The need for and technological developments continues, especially in the midst of the industrial era 4.0. Various preparations and adjustments are needed, especially if the younger generation wants to take advantage of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. This is the main topic in a guest lecture organized by the Department of Technology Management, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Saturday (6/3).
Titled The Next Generation awaits Digitization with AI / Advanced Analytics, this activity invited the Senior Director of Global Supply Chain from Intel Corporation United States, Mani Janakiram PhD. Mani explained that the influence of the industrial era 4.0 in technological development cannot be ignored anymore, the growth and importance of data is very high. Revealing industry 4.0, Mani refers to this era as a phase with Cyber Physical Systems. Namely the advanced phase that focuses on integrating connectivity, automation and intelligence for overall added value. “In this phase, we need to consider several things, such as the transformation process, the technology used, and the impact,” said the man who lives in the United States. Furthermore, this alumnus of Arizona State University explained the fact that AI technology is currently being developed.
The focus of the AI area is currently at the center of the technological constellation. The technology used allows for reduced costs and increased data availability. “AI is more accessible and produces more critical output than previous technologies,” he added. Mani Janakiram PhD conveyed the focus area of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the future. Mani continued, AI provides various benefits and opportunities to improve skills in the technology field. He shared his perspective that AI can give a person’s self-quality value and the balancing process between the human brain and the machine. However, the rapid development of technology cannot be done arbitrarily. “The technology development process must consider future market needs,” he stressed. Responding to the rapid development of technology in various fields of science, this bespectacled man expressed his hope that the current generation will immediately make preparations from an early age. Preparation can be started from improving the way of thinking, training leadership, to cultivating enthusiasm to continue to learn and develop. “There is no stopping to learn,” he concluded hopefully. (*)
Rudiyanto: Studying at SIMT, Succeeding in the Professional World Successfully balancing studies and work, Rudiyanto has proven that success
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