q3
13 Alfarisi, R.,Darmaji,Dafik On the star partition dimension of comb product of cycle and complete graph Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus Q3
14 Risa Fitria, Didik Khusnul Arif State Variable Estimation of Nonisothermal Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Using Fuzzy Kalman Filter International Journal of Computing Science and Applied Mathematics GS, IPI, Crossreff
15 Danang Wahyu Wicaksono, Budi Setiyono Speed Estimation On Moving Vehicle Based On Digital Image Processing International Journal of Computing Science and Applied Mathematics GS, IPI, Crossreff
16 Muhammad Luthfi Shahab, Mohammad Isa Irawan Sequence Alignment Using Nature-Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithms International Journal of Computing Science and Applied Mathematics GS, IPI, Crossreff
17 Muhammadun Muhammadun, Dieky Adzkiya, Imam Mukhlash Object Oriented Design of Software Tool for Finite Abstractions of Max-Plus-Linear Systems using Unified Modeling Language International Journal of Computing Science and Applied Mathematics GS, IPI, Crossreff
18 Suhud Wahyudi, Farida Agustini Widjajati, Dea Oktavianti Optimizing Forest Sampling by using Lagrange Multipliers International Journal of Computing Science and Applied Mathematics GS, IPI, Crossreff
19 Nastitie Nastitie, Didik Khusnul Arif Analysis and Optimal Control in the Cancer Treatment Model with Combining Radio and Anti-angiogenic Therapy International Journal of Computing Science and Applied Mathematics GS, IPI, Crossreff
20 Endah Rokhmati Merdika Putri, Sentot Didik Surjanto Performance of Gahver-Stehfest Numerical Laplace Inversion Method on Option Pricing Formulas International Journal of Computing Science and Applied Mathematics GS, IPI, Crossreff
21 Mardlijah, Ahmad Jamil, Lukman Hanafi and Suharmadi Sanjaya Optimal control of algae growth by controlling CO 2 and nutrition flow using Pontryagin Maximum Principle Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus Q3
22 Chairul Imron, Basuki Widodo and Tri Yogi Yuwono The effectiveness of passive control to reduce the drag coefficient Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus Q3
23 Basuki Widodo, Tri Yogi Yuwono and Chairul Imron The Influence of distance between passive control and circular cylinder on wake Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus Q3
24 Heri Purnawan, Mardlijah and Eko Budi Purwanto Design of linear quadratic regulator (LQR) control system for flight stability of LSU-05 Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus Q3
25 Erna Apriliani, Lukman Hanafi and Chairul Imron Data Assimilation to Estimate the Water Level of River Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus Q3
26 S Amiroch, M S Pradana, M I Irawan and I Mukhlash Multiple alignment analysis on phylogenetic tree of the spread of SARS epidemic using distance method Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus Q3
27 Imam Mukhlash, Ratna Maulidiyah, Sutikno and Budi Setiyono Web-based decision support system to predict risk level of long term rice production Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus Q3
28 Budi Setiyono, Dwi Ratna Sulistyaningrum, Soetrisno, Farah Fajriyah and Danang Wahyu Wicaksono Vehicle speed detection based on gaussian mixture model using sequential of images Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus Q3
29 Sari, Y.I., Arif, D.K., Apriliani, E., Adzkiya, D. A study on model order reduction of stable discrete-time linear-time-invariant systems using balanced truncation methods AIP Conference Proceedings Scopus
30 Kartika, D.A., Arif, D.K., Apriliani, E., Adzkiya, D. A study on model order reduction of stable continuous-time linear-time-invariant systems using balanced truncation methods AIP Conference Proceedings Scopus
31 Imron, C., Apriliani, E. The distance between the cylinder affect the cylinder pressure AIP Conference Proceedings Scopus
32 Rahma, N.A., Widodo, B., Adzkiya, D. Forced convection of unsteady magnetohydrodynamics fluid past a porous sphere AIP Conference Proceedings Scopus
33 Pratomo, R.V., Widodo, B., Adzkiya, D. Unsteady magnetohydrodynamics micropolar fluid in boundary layer flow past a sphere influenced by magnetic fluid AIP Conference Proceedings Scopus
34 Asfihani, T., Subchan, Adzkiya, D., (…), Pumawan, H., Kamilah, R. Estimation of the corvette SIGMA motion in missile firing mission Proceedings of the 2017 5th International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, and Automation, ICA 2017 Scopus
35 Arif, D.K., Fadhilah, H.N., Adzkiya, D., (…), Kamuah, R., Cahyani, R.R.N. Accelerating simulation time of unstable discrete-time systems using Singular Perturbation Approximation Proceedings of the 2017 5th International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, and Automation, ICA 2017 Scopus
36 Arif, D.K., Adzkiya, D., Aditya, P., (…), Ririsati, A., Prasyanto, R. Modeling of three-dimensional radar tracking system and its estimation using Extended Kalman Filter Proceedings of the 2017 5th International Conference on Instrumentation, Control, and Automation, ICA 2017 Scopus
37 Nurul Fuady Adhalia, H., Subiono, S., Adzkiya, D. Modeling of water treatment plant using timed continuous Petri nets AIP Conference Proceedings Scopus
38 Iqbal, I.M., Adzkiya, D., Mukhlash, I. Formal verification of automated teller machine systems using SPIN AIP Conference Proceedings Scopus
39 Rostampour, V., Adzkiya, D., Soudjani, S.E.Z., De Schutter, B., Keviczky, T. Chance-constrained model predictive controller synthesis for stochastic max-plus linear systems 2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC 2016 – Conference Proceedings Scopus
40 Nursalim, R., Widodo, B., Imron, C. Magnetohydrodynamics of unsteady viscous fluid on boundary layer past a sliced sphere Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
41 Ratianingsih, R., Resnawati, R., Azim, Mardlijah, Widodo, B. Optimal control of suspended sediment distribution model of Talaga lake AIP Conference Proceedings Scopus
42 Widodo, B., Arif, D.K., Aryany, D., (…), Widjajati, F.A., Kamiran, K. The effect of magnetohydrodynamic nano fluid flow through porous cylinder AIP Conference Proceedings Scopus
43 Mardlijah, Ariani, T.D., Asfihani, T. Isolation strategy of a two-strain avian influenza model using optimal control AIP Conference Proceedings Scopus
