The 7th online public lecture was successfully held on Thursday (07/5), this lecture carries
The 6th online public lecture was successfully held on Monday (04/5), this online lecture
Following up on the COVID-19 pandemic, the remainder of the 2019-2020 even semester’s lectures
Thank you, more than 700 participants were attended the Free Public Courses in
Departemen Manajemen Teknologi Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember memberikan layanan kuliah gratis untuk umum dengan
Registration for Thesis Proposal Seminar and Online Thesis Seminar In connection with the circular
In connection with ITS Chancellor Circular Letter Number T / 21887 / IT2 /
Setelah meluncurkan MyITS Presensi ( yang merupakan platform presensi mahasiswa daring (online), ITS kembali
Menyikapi mewabahnya virus Corona Virus Disease 19 (COVID-19), Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) terus
Departemen Manajemen Teknologi bersama dengan Fakultas Desain Kreatif dan Bisnis Digital membuka bidang keahlian
Persyaratan dan Tatacara Pendaftaran Program Pascasarjana ITS Semester Gasal 2018/2019 Persyaratan Program Pascasarjana
Graduate Program in Technology Management (MMT) of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) received a
To Improve Innovative Learning, MMT ITS Invites Tutor from NUS Singapore
As many as 87 percent of students in Indonesia often feel they are wrong
Department of Technology Management is eager to enhance its quality. Not only improving the