Doctor of Technology Management

Doctor of Technology Management (DMT)

Postgraduate Program  of Technology Management proudly present a brand new doctoral program which slightly different with the other conventional doctoral programs. We have program which similar with Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) which held abroad. The focus is on research in certain fields that have high relevance to complex field problems which are resolved using systematic and academically tested methodologies. Applicants for this program can come from professionals or academics with certain work experiences.

To become the organizer of a doctoral program with an international reputation in supporting the development of human resources who have research, innovation and leadership capabilities in the field of technology management.

  1. Organizing a technology management doctoral program that combines practical and academic interests.
  2. Promote a research climate based on scientific innovation that contributes to solving complex real problems.
  3. Increase networks both among professionals and academics at the national and international levels.
  1. Produce a doctorate in the field of technology management who has high scientific integrity, broad insight, and sufficient depth of knowledge to solve complex real problems.
  2. Support ITS in creating a conducive research climate and relevant to practical needs.
  3. Increase ITS network among professionals and academics at the national and international levels.

The Technology Management Doctoral Program is a combination of lectures, research, and publications. As you can see in the picture, there are three lectures that form the foundation, two courses that create context and the rest are research work. Research for the Doctor of Technology Management program is preferred research which has high relevance to the needs in the field and can raise complex issues with a multi-disciplinary review with a systematic methodology. Although there is still a need to contribute to the development of the field of science, the Doctor of Technology Management program prioritizes contributions to solving real problems.


Lectures will be held on Saturday. Some lectures can be packaged in a block system. As needed, students can be recommended to take other courses to support their dissertation work. Outside of these face-to-face lectures, participants must do research and write a dissertation, write a paper for a conference or for a scientific journal.


The fields of study that fall within the scope of the Technology Management Doctoral Program are as listed below, but of course they can develop according to scientific developments:

  1. Strategic Management
  2. Industry Management
  3. Project Management
  4. Information Technology Management
  5. Supply Chain Management
  6. Maritime Business Management
  7. Business Analytics
  8. Innovation Design Management

Prospective students must contact prospective supervisors and ask for approval to become a dissertation supervisor / promoter. Approval letter format can be downloaded here (in Indonesian Language).

The main supervisor must hold the position of Principal Lecturer or Professor and have a track record of publication in international journals in the last 5 years. On the way, a doctoral student will be guided by 2 or 3 people. For the Doctor of Technology Management program, advisers are advised to come from at least two different fields of science.
The following are some of the lecturers who can be nominated as potential supervisors ( other ITS lecturers can also be proposed ):