44 Ikhwan, M., Mardlijah, Arif, D.K. Model predictive parking control on four wheel vehicle with optimum parking space Proceedings – 2017 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics: Advancing Knowledge, Research, and Technology for Humanity, ICELTICs 2017 Scopus
45 Suastika, K.G., Yuwana, L., Hakim, L., Darmaji, Khusnul, D. Characterization of Central Kalimantan’s Amethysts by Using X-Ray Diffraction Journal of Physics: Conference Series Scopus
46 Fitria, I., Winarni, W., Pancahayani, S., Subchan, S. An optimal control strategies using vaccination and fogging in dengue fever transmission model AIP Conference Proceedings Scopus
No Judul Nama-nama Dosen Dipublikasikan pada Nama Lembaga Sitasi
1 Scheduling Of The Crystal Sugar Production System in Sugar Factory Using Max-Plus Algebra Desi Indriyani, Subiono International Journal of Computing Science and Applied Mathematics, Vol 2, No 3 (2016) Crossref, Google Scholar, IPI
2 Effect of Major Axis Length to the Pressure on Ellips Chairul Imron, Erna Apriliani International Journal of Computing Science and Applied Mathematics, Vol 2, No 3 (2016) Crossref, Google Scholar, IPI
3 Mathematical Model of Free Convection Boundary Layer Flow on Solid Sphere with Viscous Dissipation and Thermal Radiation Muhammad Khairul Anuar Mohamed, Mohd Zuki Salleh, Abid Hussanan, Norhafizah Md Sarif, Nor Aida Zuraimi Md Noar, Anuar Ishak, Basuki Widodo International Journal of Computing Science and Applied Mathematics, Vol 2, No 2 (2016) Crossref, Google Scholar, IPI
4 Stability Analysis On Models Of Spreading H1N1 And H5N1 Virus In Two Locations Silviana Maya P, Hariyanto, Mahmud Yunus International Journal of Computing Science and Applied Mathematics, Vol 2, No 2 (2016) Crossref, Google Scholar, IPI
5 Persistence Analysis on Pre-coalition Models of H1N1-p with H5N1 virus in L 2 Space Hariyanto, Mahmud Yunus, Gusti Yuni Shinta Lestari International Journal of Computing Science and Applied Mathematics, Vol 2, No 2 (2016) Crossref, Google Scholar, IPI
6 Classification of Poverty Levels Using k-Nearest Neighbor and Learning Vector Quantization Methods Santoso, Mohammad Isa Irawan International Journal of Computing Science and Applied Mathematics, Vol 2, No 1 (2016) Crossref, Google Scholar, IPI
7 Auto Floodgate Control Using EnKf-NMPC Method Evita Purnaningrum, Erna Apriliani International Journal of Computing Science and Applied Mathematics, Vol 2, No 1 (2016) Crossref, Google Scholar, IPI
8 Investment management using portfolio optimization with stock price forecasting Irma Fitria, Erna Apriliani, Endah RM Putri  Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 10, 2016, no. 48, 2405-2413 Scopus
9 Modeling of railway networks using timed automata Dieky Adzkiya, Alessandro Abate Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 10, 2016, no. 49, 2429-2436 Scopus
10 Integrating data selection and extreme learning machine to predict protein-ligand binding site Umi Mahdiyah, Elly Matul Imah, M. Isa Irawan Contemporary Engineering Sciences, Vol. 9, 2016, no. 16, 791-797 Scopus
11 Viscoelastic Fluid Flow Pass A Porous Circular Cylinder When The Magnetic Field Included Basuki Widodo, Chairul Imron, Nur Asiyah Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS)
Volume 99, Issue 2, Pages 153 – 300
12 Decomposing And Solving Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) Using Two-Step Genetic Algorithm (TSGA) M. Luthfi Shahab, Daryono Budi Utomo, M. Isa Irawan Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (JATIT), 31 st May 2016. Vol.87. No.3
© 2005 – 2016 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved
13 Unsteady Boundary Layer Magnetohydrodynamics In Micropolar Fluid Past A Sphere Basuki Widodo, Chairul Imron Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS)
Volume 100, Issue 2, Pages 171 – 342
14 The Hydro Planing Simulation Of Flying Boat Remote Control Model Subchan Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & engineering) Vol 78, No 6, June 2016, 191-197, Penerbit UTM Press, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Scopus
15 On Computing Supply Chain Scheduling Using Max-Plus Algebra Subiono, Kistosil Fahim Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 10, 2016, no. 10, 477 – 486, HIKARI Ltd, Scopus
16 Weather prediction using fuzzy rough clustering Mohammad Iqbal, Imam Mukhlash, Inu Laksito Wibowo The 2016 Conference on Fundamental and Applied Science for Advanced Technology (ConFAST 2016) 978-0-7354-1403-7 Scopus
17 Mining fuzzy tim interval sequential pattern on event long data using FPGrowth-Prefix-Span Algorithms Imam Mukhlash, Mohammad Iqbal The 2016 Conference on Fundamental and Applied Science for Advanced Technology (ConFAST 2016) 978-0-7354-1403-7
AIP Proceedings
18 Eigenproblems of latin squares in bipartite (min,max,+) -systems Subiono, Mufid, M.S.’, Adzkiya, D. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applications, Vol. 26, No. 4, 2016, Pages 657-668 Scopus dan Thompson Reuters
19 On designing of the driven system control of solar panels using type 2 fuzzy sliding mode control (T2FSMC) Mardlijah, Subiono, Sentot, S.D. AIP Conference Proceedings Scopus
20 Reverse Transcription-PCR analysis of geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase (JcGGPPS) in Jatropha curcas L. and in silico analysis of Casbene Synthase (JcCS) among Euphorbiaceae Jadid, N., Mardika, R.K., Nurhidayati, T., Irawan, M.I. AIP Conference Proceedings Scopus
21 Finite maturity margin call stock loans Lu, X., Putri, E.R.M. Operations Research Letters, Vol. 44, No. 1, Pages 12-18, 2016 Scopus dan Thompson Reuters
22 VeriSiMPL 2: An open-source software for the verification of max-plus-linear systems Adzkiya, D., Zhang, Y., Abate, A. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applications, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2016, Pages 109-145 Scopus dan Thompson Reuters
23 Symbolic abstractions for the scheduling of event-triggered control systems Kolarijani, A.S., Adzkiya, D., Mazo, M. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control Scopus
24 Formal verification of stochastic max-plus-linear systems Soudjani, S.E.Z., Adzkiya, D., Abate, A. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 61, no. 10, pp. 2861-2876, Oct. 2016 Scopus dan Thompson Reuters
25 Resources planning in database infrastructures Dosciatti, E., Teixeira, M., Ribeiro, R.,Enembreck, F., Adzkiya, D. ICEIS 2016 – Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems Scopus
