No |
Title |
Forum |
Leader |
Member 1 |
Member 2 |
Member 3 |
Member 4 |
Member 5 |
1 |
Analysis of Supplier Cooperation Relationship in The Competition of Material Procurement of Toll Road Construction Project (Case Study : Toll Roal Ngawi – Kertosono Section)
The 5th Global Advanced Research Conference on Management and Business Studies (Garcombs) |
Dewie Saktia Ardiantono |
Nugroho Priyo Negoro |
Lidya Dwi Vega |
2 |
The Impact of Partnership Attributes to Supply Chain Collaboration and Operational Performance : An Empirical Study of Foodservice Industry
The 5th Global Advanced Research Conference on Management and Business Studies (Garcombs) |
Geodita Woro Bramanti |
Imam Baihaqi |
3 |
Does Loyalty and Purchase Intention of Virtual Item on Online Game are Different for Paid and Unpaid Players ? Case Study on DOTA 2
The 5th Global Advanced Research Conference on Management and Business Studies (Garcombs) |
Varah Nuzulfah |
Berto Mulia Wibawa |
Ibnu Fadil Maddarangan |
4 |
Developing Improvement Strategy to Increase Logistics Service Quality : Case Study of Logistics Service Provider in Surabaya
The 5th Global Advanced Research Conference on Management and Business Studies (Garcombs) |
Dewie Saktia Ardiantono |
Imam Baihaqi |
Dewanti Anggrahini |
Claudia Christy Vinanda Ningtyas Tambun |
5 |
An Investigation of Strategy and Institutional Theory Influence on Energy Management and Energy Efficiency in Manufacturing Industries : A Case Study in Indonesia
The 5th Global Advanced Research Conference on Management and Business Studies (Garcombs) |
Imam Baihaqi |
Satria Fadil Persada |
Rifda Mufidah |
6 |
Process-based Performance Measurement With Network Data Envelopment Analysis
The 5th Global Advanced Research Conference on Management and Business Studies (Garcombs) |
Syarifa Hanoum |
Arman Hakim Nasution |
7 |
New Retail Audit : Evaluation of Store Readiness in Seafood Retail
The 5th Global Advanced Research Conference on Management and Business Studies (Garcombs) |
Berto Mulia Wibawa |
Nyemas Dinda Ramadhani |
8 |
Malcolm Baldridge Criteria Performance Excellence Adoption for State – Owned Enterprise in Indonesia
The 5th Global Advanced Research Conference on Management and Business Studies (Garcombs) |
Arman Hakim Nasution |
Syarifa Hanoum |
D.P. Priorita |
Aang Kunaifi |
Zafriana |
9 |
Advertising Spending and Firm Value : The Moderating Effect of Firm Strategy
The 5th Global Advanced Research Conference on Management and Business Studies (Garcombs) |
Aang Kunaifi |
Berto Mulia Wibawa |
Muhammad Hafizh Prayogo |
Arman Hakim Nasution |
10 |
Exploring the Implementation of Solar Panel as the Renewable Energy Alternative for Home and Business Perspectives in Indonesia : A Business Model Literacy Point of View
The 2nd International Conference on Family Business & Entrepreneurship, Bali |
Dewie Saktia Ardiantono |
Satria Fadil Persada |
Janti Gunawan |
11 |
Exploring the Implementation of Sharing Economy Through Its Business Model : Lesson Learned From Indonesia
The 2nd International Conference on Family Business & Entrepreneurship, Bali |
Satria Fadil Persada |
Muhammad Saiful Hakim |
Varah Nuzulfah |
Berto Mulia Wibawa |
12 |
Applying Marketing Strategy and Marketing Mix Model to Improve the MSMEs Business Performance as the Initial Campus Business Incubation Process : A Case Study in Indonesia
The 2nd International Conference on Family Business & Entrepreneurship, Bali |
Satria Fadil Persada |
Imam Baihaqi |
Berto Mulia Wibawa |
13 |
Analisis Industri Bisnis Jasa Online Ride Sharing di Indonesia
Esensi : Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen, Volume 8, 2018. P-ISSN : 2087-2038; E-ISSN : 2461-1182 |
Berto Mulia Wibawa |
Yani Rahmawati |
Mathias Rainaldo |
14 |
Analisis Model Struktural Faktor-Faktor Pembentuk Fashion Oriented Impulses Buying Produk Ritel Fashion Berdasarkan Sudut Pandang Konsumen Usia Remaja
