The Master’s Program in System and Technology Innovation (PSMIST) is designed to produce graduates with high competence in system and technology innovation. This program aims to meet professional and academic needs in various technology sectors through an interdisciplinary approach. PSMIST graduates are envisioned to become innovators, professionals, consultants, technopreneurs, and government bureaucrats of excellence. Each student is equipped with strategic skills in utilizing technology, leadership abilities, and sustainability insights to support organizational and societal progress.
Students graduating with this profile possess the ability to create innovations in systems and technologies applicable to specific sectors. They are equipped with in-depth knowledge of technology management, innovation project management, and business ethics principles supporting sustainable development. Students are also expected to identify opportunities to craft innovative solutions tailored to industry needs while considering social and environmental aspects.
Students working in the industrial or corporate sectors, including State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs), are trained to leverage system and technology innovations to improve organizational performance. In addition to technical expertise, students are equipped with relevant business strategy skills, project management capabilities, and cross-disciplinary communication proficiency. These competencies enable them to make significant contributions in supporting sustainability and operational efficiency.
Students pursuing careers as technology consultants possess strong analytical skills to deliver technology-based solutions to organizations. They are capable of identifying client needs, designing technology implementation strategies, and providing innovative and practical advice. With broad insights, students can bridge technology development and business needs, helping organizations achieve their strategic objectives.
Students with entrepreneurial interests are equipped with the ability to start and grow technology-based businesses. They learn to identify market opportunities, develop innovative business models, and commercialize their innovations. Additionally, students are taught to manage financial, legal, and marketing aspects to advance their technology startups, thereby making a positive impact on society and the economy.
Students pursuing careers in the government sector are expected to apply system and technology innovations to enhance the efficiency and quality of public services. They are trained to understand regulations, policies, and good governance principles in government. Furthermore, students are equipped with the ability to design strategies oriented toward sustainable development, ensuring that the technology implemented provides maximum benefits to the broader community.