Study Programs

Preparing Future Business Leaders!

To prepare our students become future business leaders we believe it’s important to have hands-on learning experience related to entrepreneurship and management. Students not only study theory in classes but also applying those theory to solve real-world problem. Department of Business Management ITS currently have undergraduate program, postgraduate program, international undergraduate program + double degree (IUP+DD), and double degree fast track to master program & double degree master program.

Undergraduate Program (S1) of Business Management

Undergraduate Program (S1) of Digital Business

International Undergraduate Program + Double Degree (IUP+DD)

Double Degree Fast Track to Master Program & Double Degree Master Program

Postgraduate Program (S2)

International Mobility

Alumni Stories

Listen from our alumnae perspective about studying in Business Management ITS

Graduate Stories

Listen from our fresh graduate alumnae perspective about studying in Business Management ITS