Its all about Business and Technology Innovation Laboratory.
Various collaborations initiated by Department of Technology Management.
Various scientific publication works from the student of the Department of Technology Management.
Awards in scientific publications awarded to students and lecturers of Department of Technology Management.
Department of Technology Management provides research topics for students, lecturers, and researchers.
The list of scientific journals that can be accessed by students and lecturers of Department of Technology Management.
Various scientific conferences held by the Department of Technology Management.
DHL Supply Chain Indonesia collaborates with Magister Manajemen Teknologi (MMT) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember ( is proud to
We are cordially invited all researchers, academicians, students, practitioners, and observers to join our The 3rd International Conference on
The need for and technological developments continues, especially in the midst of the industrial era 4.0. Various preparations and
Gradnite MMT-ITS masih diselenggarakan secara virtual. Virtual MMT-ITS Gradnite 124 diselenggarakan pada Sabtu, 25
ITS Buka Bidang Keahlian Baru, TECHNOMARKETING ITS menawarkan bidang Marketing. Melengkapi berbagai pilihan yang
Departemen Manajemen Teknologi (MT-ITS) kembali menggelar Pelatihan untuk Karyawan guna meningkatkan kualitas layanan. Tema
We are cordially invited all researchers, academicians, students, practitioners, and observers to join our