Collaborating with Asian Association of Consumer Interest and Marketing (AACIM) and Faculty of Human Ecology IPB (FEMA-IPB), Business Management Department (MB-ITS) and Entrepreneurship and Small Medium Enterprises (ESME) Laboratory held a webinar entitled “Antisipasi Kenormalan Baru dalam Dunia Bisnis”. The webinar was held on Saturday, June 20th, 2020, 8:30 until 11:30, using two platforms, Zoom and YouTube Streaming. This webinar presents 4 expert speakers on various topics, those are:
Attended by more than 300 participants from various professions came from all over Indonesia. The event took place very lively and warm, many questions raised by the participants of the webinar could not be answered due to the time constraints. Dean of the Faculty of Creative Design and Digital Business, Dr. Imam Baihaqi in his speech conveyed the message that covid-19 force business owner to redesign business processes and models to welcome new normal situations that will be encountered in the foreseeable future, where the health and safety of consumers and people who involved in the business will be the top priority in business operations after covid-19 pandemic.
Dean of the Faculty of Creative Design and Digital Business, Giving a Opening Speech in Webinar
Berto Mulia Wibawa, MM, one of the webinar speakers who also Deputy Head of Business Management Department in his presentation on virtual tourism stated that the tourism industry immediately changed its business model by utilizing technology, one of which offer virtual tourism features to tourists, which made tourists do virtual tourism activities without visit tourist site directly. He also said: “Welcome to the world of tourism which full of imagination”.
Deputy Head of Business Management Department (MB-ITS), Berto Mulia Wibawa, MM become One of The Speakers on Webinar
This webinar is one of 6 Webinar Series initiated by AACIM, discussing the “new normal” behavior. This webinar will close in the 6th series as well as the launch of “BUSINESS, WORK, AND CONSUMER BEHAVIOR IN THE NEW NORMAL” book written jointly by AACIM members and involved partners.
High school students may have imagined becoming students at ITS. To make it happen, the ITS Business Management Department
High school students may have imagined becoming students at ITS. To make it happen, the ITS Business Management Department
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) is present in Malang on February 9-10, 2025 at The Singhasari Resort, inviting prospective