26 The kinetic approach of NOx photoreaction related to ground measurement of solar radiation in estimates of surface ozone concentration Assomadi, A.F., Widodo, B., Hermana, J. International Journal of ChemTech Research (Open Access), Vol. 9, No. 7, 2016, Pages 182-190 Scopus
27 Estimate and control position autonomous Underwater Vehicle based on determined trajectory using Fuzzy Kalman Filter method Ermayanti, Z., Apriliani, E., Nurhadi, H., Herlambang, T. ICAMIMIA 2015 – International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics, Intelligent Manufacture, and Industrial Automation, Proceeding – In conjunction with Industrial Mechatronics and Automation Exhibition, IMAE Scopus
28 Numerical simulation of acceleration and force control in turret-gun system with disturbance Mushonnifah, S., Subchan, Nurhadi, H. ICAMIMIA 2015 – International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics, Intelligent Manufacture, and Industrial Automation, Proceeding – In conjunction with Industrial Mechatronics and Automation Exhibition, IMAE Scopus
29 Design and analysis of motion control system in the fin and the propulsion system of the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) using Cross Coupled Control Ningsih, W., Subchan, Nurhadi, H. ICAMIMIA 2015 – International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics, Intelligent Manufacture, and Industrial Automation, Proceeding – In conjunction with Industrial Mechatronics and Automation Exhibition, IMAE Scopus
30 Design of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle motion control using Sliding Mode Control method Mardlijah, Nurhadi, H. ICAMIMIA 2015 – International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics, Intelligent Manufacture, and Industrial Automation, Proceeding – In conjunction with Industrial Mechatronics and Automation Exhibition, IMAE Scopus
31 The Effect Of Prandtl Number And Magnetic Parameter On Forced Convection Unsteady Magnetohydrodynamic Boundary Layer Flow Of a Viscous Fluid Past a Sphere Basuki Widodo, Chairul Imron International Journal of Advances in Sciences Engineering and Technology, Volume-4, Issue-1, Jan. -2016, ISSN: 2321-9009 DOAJ, Google Scholar, OAJI, dll
32 The Characterization Of Boundary Layer Flow In The Magnetohydrodynamic Micropolar Fluid Past a Solid  Sphere Basuki Widodo, Chairul Imron Internastional Journal of Advances in Sciences Engineering and Technology, Volume-4, Issue-1, Jan. -2016, ISSN: 2321-9009 DOAJ, Google Scholar, OAJI, dll
33 Construction of some orthogonalities in cone 2-normed space Sadjidon, Mahmud Yunus, Sunarsini Pure Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 5, 2016, no. 1, 59-64 Copyright © Hikari Ltd. Crossref
No. Judul Nama-nama Dosen Dihasilkan/ Dipublikasikan pada
1 Bullets Defect Detection Based On Digital Image Processing Using Line Detection And Fuzzy Sets Ekaswari Pusparini, Budi Setiyono, Dwi Ratna Sulistyaningrum Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (GJPAM), Volume 11  Number 4  (2015) pp. 2215-2222
2 The Application of Fuzzy-Rough Set Decision Tree for Credit Rating S Soetrisno, Grizelda Wahyuningtyas, Imam Mukhlash Journal of Soft Computing and Decision Support Systems, Vol 2, No 5 (2015) pp 1-6
3 Dynamic Analysis and Positive Solution of a Model of Coalition between H5N1 and H1N1-p Influenza Virus in Indonesia Hariyanto, Basuki Widodo, I Nyoman Budiantara, C. A. Nidom Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 9, 2015, no. 59, HIKARI Ltd,
4 Multiclass Classification for Meteorological Data using Modified CBS Algorithm with Multiple Minimum Support Hanim Maria Astuti,Mohammad Iqbal and Imam Mukhlash Indian Journal of Science and Technology Volume 8, Issue 12, June 2015
5 Handling Missing Value on Meteorological Data Classification with Rough Set Based Algorithm Winda Aprianti and Imam Mukhlash Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. ISSN 0973-1768 Volume 11, Number 3 (2015), pp. 1147-1155
6 Data Assimilation Method for Environmental Problem E. Apriliani, Soetrisno, B. A. Sanjoyo Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 8(13), 70651, July 2015
7 Total Suspended Solid (TSS) Pollutant Dispersion Pattern In The Confluence Of Two Rivers Basuki Widodo, Kamiran, Nur Asiyah, Farida Agustini Widjayati and Dimas Avian Maulana Advances and Applications in Fluid Mechanics Volume 17 Number 2, 2015
8 Construction Of Phylogenetic Tree Using Neighbor Joining Algorithms To Identify The  Host And The Spreading Of Sars Epidemic M. Isa Irawan, Siti Amiroch Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 31 January 2015. Vol.71 No.3
9 Pricing decision model for new and remanufactured short-life cycle products with time-dependent demand Gan, S.S., Pujawan, I.N., Suparno, Widodo, B. Operations Research Perspectives
10 Computational techniques for reachability analysis of Max-Plus-Linear systems Dieky Adzkiya, Bart De Schuttera, Alessandro Abateb Automatica
11 Developing A Workflow Management System For Enterprise Resource Planning Riyanarto Sarno, Chairaja Almas DjenI, Imam Mukhlash, Dwi Sunaryono Journal Of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (JATIT) 28 Februari 2015 Vol. 72 Vol. 3
12 Semi-analytic valuation of stock loans with finite maturity Xiaoping Lu, Endah R.M. Putri Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 27 (2015)
13 Generalization Public Transportation Scheduling Using Max-Plus Algebra Kistosil Fahim The 5th Annual Basic Science International Conference, Universitas Brawijaya Malang
14 Stability Analysis And Optimal Control On The Model Harvesting Of Prey Predator With Fungsional Response Type III Mohammad Rifa’i, Subchan, Setidjo Winarko The 2nd International Conference on Research, Implementation, and Education of Mathematics and Sience. UNY 17-19 Mei 2015
15 Software Design To Risk Analysis Of Paddy Production With Enso Indicators (Case-Study: East Java) Nisa M., Imam Mukhlash, Sutikno The 2nd International Conference on Research, Implementation, and Education of Mathematics and Sience. UNY 17-19 Mei 2015
16 Path Planning Of  Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Using Dubins Geometry With An Obstacle Ahmad Zaenal Arifin and Subchan The 2nd International Conference on Research, Implementation, and Education of Mathematics and Sience. UNY 17-19 Mei 2015
17 Watermelon Plant Classification Based On Shape And Texture Feature Leaf Using Support Vector Machine (Svm) Etriana Meirista, Imam Mukhlash, Budi Setiyono The 2nd International Conference on Research, Implementation, and Education of Mathematics and Sience. UNY 17-19 Mei 2015
