Department of Technology Management for the first time held an online release of prospective
In accordance with the ITS Academic Vice Chancellor’s Notification Letter Number: T / 55486
The following is the announcement of the selection of new student admissions for the
Dear Department of Technology Management Students, We would like to inform you the great
Alur Prosedur Bebas Pustaka Berikut ini adalah panduan pengunggahan dokumen tesis/disertasi ke Repository
Please pay attention to the Decree of the Rector of the Sepuluh Nopember Institute
Hereby, we announce the admission information for student of Technology Management Department for master
Graduates of the Department of Technology Management finally took part in an online
In order to improve the quality of case studies teaching, the Department of Technology
Persyaratan dan Tatacara Pendaftaran Program Pascasarjana ITS Semester Gasal 2018/2019 Persyaratan Program Pascasarjana
Congratulations to the prospective students who were admitted to the Technology Management Department, the
Informs that the Surabaya Class MMT-ITS Entrance Examination Test Is Odd Semester 2019/2020, will
Guest Lecture in Financial Management by Andi Hartadi Sukiman (Banker Investment Banker) (3/10) with
MMT-ITS Social Responsibility (MSR) 2019 took place at the Tanggulangin District office in Sidoarjo