DeReMa Jurnal Manajemen Vol. 13, No. 1 |
Berto Mulia Wibawa |
Geodita Woro Bramanti |
15 |
Understanding the Consumer’s Behavior Intention in Using Green Ecolabel Product Through Pro-Environmental Plannet Behavior Model in Developing and Developed Regions: Lessons Learned from Taiwan and Indonesia
Jurnal Sustainnability 2018,10(5),1423 |
Satria Fadil Persada |
16 |
A Bussines Model and Swat Point of Views to Describe the Prepaid Electicity Bussines unit in Indonesia nasional Electrical Company
IOSR Jurnal of Bussines and Management 20(7), 53-57 |
Rizki Adipratama |
Satria Fadil Persada |
Indung Sudarso |
17 |
Understanding The business model Of Sorbitol Manufakture as a Subtitution Material of Sugar Cane: A Case study in Indonesia
IOSR Jurnal of Bussines and Management 20(7),76-79 |
Brian Damara |
Satria Fadil Persada |
18 |
An Exporation Bussines Model View of ITC Innfrastructur and Service company : Indonesia company Case Study
IOSR Jurnal of Bussines and Management 20(7),72-75 |
Febrianto S. Sidabutar |
Satria Fadil Persada |
19 |
Prediction Water river Quality Staus With Dynamic System for Karangpilang drinking Water Tretment Plaint in Surabaya City, Indonesia
Pollution,Rezeach 37(2),349-354 |
Mohammad Razif |
Satria Fadil Persada |
20 |
A Pleminary dynamic of Succes to Succesfull archeptype In Govemment Budget Competition Alloccation by using Balanced Score card – Like
IPTEK Juornal of Procedings series,93-101 |
Arman Hakim Nasution |
A Tontowi |
BM Shopa |
B Hartono |
21 |
Development of Creative Industry eco-toursin Strategy Using Swot Analilys Case Study of bayung Gede Vilage
IPTEK Journal of Procedings Series ,116-123 |
EP Putra |
Arman Hakim Nasution |
22 |
Optimization of Municipal Waste Collection Scheduling and Routing using Vechile assignment Problem (case study of Surabaya city waste collection )
IOP Comference Series: Material Science and Enginering 337(1).012013 |
Imam Baihaqi |
23 |
Measuring and Improving Logistics Service Quality : A Case Study of Logistic Service Provider
8th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM) |
Imam Baihaqi |
Syarifa Hanoum |
Aang Kunaifi |
24 |
Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Development Through Campus Social Responsibility : A Conceptual Framework
8th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM) |
Imam Baihaqi |
Satria Fadil Persada |
Sutikno |
Setiawan |
25 |
The Investigation of Consumers’ Behavior Intention in Using Green Skincare Product : A Pro-Environmental Behavior Model Approach
Jurnal Sustainability 2018, 10 (5), 3922; |
Satria Fadil Persada |
Bustanul Arifin Noer |
26 |
Managing dead stock spare part using house of risk framework
International Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol. 7, Edisi 3, Hal. 221-224, ISSN : 20507399 |
Muhammad Saiful Hakim |
Imam Baihaqi |
27 |
Development of Samiler Jarak-Dolly (Samijali) Business Through Social-Based Business Model
International Conference on Engineering Technology, Advance Science and Industrial Application |
Berto Mulia Wibawa |
Varah Nuzulfah |
Andi Hafsah |
28 |
An Investigation of Impact Electronic Word of Mouth and Word of Mouth on Purchase Intention Giri Hill Cafe Gresik (Survey on College Student)
The 5th Global Advanced Research Conference on Management and Business Studies (Garcombs) |
Rosa Rilantiana |
Roostikasari Nugraheni |
Berto Mulia Wibawa |
Ainindya Saskita Cahya Putri |
29 |
Realized Strategy and Financial Performance in Indonesia Banking Industry
The 3rd Global Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship (The 3rd GC-BME), Business Management Education Program, Faculty of Business and Economics Education |
Aang Kunaifi |
Muhammad Saiful Hakim |
Berto Mulia Wibawa |
30 |
Identifikasi Permasalahan Pemanfaatan Data Sebagai Dasar Pengambilan Keputusan Bisnis Pada UMKM Sektor Jasa: Kasus di Surabaya
Jurnal Sains dan Seni POMITS Vol. 7, No. 1 |