18 Asymmetries Model Of Volatility Return Indonesian Sharia Stock Index With Exponential Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity Retno Tri Vulandari, Endah Rokhmati The 2nd International Conference on Research, Implementation, and Education of Mathematics and Sience. UNY 17-19 Mei 2015
19 The Numerical Solution Of Free Convection Flow Of Viscoelastic Fluid Past Over A Sphere Wayan Rumite, Basuki Widodo, Chairul Imron The 2nd International Conference on Research, Implementation, and Education of Mathematics and Sience. UNY 17-19 Mei 2015
20 Heat Effect on Fluid Free Convection Flow Past A Porosity Sphere Mohamad Tafrikan, Basuki Widodo, Chairul Imron The 1st Young Scientist International Science of Water Resources Development and Environment Protection, Universitas Brawijaya Malang
21 Incompressible and Steady Mixed Convection Flow Past Over a Sphere Mohammad Ghani, Basuki Widodo, Chairul Imron The 1st Young Scientist International Science of Water Resources Development and Environment Protection, Universitas Brawijaya Malang
22 Viscoelastic Fluid Past a Flat Plate with the Effect of Magneto hydrodynamic Putri Pradika Wanti, Basuki Widodo, Chairul Imron The 1st Young Scientist International Science of Water Resources Development and Environment Protection, Universitas Brawijaya Malang
23 The Numerical Solution Of Free Convection Flow of Visco-Elastic Fluid With HeatGeneration Past Over A Sphere Wayan Rumite, Basuki Widodo, Chairul Imron The 1st Young Scientist International Science of Water Resources Development and Environment Protection, Universitas Brawijaya Malang
24 Viscoelastic Fluid Flow with The Presence of Magnetic Field Past a Porous Circular Cylinder Basuki Widodo, Galuh Octavia Siswono, Chairul Imron ISERD -5th International Conference on Medical and Health Sciences (ICMHS) , bangkok Thailand
25 Analysis of Diphtheria Dissemination By Using Multi Groups of Dynamics System Method Approach Nur Asiyah, Basuki Widodo, Suhud Wahyudi ISERD -5th International Conference on Medical and Health Sciences (ICMHS) , bangkok Thailand
26 The Effect of Prandtl Number and Viscosity Variable on Free Convection Boundary Layer Flowof a Viscoelastic Fluid Past An Elliptic Cylinder Basuki Widodo, Annisa Dwi S., Chairul Imron ISERD -5th International Conference on Medical and Health Sciences (ICMHS) , bangkok Thailand
27 Aplikasi Matematika pada Penelitian Global Studi Kasus kajian Model Penyebaran Asap Kebakaran Hutan yang Bersumber pada Satu titik Suharmadi Sanjaya Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 7 Maret 2015
28 Pengenalan ekspresi wajah menggunakan jaringan syaraf tiruan Kohonen self organizing map (k-som) Bagus Hardiansyah, M. Isa Irawan, Dwi Ratna Sulistyaningrum Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika UNESA 2015, 25 April 2015
29 Bilangan Dominasi Pada Graf Hasil Operasi Comb Lintasan Dengan Lintasan, Sikel, Dan Bintang Darmaji, Reni Umilasari Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika UNESA 2015, 25 April 2015
30 Bentuk – Bentuk Ideal Pada Semiring DNXNZ+,  ʘ Dian Winda Setyawati, Soleha Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika UNESA 2015, 25 April 2015
31 Analisis Sistem Dinamik Model Epidemi Tipe SITRS Antar Dua Wilayah Eko Alan Kusumayadi S.P.L, Hariyanto, Mardlijah Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika UNESA 2015, 25 April 2015
32 Stabilitas Model Pertumbuhan Alga Hajar, Mardijah Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika UNESA 2015, 25 April 2015
33 Kajian Kelengkungan Dan Torsi Kurva Parameter Dalam Ruang Iis Herisman, Komar Baihaqi Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika UNESA 2015, 25 April 2015
34 Aplikasi Fuzzy Inference System (Fis) Dengan Metode Mamdani Untuk Memprediksi Pengembalian Formulir Calon Peserta Didik Baruz Imamatul Ummah, Mohammad Isa Irawan Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika UNESA 2015, 25 April 2015
35 Desain Sistem Kendali Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Menggunakan Metode Proportional Integral Derivative (Pid) Kresna Oktafianto, Mardlijah, Hendro Nurhadi Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika UNESA 2015, 25 April 2015
36 Eksistensi Kontrol Dan Ketunggalan Sistem Optimal Pada Model Epidemi Seit M. Ivan Ariful Fathoni, Mardlijah, Hariyanto Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika UNESA 2015, 25 April 2015
37 Analisis Kestabilan  Pada Model Penyebaran Penyakit Makroparasitis M.Setijo Winarko Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika UNESA 2015, 25 April 2015
38 Analisis Kestabilan Pada Model Pertumbuhan Mikroalga Dalambioreaktor Fed-Batch Nailul Izzati, Mardlijah Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika UNESA 2015, 25 April 2015
39 Kontrol Optimal Sistem Wave Energy Converter (WEC) Secara Nonlinear dengan Pengaruh Parameter Tuning Nalsa Cintya Resti, Mardlijah Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika UNESA 2015, 25 April 2015
40 Analisis dinamik produksi lipid netral pada pertumbuhan Mikroalga dengan keterbatasan nutrisi Nasria Nacong, Mardlijah Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika UNESA 2015, 25 April 2015
41 Aplikasi metode power spectrum pada pembuatan sistem Pengkonversi suara ucapan menjadi teks Nurul Hidayat, Yoga Arifianto Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika UNESA 2015, 25 April 2015
42 Kajian Sifat – Sifat Graf Pembagi-Nol dari Ring Komutatif dengan Elemen Satuan Soleha, Dian W. Setyowati, Satrio A. W. Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika UNESA 2015, 25 April 2015
43 Nilai Eigen Matrik Pada Kejadian Waktu Diskrit Markov Chain Yang Berhingga Wahyu Fistia Doctorina, Farida Agustini Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika UNESA 2015, 25 April 2015
44 Penerapan Model Predictive Control (Mpc) Pada Optimisasi Portofolio Saham Wawan Hafid Syaifudin, Subchan, Endah Rochmati Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika UNESA 2015, 25 April 2015
45 Matematika Rekayasa Pada Perguruan Tinggi  Tehnik Konsep , Strategi , Philosophy Dan Best Practices Suharmadi Sanjaya, Sri Suprapti Hartati Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika UNESA 2015, 25 April 2015
46 Finite Maturity Margin Call Endah Rokhmati MP, Xiaoping Lu Accepted, Operations Research Letters
No. Judul Nama-nama Dosen Dihasilkan/ Dipublikasikan pada Tahun



