Indexed Proceeding by Atlantis Press for IConBEM 2021 Released
We would like to inform to IConBEM 2021 participant that Indexed Proceeding by Atlantis Press for IConBEM 2021 already released. The proceeding can be accessed here
Best Paper on IConBEM 2021
Congratulation for:
- The Influence of Antecedents Online Relationship Quality and Its Impact on Customer Loyalty in E-commerce by Nabila Rachmadhania and Tengku Ezni Balqiah from University of Indonesia as best paper of Business and Social Science Track
- Design of Integrated Agro-Tourism Business Ecosystem based on Circular Economy (Case Study in Batu) by Arman Hakim Nasution, Dewie Saktia Ardiantono, Ninditya Nareswari, Ribka Anintha Miyagi, and Aang Kunaifi from Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology as best paper of Engineering Management Track
- Evaluating Operational Efficiency of the Fast-Food Restaurant in Indonesia by Syarifa Hanoum, Fadhil Dimas Nandito, Nabila Silmina Hakim from Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, and Sardar M.N. Islam from Victoria University, Australia as best paper of Management Track
Best Paper Certificate can be accessed here
Information about Plagiarism Checking Result
Dear IConBEM 2021 authors, we cordially provide the plagiarism result for your paper that can be accessed here
Please double-check your plagiarism result. If your paper is above 15%, then you must revise your paper so that the plagiarism result became less than 15 %.
For the updated file, please send the file to:
Option 1: Ms. Ninditya Nareswari (Phone: +62 817-0343-7629)
Option 3: Mr. M. Faiz S. (Phone: +62 813-7337-3073)
We will wait for your update until March 5th, 2021. Please ignore this news if your paper plagiarism is below 15%.
Deadline of Full Paper Update
Dear all IConBEM 2021 authors, please be informed that you can update your full paper until Tuesday, February 23, 2021 (if there are any update needed)
The link for updating your full paper is here
Copyright Statement of Publication
Dear all authors (presenters) of IConBEM 2021. Please submit the copyright statement of publication document here
The copyright statement of publication template can be downloaded here
Virtual Background for Presenter and Non-presenter Participant
Virtual Background for Presenter and Non-presenter Participant has been available here.
Opportunity to Join Keynote Sessions (Open for Public)
We invited everyone to attend the Keynote Sessions as follows:
Six Operations and Supply Chain Management Tips in Troubling Times
Prof. Dag Näslund, Lund University Sweden
Social Resilience, Innovation, and Bouncing Back Stronger during Tumultuous Times
Dr. Jane Menzies, Deakin University, Australia
This keynote sessions is open for public at:
Saturday, 20th Feb 2021
12:30-15:00 (GMT +7, Jakarta Time/WIB)
Presenter Guideline
Presenter guideline can be accessed here or downloaded here
Webinar Links
Webinar links has been available here.
If any trouble occurs, kindly access the alternative link here.
Information about Conference Schedule and Parallel Sessions
Conference and parallel sessions schedule can be accessed here