We cordially invite academics, researchers, students, and practitioners to join our The 6th International Conference on Management of Technology, Innovation, and Project (MOTIP 06) to submit and disseminate the research paper, best practices, and ideas related to the theme and topics of interest. The theme for, MOTIP 06 is “Sustainable Production and Consumption”
MOTIP 06 is a conference hosted by Interdisciplinary School of Management and Technology Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.
For more information: its.ac.id/mt/motip06/
We cordially invite academics, researchers, students, and practitioners to join our The 6th International Conference on Management of Technology,
Gradnite MMT-ITS masih diselenggarakan secara virtual. Virtual MMT-ITS Gradnite 124 diselenggarakan pada Sabtu, 25 September 2021. Akan ada pemberian
ITS Buka Bidang Keahlian Baru, TECHNOMARKETING ITS menawarkan bidang Marketing. Melengkapi berbagai pilihan yang sudah ada, Program Magister Manajemen