Event : Seminar of Technology 4.0 and Society 5.0 Theme : How Technology Creates
In Ramadhan, the lecture hours in the Technology Management Department are adjusted to: Class
MMT-ITS admission information for odd semester term 2019/2020, further information can be accessed by
A-score of accreditation was again pinned to the Master Program in Technology Management, Department
Course schedule for Jakarta Class can be downloaded in the following link: Supply Chain
Perwalian/FRS Duration: January 28th 2019, 8 PM (GMT+7) – February 1st, 2019 Further information
Department of Technology Management gave new enthusiasm to its new students through the “Team
Schedule: 7 Januari – 1 Februari 2019 Payment can be conducted via teller/ ATM/
Hasil tes ujian masuk Program Pascasarjana ITS TA 2018/2019 Semester Genap Departemen Manajemen Teknologi
Persyaratan dan Tatacara Pendaftaran Program Pascasarjana ITS Semester Gasal 2018/2019 Persyaratan Program Pascasarjana
One of the online public lectures that has been successfully held on Thursday (5/14),
Alur Prosedur Bebas Pustaka Berikut ini adalah panduan pengunggahan dokumen tesis/disertasi ke Repository
As many as 87 percent of students in Indonesia often feel they are wrong
The 7th online public lecture was successfully held on Thursday (07/5), this lecture carries
Please check the letter of Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs regarding the