Rudiyanto: Studying at SIMT, Succeeding in the Professional World Successfully balancing studies and work,
Waktu Pendaftaran Program Non RPL Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Semester Genap Pendaftaran 03 Oktober 2022
Waktu Pendaftaran Gelombang II Pendaftaran 4 April – 17 Juli 2022 Ujian Masuk 18
The need for and technological developments continues, especially in the midst of the industrial
ITS Campus, ITS News – A series of international conferences entitled The 2nd International
Based on Letter from our vice Rector No. T/77909/IT2.III/TU.00.08/2020 about lockdown announcement in ITS.
Regarding National Day Holidays and Joint Leave Announcement from our Government, we inform you
In accordance with the ITS Academic Vice Chancellor’s Notification Letter Number: T / 55486
Dear Department of Technology Management Students, We would like to inform you the great
Alur Prosedur Bebas Pustaka Berikut ini adalah panduan pengunggahan dokumen tesis/disertasi ke Repository
Persyaratan dan Tatacara Pendaftaran Program Pascasarjana ITS Semester Gasal 2018/2019 Persyaratan Program Pascasarjana
To Improve Innovative Learning, MMT ITS Invites Tutor from NUS Singapore
In accordance with the ITS Rector Letter Number: 41169 / IT2 / TU.00.02 /
Congratulation for our graduates.Kindly check aour graduation ceremony in our official channel of MMT
The Bridging Course schedule for odd semester in Academic Year 2018/2019 can be downloaded
For the second time, the graduates of the Department of Technology Management