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BAS is an educational laboratory focuses in operations management, financial management, and strategic management research topic. BAS Laboratory has the following values: Professional, Responsive, Teamwork, Integrity.
Head of Laboratory: Gogor Arif Handiwibowo ST., M.MT
Dr. Ir. Arman Hakim Nasution, M.Eng.
Imam Baihaqi, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Muhammad Saiful Hakim, S.E., M.M.
Aang Kunaifi, S.E., M.SA. Ak.
Dewie Saktia Ardiantono, S.T., M.T.
Puti Sinansari, S.T., M.M.
Geodita Woro Bramanti, S.T., M.Eng.Sc.
Ninditya Nareswari, S.M., M.Sc.
Mushonnifun Faiz Sugihartanto, S.T., M.Sc.
Sri Yayu Ninglasari, S.E., M.SEI.
Santy Dwi Cempaka, S.T., MBA
Follow us on instagram: bas.laboratory
Becoming an education based laboratory and research in the field of operations and finance to create business leaders in the field of analytics and strategies that have an international reputation by 2030.