Dr. Jane Menzies is a Senior Lecturer of International Business in the Department of Management in Deakin Business School. Jane was awarded her Ph.D. from Monash University in 2005, on ‘Women’s participation in international assignments in multinational enterprises’. Dr. Jane is the Course Director for the Master of Business Administration (International) in the Deakin Business School.
Dr. Jane’s research and teaching are in international business, where she has had a focus on the internationalization of Australian businesses to China, both large and small. Dr. Jane has published her work in a range of journals, conferences, and research books. For her research, Dr. Jane was awarded a DFAT, Australia China Council grant to the value of $28,000. During her time at Deakin University, Dr. Jane has brought a number of Ph.D., DBA, and honours students to completion. Dr. Jane is currently supervising a number of Ph.D. students.
Social Resilience, Innovation, and Bouncing Back Stronger During Tumultuous Times
In this keynote address, I present a framework of social resilience based on the work of Menzies & Raskovic (2020), which articulates that social resilience is a meta-capability that firms, institutions and even countries themselves can use to cope with crisis events. Social resilience is defined as the ability to bounce back stronger after an adverse event, for instance as a result of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Building on the work of Duckek (2020), Darkow (2018) and Obrist et al. (2010) in the framework it is argued that social resilience is an outcome, a process but also a meta-capability. In the framework, there are four capabilities namely anticipating, coping, adapting and transforming, which can assist firms with being resilient (Menzies & Raskovic, 2020). Firms must also develop proactive and reactive resilience to both prepare for crises, but also to contain crises when they occur (Darkow, 2018). Through the processes of social structuration, which includes enabling and constraining forces, various capitals are enacted to assist firms with being socially resilient. These capitals include leadership capital, social capital, economic capital, geographic and physical environment capital, and finally cultural capital (Menzies & Raskovic, 2020). To assist in bouncing back stronger, I also suggest that firms must develop strong innovative capabilities, to reconfigure and pivot, to create new products, processes, services and markets that match the new status quo, during and after a crisis. Implications for firms are discussed in the presentation
Prof. Naslund was awarded NGIL research grant for doctoral student to the value of $ 70,000 and Craaford Foundation Research Grant to the value of $ 200,000. Prof. Naslund also received award for his paper: Highly Commended Paper Award in International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences (2014), Outstanding Paper Award in International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management (2013), and Highly Commended Paper Award in Benchmarking: An International Journal (2013).
Six Operations and Supply Chain Management Tips in Troubling Times
The presentation will discuss the impact of the pandemic on business, and especially on smaller businesses, which in many cases seem to be the ones especially suffering from the pandemic. Prof. Näslund will provide six operations and supply chain related tips for business how to review processes and potentially adapt to the consequences of the pandemic.