Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) continues to improve the quality of its students to be ready to face the global world. In order to achieve this, ITS collaborated with IDX Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), Financial Services Authority (OJK), and FAC Securities to create an IDX Investment Gallery in the Department of Business Management which was formalized in September 2019.
The presence of the IDX Investment Gallery at ITS is a race for ITS students to learn directly to become a businessman. Students will immediately jump into the investment world of the Indonesia Stock Exchange. IDX Investment Gallery is present as a means for students to learn literacy and education about the capital market. Students will know firsthand about stocks, bonds, and they will learn as young investors.
New challenges for the world today are analytic data or scientific data and big data. The capital market is the biggest source of big data. The data in the capital market will move every second, this is something that must be studied, analyzed, and predicted. ITS students will learn to analyze the capital market properly directly.
With direct plunge, students will find out which company shares are favorite, stocks that are bullish (stocks move up in a certain period of time) and bearish (shares move down within a certain period). Students will also know which stocks are classified as blue chips, which are the best-selling stocks. But students are expected not only as stock observers, but also as investors. Another benefit is that students will be more interested and curious about the business world, so there will be a good entrepreneurial spirit. Students who come not only invest, but there will be a simulation program on the capital market.
With this simulation program, a student will learn and try when he can get capital gains (income derived from the sale of capital assets) and when capital losses (losses obtained from the difference in the purchase price minus the selling price of the shares). It is hoped that this knowledge will be the basis and basis for students to face the world trade war.