Guest Lecture in Financial Management by Andi Hartadi Sukiman (Banker Investment Banker) (3/10) with
Congratulation for our graduates.Kindly check aour graduation ceremony in our official channel of MMT
Starting the odd semester 2019/2020, the Jakarta class of MMT began academic activities with
Lets watch our memorable gradnite event on Official Channel MMT-ITS TV. (gwb)
Outbound team building & self-development activities are training activities routinely carried out by the
For the first time, Department of Technology Management Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember celebrated the
Explanation of MMT-ITS Outbound Odd Semester 2019/2020 The following are the provisions for outbound
Tuition fee (SPP) payment schedule: July 1st– August 23th, 2019 Payment Method: via Teller/ATM/iBanking:
Persyaratan dan Tatacara Pendaftaran Program Pascasarjana ITS Semester Gasal 2018/2019 Persyaratan Program Pascasarjana
Sesuai kalender akademik ITS tahun 2017/2018, jadwal pelaksanaan wisuda periode Maret 2018 adalah tanggal
Pelaksanaan Tes Ujian Masuk Mahasiswa Baru MMT-ITS Semester Gasal 2018/2019 dilaksanakan Hari : Sabtu
Regarding National Day Holidays and Joint Leave Announcement from our Government, we inform you
Salam. Departemen Manajemen Teknologi ITS mengundang Bapak/Ibu dalam acara Open House dan Talkshow
We are currently inform you that due to our meeting agenda which will be