47 Eigenproblems of latin squares in bipartite (min,max,+)-systems Subiono, Muhammad Syifa’ul Mufid, Dieky Adzkiya


Discrete Event Dynamic Systems  2014


November 2014
48 Performance Enhancement of CBS Algorithm Using FSGP And Feat Algorithm Imam Mukhlas, Muhammad Iqbal, Hanim Maria Astuti, Sutikno Journal Of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (JATIT) 30 September 2014, Vol 67 No.3 30 Sept 2014
49 Neural network-based engine propeller matching (NN-EPM) for trimaran patrol ship Koenhardono, E.S., Djatmiko, E.B., Soeprijanto, A., Irawan, M.I. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 493 pp.388-394 2014
50 Forward reachability computation for autonomous max-plus-linear systems


Adzkiya, D., De Schutter, B., Abate, A.


Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8413, 2014, pp 248-262 2014
51 Finite abstractions of stochastic Max-Plus-Linear systems


Adzkiya, D., Esmaeil Zadeh Soudjani, S., Abate, A


Quantitative Evaluation of Systems Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8657, 2014, pp 74-89 2014
52 Ship Heading Control Of Corvette-Sigma With Disturbances Using Model Predictive Control S. Subchan, W. H. Syaifudin , T. Asfihani


Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics
Volume 87, Number 3,
53 Construction of the Kalman Filter Algorithm on the Model Reduction Didik Khusnul Arif Widodo, Salmah and Erna Apriliani International Journal of Control and Automation
Vol.7, No.9
54 Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of latin
Squares in max-plus algebra
Muhammad Syifa’ul Mufid, Subiono


J. Indones. Math. Soc.
Vol. 20, No. 1
April 2014
55 Finite Difference Method for pricing

European Option Under The Heston


Endah Rokhmati, Lukman Hanafi


International Conference on Sciences (ICOS-1) 2014, Universitas Hasanudin Makasar 2014
56 The Influence of Reynolds Number on the Drag Coefficient of a  Circular Cylinder Chairul Imron, Sentot Didik
Suryanto, Lukman Hanafi
International Conference on Sciences (ICOS-1) 2014, Universitas Hasanudin Makasar 2014
57 Optimization model of planting pattern management based on prediction of articial neural network Mohammad Isa Irawan International Conference on Sciences (ICOS-1) 2014, Universitas Hasanudin Makasar


