2020 International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (IConBMT)
Experience more on Business Management
2020 IConBMT
The 2nd International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (IConBMT) provides a multidisciplinary for corporate executives and scholars forum worldwide, to present and discuss the most recent methodological developments as well as practical challenges regarding the adoption of current methods or techniques in the fields of business and management technology. The 2nd International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (IConBMT) will be held in 2020.
For more information about the 2nd International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (IConBMT) please click icon below
UPDATE: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (IConBMT 2020) can be accessed here
Information about 2019 IConBMT
The 1st International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (IConBMT) provides a multidisciplinary for corporate executives and scholars forum worldwide, to present and discuss the most recent methodological developments as well as practical challenges regarding the adoption of current methods or techniques in the fields of business and management technology. The theme of this conference is “Reshaping Research and Best Practices in Global Business Management.” The global business management is considered as the new paradigm that needs some challenging responses from researches and practical perspectives.
The 1st International Conference on Business and Management of Technology (IConBMT) on August 3rd 2019 at Oakwood Hotel Surabaya.
2019 IConBMT Keynote Speaker
Professor Pervaiz K. Ahmed
Monash University Malaysia
Ir. Destiawan Soewardjono, M.M.
Operational Director III, WIKA
2019 IConBMT Paper Theme
2019 IConBMT invite worldwide corporate executives and scholars from multidisciplinary research interests in the broad area of Business and Management Technology, and classify the submissions into five functional plus one special track include, but are not limited to:
Special Track for Executives Corporate and Practitioners:
Application of Innovation and Internet of Things (IoT) / Revo 4.0 for Corporate
Best Practices of Management in State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN)
Best Practices of Management in Private Company
Government Policies for Resilient Economics
Track 1: Strategic, Operations Management, and Management of Technology
Data Analytics
Supply Chain Management
Business Process Management
Emerging performance management practices
Strategic Management
Risk Management
Multi-Criteria Decision Making
Project Management
Environmental Management
Information Technology and E-Commerce/E-Business
Emerging topics in Strategic, Operations Management, and Management Technology
Track 2: Marketing Management
Strategic Marketing
Service Marketing
Brand Marketing
Consumer Behavior
Marketing for High-Tech Product
Strategic High-Tech Marketing
Emerging topics in Marketing Management
Track 3: Human Capital Management
Strategic Human Capital Management
Strategic workforce planning
Training and human capital development
Organizational Behavior
Compensation Management
Employee performance management
Talent management and succession planning
Industrial relation in global business
Workplace health and safety
Emerging topics in Human Capital Management
Track 4: Accounting and Financial Management
Macro and Micro Economic
Business Valuation
Investment and Portfolio
Project Finance
International Finance
Banking Management
Business finances in a globalized world
Financial risk management
Management accounting and business Excellence
Corporate governance
Emerging topics in Accounting and Financial Management
Track 5: Entrepreneurship and Social Sciences
New Venture Creation
Innovation and New Product Development
Social Entrepreneurship
Business Consulting Project
Family business in a globalized world
Educational Sciences
Behavioral Sciences
Emerging topics in Enterpreneurship and Social Sciences
Publication for 2019 IConBMT
1. IConBMT web (abstract only)
UPDATE: 2019 IConBMT book of abstract can be accessed through this link
UPDATE: The IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series can be accessed through this link
3. IPTEK Journal of Science, Technology, and Engineering Series
-IPTEK The Journal for Technology and Science (full paper, indexed by Cross reff, DOAJ, Google Scholar, OAI, BASE, IAES, Garuda, Infobase)
-International Journal of Computing Science and Applied Mathematics (full paper, indexed by Crossref, Google Scholar, Sinta, Garuda, One Search, BASE, Dimension)
-IPTEK The Journal of Engineering (full paper, indexed by Google Scholar, Garuda)
4. Jurnal Sosial Humaniora (full paper, indexed by DOAJ, Crossref, Index Copernicus, Garuda)
UPDATE: The JSH publication can be accessed through this link
5. Scopus Proceeding Index (full paper)
The IConBMT 2019 made a cooperation with the International Journal of Business and Society (SCOPUS Q3 based Journal). The five best papers from the conference would be considered for potential publication in IJBS. Further info regarding the journal can be seen as follows:
For the mentioned author in this list (https://intip.in/iconbmtrevised), please revised your file in between August 3rd – 6th, 2019 with the mentioned solution.
The Readiness of Nadhatul Ulama Surabaya University (UNUSA) to be the Center of Rahmatan Lil Alamin Entrepreneur (ENPLUS)
The Influence of Hardware, Software, Design, and Perceived Value on Intention to Purchase Smartwactch
Measurement of Power Plant Efficiency Using Two-Stages Modeling Data Enveloped Analysis (Case Study PT X)
Economic Analysis of the Use of Bio ethanol for Replacement of Fossil Fuel
Financial Inclusion Through Digital Financial Service: The Eyes of Agents as Medium Digital Financial Service Provider
note : The committee will soon contact the best paper authors for further publication procedure
2019 IConBMT Photo Gallery
2019 IConBMT Committee:
Conference Chair
Dr. Arman Hakim Nasution
Conference Co-Chair 1
Dr. Satria Fadil Persada
Conference Co-Chair 2
Dr. Yogi Tri Prasetyo
Executive Chair
Dr. Anandita Ade Putri
Editor in Chief
Dr.oec. Syarifa Hanoum
Executive Chair
Anandita Ade Putri
Program Chair
Berto Mulia Wibawa
Program Co-Chair 1
Dr. M. Yusak Anshori
Program Co-Chair 2
Dr. Shu-Chiang Lin
Arrangement Chair
Dewie Saktia Ardiantono
Arrangement Co-Chair 1
Puti Sinansari
Arrangement Co-Chair 2
Aang Khunaifi
Publication Committee 1
Geodita Woro Bramanti
Publication Committee 2
Ninditya Nareswari
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2019 IConBMT Venue
The conference venue for 2019 IConBMT is Oakwood Hotel Surabaya (5 km from ITS Research Center)