Grow with us to achieve the career you want, a career in management, and entrepreneurship. Our study program offers 4 (four) focus-deepening topics namely; Financial Management, Operations Management, Marketing Management, and Human Resources Management. We support the entrepreneurial spirit of students by offering related subjects, as well as supporting the topic of entrepreneurship thesis. Download our syllabus here and our academic guidelines here.
Course Structure
Undergraduate study program in Business Management Department, ITS is pursued by completing 144 credits.Students will go through 2 stages, the preparation stage (semesters 1 to 2), and the undergraduate stage (semesters 3 to 8).In the first 5 semesters, students will take compulsory courses.Meanwhile, in the 6th and 7th semester, students must take a combination of compulsory and elective courses.To get a bachelor’s degree, students need to complete their final project in the 8th semester.
The following courses are offered in each semester:
Business Information System
Organizational Design and Behavior
Legal Aspects in Business
Consumer Behavior
Statistics for Business
Social Entrepreneurship
Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
4th Semester
Course Name
Research Methods for Business
Quantitative Modeling for Business
Project Management
Managerial Accounting
Strategic Management
Artificial Intelligence for Business
International Business
Investment and Portfolio Management
Business Communication
Business and Technology Valuation
Service Management
Risk Management and Governance
Management of Technology and Innovation
Digital Marketing
6th Semester
Course Name
Business Consulting
Applied Technology and Digital Transformation
Elective 1
Elective 2
Business Analitycs
Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Business Process Management
Multiple Criteria Decision Making
Problem Solving in Business and Management
Business Simulation
Islamic Finance
New Venture Finance
International Financial Management
Personal Financial Management
Banking Management
Financial Technology
Project Financing
Intercultural Communication
Integrated Marketing Communication
Brand Management
Service Marketing
Strategic Marketing
Marketing Research
Sales Management
Performance Management
Training and Development
Performance Appraisal and Compensation
Strategic Human Capital Planning
Contemporary Issues in Business Management
Entrepreneurial Leadership
Sustainable Development
Market Development for Entrepreneurship
Operations for Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurial Finance
Department of Business Management encourage student on creating new venture by combining the textbook theories and entrepreneur experience in New Venture Creation Course. Students will learn basic business model and team formation principles that are central to creating entrepreneurial opportunities and taking action on them. The objective of the course is to prepare students to test the viability of new business opportunities and conduct a feasibility study, either for their own idea or for others. It is a real-life experience in entrepreneurship.
It is an opportunity for students to learn how to start your own company, design sustainable business models, and importantly – interact with a lot of interesting business people (local and international practitioners) through professional academic discussions.
Social Entrepreneurship
After passing New Venture Creation Course, students will learn more about Social Entrepreneur. Social ventures aim to achieve a “double bottom line” with meaningful social returns, as well as sustainable or competitive financial returns –through their products, services, and other business practices. The objective of the course is to prepare students to test the viability of new social opportunities and conduct a feasibility study, either for their own idea or for others.
The course is relevant to any business leader or entrepreneur who wants to design, lead or fund a mission-driven nonprofit or for-profit enterprise, or may want to contribute time and energy to help build the social sector through strategic philanthropy, social investing, corporate alliances with social sector organizations, or board representation in social ventures.