58 Finite Difference Method for pricing
European Option Under The Heston
Endah Rokhmati,  Lukman Hanafi International Conference on Sciences (ICOS-1) 2014, Universitas Hasanudin Makasar 2014
59 The Detect Detection on Bullet P Production useng edge Detection and Euclidian Distance Dwi Ratna S., Budi Setiyono International Conference on Sciences (ICOS-1) 2014, Universitas Hasanudin Makasar 2014
60 The Application Of Meshless Local Petrov
Galerkin On Calculating Volume Of River Sedimentation In Confluence Two Rivers
Inu Laksito  Wibowo, Suhariningsih, Basuki Widodo The 4th annual Basic Science International Conference and the 5th International Conference
of Global Resources Conservation (BASIC 2014), 15 Februari 2014
61 Determinations of Pollutant Source Location at The Confluence of two Rivers Basuki widodo International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) 2014 Seoul, Korea 2014
62 Biological Interaction Base Model to Asses The Fish Stocks in a Region of sea Suharmadi Sanjaya The 2nd International Symposium on Biomathematics (SYMOMATH 2014), 31 Agustus – 2 September 2014, Universitas Brawijaya Malang 2014
63 Spreading dynamic of a contagious disease in heterogenic
population of living beings with multi group model approach
Prof. DR. Basuki Widodo, M.Sc


Seminar International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Financial Mathematics 2014 (ICMSFM 2014), Univ. Tunku Abdur Rahman Malaysia, 18 – 19 November 2014 2014
64 Monorail and tram scheduling which integrated in Surabaya using max-plus algebra Kistosil Fahim, Lukman Hanafi, Subiono, Fatma Ayu International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education (1st ISIM-MED) 2014, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta 2014
65 The Influence Of Hydrodynamics On The Spread Of Pollutants And Sedimentation In The Confluence
Of Two Rivers
Rani Kurnia Putri  Basuki Widodo International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education (1st ISIM-MED) 2014, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta 2014
66 The Implementation of Meshless Local Petrov Galerkin (MLPG) Method for Determine Pollutant Sources in Brantas River Miranda Eliyan ,Basuki Widodo International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education (1st ISIM-MED) 2014, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta 2014
67 The Application of Rough Set and Fuzzy Rough Set Based Algorithm to Classify Incomplete Meteorological Data Winda Aprianti, Imam Mukhlash