Name Research Interest Email
Prof. Dr. Ir. Abdullah Shahab, MSc Manufacturing System, Quality Management
Prof.Dr.Ir. Budi Santosa M.Sc, Ph.D. optimation, metaheuristic, data mining/big data
Prof. Dr. Ir. Budisantoso Wirjodirdjo M. Eng. Strategic and Performance Management
Prof. Ir. I Nyoman Pujawan, M.Eng., Ph.D. CSCP Supply Chain Management, Operations Management, Logistics Management
Prof. Iwan Vanany ST., M.T., Ph.D. Logistic and Supply Chain Management
Prof. Dr. Ir. Joko Lianto Buliali, M.Sc. Modelling and Simulation System, Data Analysis Time Series, Big Data Analysis, e-business
Prof. Dr. Ketut Buda Artana ST MSc Risk Management, Supply Chain, Oil and Gas
Prof. Dr. Ir. Mauridhi Hery Purnomo, M.Eng. Business Intelligence
Prof. Dr. Moses L. Singgih Produktivity, Quality and Manufacturing System
Prof. Drs. Mohammad Isa Irawan, MT Management Information System, Risk Management, Decision Analysis
Prof. Dr. Ir. Nadjadji Anwar, MSc System Analysis, Environmental Hydraulic Aspect
Prof. Nur Iriawan, M.Ikom, Ph.D. Business Analytics
Prof. Drs.Ec. Ir. Riyanarto Sarno, M.Sc., Ph.D. Sentiment Analysis; IT Audit;
Prof. Dr. Ir. Tri Widjaja., M.Eng Industrial Waste Treatment, Factory Utility Systems, Chemical Engineering Operations
Prof. Dr. Ir. Udisubakti Ciptomulyono M.Eng.Sc. Technology / Environmental Management, Green Innovation, Decision-Analysis-MCDM
Dr. Eng, Ir.Ahmad Rusdiansyah M.Eng. Logistics and SCM
Dr. Ir. Bambang Syairudin, MT Industrial Management; Project management; Business Analytics
Dr. Bambang Widjanarko Otok, M.Si Business Analytics
Christiono Utomo, ST, MT, Ph.D. Design management, investment and project financing, group decision and negotiation;
Dr. Diana Purwitasari, S.Kom, M.Sc. Data Mining, Recommendation System
Dr. Ellya Zulaikha Innovation Design Management
Erma Suryani, S.T., M.T., Ph. D. Model Driven Decision Support Systems, IT Management, E-business, Strategic IS/IT
Ir. Ervina Ahyudanari, ME, PhD transportation infrastructure, transportation management
Imam Baihaqi S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. Strategic Management, Project Management
Dr. Ir. Mokh. Suef, MSc(Eng) Maintenance Quality, Manufacturing
Nurhadi Siswanto S.T., MSIE.,Ph.D. Industrial Management, Supply Chain Management (SCM), and Business Analytics
Dr.Tech, Ir. R.V. Hari Ginardi, MSc Information Technology, Intelligent Computing
Raja Oloan Saut Gurning, ST, MSc, PhD Maritime Transportation, Maritim Logistic, Port Management
Dr. Suhartono S.Si., M.Sc Quantitative Business Forecasting

Applicants for this program must meet the following requirements:

  1. Graduates of the Master Program with a GPA of 3.00 (for Doctoral Programs) from State Universities or Private Universities with a minimum accredited study program B. Accreditation status can be seen here (available in Indonesian Language).
  2. You can get two letters of recommendation from the head of an institution or a former lecturer with downloadable format here (available in Indonesian Language).
  3. Have a score of Test of English as Foreign Language (TEFL/TOEFL) minimum 477. Test can be conducted (online) in Centre of Language and Culture ITS.
  4. Have a Certificate of Potential Academic Ability Test (Tes Potensi Kemampuan Akademik (TPKA)) with minimum score of 450. Test can be conducted inDirektorat Pascasarjana dan Pengembangan Akademik ITS.
  5. Get approval from prospective promoters, the format of the letter can be downloaded here (available in Indonesian Language).
  6. Have a Dissertation Proposal Plan that has been approved by the prospective supervisor. The proposed format can be downloaded here (available in Indonesian Language).
  7. Fill this form admission form ini and register here.

Further information kindly access this page here (Available in Indonesian Language).

  1. Complete at least 42 credits consisting of 12 credits of tuition and 30 credits of a dissertation with a minimum GPA of 3.0. Guide to preparing the dissertation can be downloaded here (available in Indonesian Language).
  2. Produce a minimum of one publication in an international journal.
  3. Present at least one paper at an international conference.
  4. Meets other requirements as set out inITS Postgraduate Quality Assurance .

To do a preliminary consultation please contact us at the following:

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)
ITS Tjokroaminoto Campus
Jl. Cokroaminoto 12A
Surabaya 60264
Tel: +62315613922, +62315666172

Whatsapp: +6281330896644

Business Leaders with Analytical Skills

MT ITS produces business leaders who have strong analytical abilities. To be competitive, businesses today must be led by people who have a vision, have strong managerial skills, and are able to make decisions based on information processed from data. MT ITS alumni are different from others in their analytical abilities so they can make the right decisions.

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