Nisrina Arieza Rahmadita |
Berto Mulia Wibawa |
Muhammad Saiful Hakim |
31 |
Identifikasi Perilaku Compulsive Buying pada Mahasiswa di Surabaya
Jurnal Sains dan Seni POMITS Vol. 7, No. 1 |
Piero, M |
Berto Mulia Wibawa |
Satria Fadil Persada |
32 |
Analisis Deskriptif Pemain Online Game pada Game Defense of the Ancients 2 (Dota 2)
Jurnal Teknik ITS Vol. 7, No. 1 |
Maddarangan, I. F |
Varah Nuzulfah |
Berto Mulia Wibawa |
33 |
Perancangan Logo dan Slogan Kabupaten
Trenggalek Sebagai Media City Branding |
Jurnal Teknik ITS Vol. 7, No. 1 |
Bramantya Yoga Widyaswara |
Berto Mulia Wibawa |
Muhammad Saiful Hakim |
34 |
Transactional dan transformational leaderships in islamic perspectives
13rd International Islamic Development Management Conference |
Muhammad Ubaidillah Al Mustofa |
Rifyal Zuhdi Gultom |
Sri Herianingrum |
Dewie Saktia Ardiantono |
35 |
Identifikasi Indikator Prioritas Implementasi Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) pada Instalasi Penjernihan Air Minum (IPAM) Legundi PDAM Giri Tirta Gresik
Jurnal Teknik ITS Vol. 7, No. 1 (2018) 2337-3520 (2301-928X Print) |
Intan Pravitasari |
Nugroho Priyo Negoro |
Dewie Saktia Ardiantono |
36 |
Determinants of Inward Foreign Investment : Islamic Outlook
13rd International Islamic Development Management Conference |
Muhammad Ubaidillah Al Mustofa |
Sri Herianingrum |
Dewie Saktia Ardiantono |
37 |
Identifikasi faktor keberhasilan pengelolaan distribusi retail energi listrik di PLN Unit Layanan Salatiga
Jurnal Teknik ITS Vol. 7, No. 1 (2018) 2337-3520 (2301-928X Print) |
Nugraheni, W |
Nugroho Priyo Negoro |
38 |
Identifikasi Faktor Kritis dalam Perancangan Jasa Rental Mobil
Jurnal Teknik ITS Vol. 7, No. 1 (2018) 2337-3520 (2301-928X Print) |
Rahman, R.A., |
Nugroho Priyo Negoro |
Kunaifi, A |
39 |
A Multi Criteria Decision Making Approach for Selecting In House and Outsource Marketing Strategies : A Case of Indonesia XYZ Cosmetic
The 2nd International Conference on Family Business & Entrepreneurship |
Geodita Woro Bramanti |
Nugroho Priyo Negoro |
Satria Fadil Persada |
Anugerah Bimo Prakoso |
40 |
Enganging Muslimah Consumers with Halal Cosmetics
The 2th International Conference on Family Business & Enterpreneurship |
Varah Nuzulfah |
Bustanul Arifin Noer |
Satria Fadil Persada |
Aqnesya Balques |
41 |
Improving the quality of MSMEs cluster products with quality function deployment
11th International Seminar on Industrial and Management (11th ISIEM) |
Bustanul Arifin Noer |
Imam Baihaqi |
Y Prasetyawan |
H A Nindyanto |
F. Kartikasari |
42 |
Strategy for developing micro small medium enterprise cluters using business model canvas and manufacturing system design
11th International Seminar on Industrial and Management (11th ISIEM) |
Bustanul Arifin Noer |
Imam Baihaqi |
Y Prasetyawan |
H A Nindyanto |
F. Kartikasari |
43 |
Kebijakan persediaan spare part (studi kasus : pabrik perakitan sepeda motor)
Jurnal Teknik ITS Vol. 7, No. 1 (2018) 2337-3520 (2301-928X Print) |
Meriem Octaviana |
Imam Baihaqi |
Geodita Woro Bramanti |
44 |
Designing Performance Measurement System PT. X With Integration of Balanced Scorecard Method and Analytical Hierarchy Process
International Journal of Innovation Science and Research Technology, Volume 3, Issue 1, January, 2018 |
Laksana Widya Peryoga |
Bustanul Arifin Noer |
45 |
Analysis of Effect of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment On Performance With Turnover Intention Moderation
IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN), Vol. 08, Issue 7, July 2018. ISSN (e) : 2250-3021 |
Cici Minarwati |
Bustanul Arifin Noer |
46 |
Critical Factors of Success of Work Relationship Between Main Contractor and Subcontractor in X Ltd. Steel Fabrication Company |
IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN), Vol. 08, Issue 7, July 2018. ISSN (e) : 2250-3021 |
Yelestya Aanval |
Bustanul Arifin Noer |