International Conference on Data and Software Engineering (ICODSE) 2014, ITB Bandung, 26-27 November 2014 2014
68 The parameters which Influence Debris Flow Distribution Soetrisno, E. Apriliani, B.A. Sanjoyo, B. Aminatus, A. Khusnaeni The 3 rd International Conference
on Computer Engineering and
mathematical sciences  (ICCEMS) 2014, Langkawi Malaysia, 4-5 Desember 2014
69 Multiclass Classification for Meteorological Data using Modified CBS Algorithm with Multiple
Minimum Support
Hanim Maria Astuti, Mohammad Iqbal and Imam Mukhlash The 3 rd International Conference
on Computer Engineering and
mathematical sciences  (ICCEMS) 2014, Langkawi Malaysia, 4-5 Desember 2014
70 Kendali Optimal Stokastik Untuk Model Perencanaan  Produksi-Persediaan Agustina Mahardhika, Subchan Prosiding Seminar Nasional Unesa 2014, 18 Januari 2014 2014
71 Kendali Optimal Dalam Produksi Sumber Energi Terbarukan Dan Tidak Terbarukan Irma Fitria, Subchan, Erna Apriliani Prosiding Seminar Nasional Unesa 2014, 18 Januari 2014 2014
72 Penerapan Model Predictive Control (MPC) Untuk Mengoptimasi Suhu Pada Rumah Selvy Sulistyo Wardani, Subchan Prosiding Seminar Nasional Unesa 2014, 18 Januari 2014 2014
73 Dimensi Partisi Subgraf Terinduksi Pada Graf Total Atas Ring Komutatif Dian Mustofani, Subiono Prosiding Seminar Nasional Unesa 2014, 18 Januari 2014 2014
74 Analisa Stabilitas Dan Bifurkasi  Sistem Mangsa-Pemangsa Dengan Waktu Tunda Nur Aina Maziun, Subchan Prosiding Seminar Nasional Unesa 2014, 18 Januari 2014 2014
75 Implementasi Metode Zhang Pada Kalibrasi Kamera Shofwan Ali Fauji, Budi Setiyono Prosiding Seminar Nasional Unesa 2014, 18 Januari 2014 2014
76 Konstruksi Transformasi Wavelet Menggunakan Operator Dalam Aljabar Maxplus Kistosil Fahim, Mahmud Yunus Prosiding Seminar Nasional Unesa 2014, 18 Januari 2014 2014
77 Petri Nets dan Evaluasi Reliabilitas pada Standby
Redundant System
I GNR Usadha, K Buda Artana, Subiono Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
78 Model Dan Analisis Sistem Jaringan
Kereta Api Jalur Surabaya Pasarturi – Cepu Menggunakan Aljabar Max-Plus
Dan Petri Net
Ahmad Afif, Subiono Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
79 Pemodelan Jadwal Monorel Dan Trem
Menggunakan Aljabar Max-Plus Untuk
Transportasi Masa Depan Surabaya
Kistosil Fahim, Fatma Ayu
Subchan, Lukman Hanafi, Subiono
Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
80 Annihilator Dari Ring Polinomial Atas
Ring Nonkomutatif
komar baihaqi, iis herisman Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
81 Konstruksi Grup Latin Square Pada Aljabar Max Plus Muhammad Syifaul Mufid, Subiono Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
82 Kajian Kelengkungan Persamaan Kurva Di R² Iis Herisman, Komar Baihaqi Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
83 Konstruksi Transformasi Mp-Wavelet Tipe A Kistosil Fahim, Mahmud Yunus Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
84 Ruang -l_2 Cone Selisih (l_2,||.||_c,R²) Sadjidon, Mahmud Yunus, Sunarsini Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
85 Ruang C[A,B]-Metrik Sunarsini, Sadjidon, Mahmud Yunus Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
86 Pelatihan Jaringan Fungsi Radial
Basis Menggunakan Extended Kalman
Filter Untuk Identifikasi Instrumen
Gamelan Jawa
Abduh Riski, Mohammad Isa Irawan, Erna Apriliani Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
87 Obyek Geometri Euclid Berbasis Javapplet Untuk Memvisualisasikan
Konsep Geometri Euclid
Bandung Arry Sanjoyo, I G N Rai Usadha Radityo Presetianto Wibowo Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
88 Penghitungan Kendaraan Bergerak
Berbasis Pengolahan Citra
Menggunakan Metode Gaussian
Mixture Model
Budi Setiyono, R. Arif Firdaus Lazuardi Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
89 Prediksi Data Dengan Menggunakan
Arima Dan Ann
Daryono Budi U., Sri Suprapti H. Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
90 Penggunaan Fuzzy-Rough Set Decision
Tree Untuk Penilaian Kartu Kredit
Grizelda Wahyuningtyas, Imam Mukhlash, Soetrisno Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
91 Prediksi Customer Churn
Menggunakan Algoritma Fuzzy
Decision Tree
Meyrina Herawati, Imam Mukhlash Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
92 Prediksi  Cuaca Ekstrim
Menggunakan Algoritma Clustering
Berdasarkan Rough Set
Mohammad Iqbal, Hanim Maria Astuti Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
93 Implementasi Kalibrasi Kamera
Zhang Pada Estimasi Jarak
Shofwan Ali Fauji, Budi Setiyono Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
94 Konstruksi Pohon Filogenetik
Menggunakan Algoritma Neighbor
Joining Untuk Identifikasi Host Dan
Penyebaran Epidemi Sars
Siti Amiroch, M. Isa Irawan Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
95 Perbandingan Performansi Jaringan Learning Vector Quantization (Lvq) Dan Support Vector Machine (Svm) Untuk Permasalahan Klasifikasi Penyakit Jantung Koroner Desy Lusiyanti, M. Isa Irawan Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
96 Pemilihan Guru Berprestasi
Berdasarkan Bobot Penilaian Kinerja
Guru Dengan Metode Analytic
Network Process (ANP)
Alvida Mustika Rukmi, M. Isa Irawan, Nuriyatin Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
97 Kajian Numerik: Pengaruh Ukuran
Sistem Terhadap Gaya Hambat
Pada Silinder
Chairul Imron, Basuki Widodo, Triyogi Yuwono Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
98 Konvergensi Algoritma Filter Kalman
Pada Model Tereduksi
Didik Khusnul Arif, Widodo, Salmah, Erna Aplriliani Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
99 Model Pertumbuhan Kristal Yang Dibentuk Oleh  Gambut, Kapur, Fly Ash Dan Air Mohammad Syaiful Pradana, Basuki Widodo Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
100 Sistem Persamaan Diferensial Dengan
Pendekatan Model Multi Grup
Nur Asiyah, Suhud Wahyudi, M. Setijo Winarko Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
101 Mathematical Modeling And
Analytic Solution Of Water Flow In
A Dam And Hydroelectric Power
Generation Problem
Ssebunjo Wycliff, Basuki Widodo Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
102 A Conceptual Approach To  Dengue
Hemorrhage Fever Pattern
Suharmadi Sanjaya, Melaniani Soenarnatalina Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
103 Optimization Model Development Of
Microalgae As An New Energy Source
Suharmadi Sanjaya Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
104 Penerapan Metode Filter Kalman
Dalam Perbaikan Hasil Prediksi
Cuaca Dengan Metode Arima
Tomy Kurniawan, Lukman Hanafi, Erna Apriliani Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
105 Analisis Pemakaian Madu Pada
Pengawetan Makanan
Menggunakan Metode
Imelda Hendriani Eku Rimo, Basuki Widodo Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
106 Prediksi Curah Hujan Di Surabaya Utara Dengan
Menerapkan Fuzzy-Mamdani
Farida Agustini Widjajati, Dynes Rizky Navianti Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
107 Model Binomial Negatif dan Poisson Inverse Gaussian
dalam mengatasi overdispersi pada Regresi Poisson
