In accordance with the ITS Academic Vice Chancellor’s Notification Letter Number: T / 55486 / IT2.I / TU.00.08 / 2020 concerning the Series of New Student Activities at the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Academic Year 2020/2021, in connection with the holding of a series of activities for New Students – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November Academic Year 2020/2021 starting September 14, 2019 to September 25, 2020, we submit the details of the following activities:
We inform new students for the 2020/2021 Academic Year that they are MUST ATTEND the event.
Thank you for your attention and cooperation.
Kindly read this information (in Bahasa Indonesia):
Rudiyanto: Studying at SIMT, Succeeding in the Professional World Successfully balancing studies and work, Rudiyanto has proven that success
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