Menyikapi mewabahnya virus Corona Virus Disease 19 (COVID-19), Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) terus
Departemen Manajemen Teknologi bersama dengan Fakultas Desain Kreatif dan Bisnis Digital membuka bidang keahlian
Surat edaran ini berlaku untuk semua dosen, staf, dan mahasiswa ITS, termasuk dosen, staf,
Departemen Manajemen Teknologi Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (MMT-ITS) dengan National Yunlin University of Science
Please check the letter of Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs regarding the
Guest Lecture in Financial Management by Andi Hartadi Sukiman (Banker Investment Banker) (3/10) with
Explanation of MMT-ITS Outbound Odd Semester 2019/2020 The following are the provisions for outbound
Tuition fee (SPP) payment schedule: July 1st– August 23th, 2019 Payment Method: via Teller/ATM/iBanking:
We are currently inform you that due to our meeting agenda which will be
Persyaratan dan Tatacara Pendaftaran Program Pascasarjana ITS Semester Gasal 2018/2019 Persyaratan Program Pascasarjana
Lets watch our memorable gradnite event on Official Channel MMT-ITS TV. (gwb)
The following is the announcement of the selection of new student admissions for the
Green Supply Chain Management, Konsep Industri Berwawasan Lingkungan
For the first time, Department of Technology Management Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember celebrated the
Department of Technology Management held outbound activities for the new student, namely Team Building