Laksmi Prita Wardhani Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
108 Kajian Model Peramalan Penjualan Avtur Nuri Wahyuningsih, Sri Suprapti Hartatiati, Siti Lukmatul Henifa Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
109 Waktu kelahiran dan kematian Chains yang kontinu. Wahyu Fistia D,  Farida Agustini Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
110 Kendali Optimal Pada Manajemen
Persediaan Multi Supplier dengan Lead Time
Darsih Idayani, Subchan Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
111 Metode Langsung Pada
Permasalahan Kendali Optimal
Dengan Legendre Pseudospectral
Rahmawati Erma Standsyah, Subchan Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
112 Kendali Optimal Model Diversifikasi Beras Dan Non-Beras Retno Wahyu Dewanti, Subchan Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
113 Penyelesaian Sistem Kontrol Waktu Diskrit Dengan Transformasi-Z Sentot Didik Surjanto Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
114 Perencanaan Lintasan Kapal
Dengan Menggunakan Estimasi Dan Metode Dubins Untuk Menghindari Halangan Diam
Tahiyatul Asfihani, Subchan Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
115 Analisa perbandingan performansi kontrol two wheeled inverted pendulum robot dengan menggunakan FSMC dan 2FSMC. Mardlijah, Muh Abdillah Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
116 Dominating Number Pada Graf Hasil Operasi Kartesian Dua Graf Terhubung Darmaji Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
117 Dimensi Metrik Graf Dual Yang Dibangun Dari Graf Prisma Dan Antiprisma Fenny Fitriani, Darmaji Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
118 Pelabelan Total Super (A,D)-Sisi
Anti Ajaib Pada Graf Prisma
Ira Aprilia, Darmaji Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
119 Mengkontruksi Super Edge Magic
Graph Baru Dari Super Edge Magic
Graph Yang Sudah Ada
Suhud Wahyudi Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
120 pelabelan total (a,d)-simpul antimagic pada digraf matahari Yuni Listiana, Darmaji Konferensi Nasional Matematika 17 ITS, 11 – 14 Juni 2014 2014
121 Korelasi Polutan dan Sedimentasi dengan Unsur Hidrodinamika di Pertemuan Dua Sungai Uswatun Hasanah, Basuki Widodo, Setiawan Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pasca Sarjana XIV – ITS, Surabaya 8 Agustus 2014 2014
122 Dispersi polutan dan sedimentasi pada pertemuan dua sungai Dewi Nurmalitasari dan Basuki Widodo Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pasca Sarjana XIV – ITS, Surabaya 8 Agustus 2014 2014
123 Implementasi Metode Meshless Local Pertov Galerkin (MLPG) pada penentuan lokasi sumber pencemar di Sungai Brantas. Miranda Eliyan, Basuki Widodo Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pasca Sarjana XIV – ITS, Surabaya 8 Agustus 2014 2014
124 Pengaruh Unsur Hidrodinamika Pada Penyebaran Polutan Dan Sedimentasi Di Pertemuan Dua Sungai Rani Kurnia Putr, Basuki Widodo Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pasca Sarjana XIV – ITS, Surabaya 8 Agustus 2014 2014
125 Metode Promethee dalam penentuan pegawai dalam jabatan berkinerja terbaik (Studi kasus Kantor Pajak Pratama Manado) Christina Indhira Ganna, M. Isa Irawan Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pasca Sarjana XIV – ITS, Surabaya 8 Agustus 2014 2014
126 Rancangan Dan Analisis Penjadwalan Distribusi Pada Rantai Pasok Bahan Bakar Minyak Menggunakan Petri Net Dan Aljabar Max-Plus Widdya P. Sierliawati, Subiono Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pasca Sarjana XIV – ITS, Surabaya 8 Agustus 2014 2014
127 Watermarking dengan Metode Dekomposisi Nilai Singular Soetrisno,  Latifatul Machbubah Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pasca Sarjana XIV – ITS, Surabaya 8 Agustus 2014 2014
128 Penggolongan waktu diskrit Markov Chains Wahyu Fistia Doctorina Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pasca Sarjana XIV – ITS, Surabaya 8 Agustus 2014 2014
129 Kestabilan dan Bifurkasi dari  Model Epidemik dengan Laju Kesembuhan Tipe Jenuh M. Setijo Winarko Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pasca Sarjana XIV – ITS, Surabaya 8 Agustus 2014 2014
130 Pembuatan Alat Perendam Dan Pencuci Biji Kedelai Untuk Peningkatan Kuantitas Dan Kualitas Produk Tahu Sebagai Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna Untuk
Nur Asiyah, Basuki W, Farida AW Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pasca Sarjana XIV – ITS, Surabaya 8 Agustus 2014 2014
131 Bentuk-Bentuk Ideal pada Semiring (Dnxn(Z+), +, ) Dian Winda Setyawati Seminar Nasional Matematika 2014 – Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta 2014
132 Karakterisasi Aljabar Pada Graf Bipartit Soleha, Dian W. Setyawati Seminar Nasional Matematika 2014 – Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta 2014
133 Ideal dari Ring Polinomial Fn[x] mod(x-1) untuk Kontrol Kesalahan dalam Aplikasi Komputer Komar Baihaqi dan Iis Herisman Seminar Nasional Matematika 2014 – Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta 2014
134 Penjadwalan Keberangkatan Kereta Api di Jawa Timur dengan Menggunakan Model Petrinet dan Aljabar Max-plus Ahmad Afif, Subiono Seminar Nasional Matematika 2014 – Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta 2014
135 Ruang 2-Norma Selisih Sadjidon, Mahmud Yunus, dan Sunarsini Seminar Nasional Matematika 2014 – Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta 2014
136 Teorema Titik Tetap Pemetaan Kontraktif pada Ruang C[a,b]-Metrik  (ℓ ,dC[a,b])p Sunarsini, Sadjidon, Mahmud Yunus Seminar Nasional Matematika 2014 – Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta 2014
137 Gerakan Kurva Parameterisasi Pada Ruang Euclidean Iis Herisman, Komar Baihaqi Seminar Nasional Matematika 2014 – Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta 2014
138 Kriptografi Kurva Eliptik Elgamal Untuk Proses Enkripsi-Dekripsi Citra Digital Berwarna Daryono Budi Utomo, Dian Winda Setyawati, Gestihayu Romadhoni F.R Seminar Nasional Matematika 2014 – Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta 2014
139 Perancangan Sistem Pakar  Fuzzy Untuk Pengenalan Dini Potensi Terserang Stroke Alvida Mustika R., M. Isa Irawan, Harmuda Pandiangan Seminar Nasional Matematika 2014 – Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta 2014
140 Sistem Pengkonversi Dokumen eKTP/SIM Menjadi Suatu Tabel Nurul Hidayat,  Ikhwan Muhammad Iqbal, dan Muhammad Mushonnif
Seminar Nasional Matematika 2014 – Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta 2014
141 Miniatur Sistem Portal Semiotomatis Berbasis Sidik Jari pada Area Perpakiran Nurul Hidayat, Ikhwan Muhammad Iqbal, dan Devy Indria Safitri Seminar Nasional Matematika 2014 – Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta 2014
142 Konsep Pembelajaran Integratif dengan Matematika Sebagai Bahasa Komunikasi dalam Menyongsong Kurikulum 2013 Surya Rosa Putra, Darmaji, Soleha, Suhud Wahyudi, Seminar Nasional Matematika 2014 – Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta 2014
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