
Lockdown Announcement

Fri, 25 Dec 2020
4:37 pm
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Oleh : Admin-Manajemen Teknologi   |

Based on Letter from our vice Rector No. T/77909/IT2.III/TU.00.08/2020 about lockdown announcement in ITS.

Observing the development of the spread of Covid-19 which shows that it tends to increase, including on the ITS campus, and considering the recommendations of the ITS Covid-19 Task Force which was submitted and discussed with ITS leaders on December 24, 2020, it was decided:

  1. The prohibition to enter the ITS campus (lockdown) for 17 (seventeen) days, including holidays, starting from Friday 25 December 2020 to Sunday 10 January 2021. The campus referred to in this circular includes all academic facilities (office space, classes, laboratories, workshops, studios, plazas, meeting rooms, etc.) including public facilities (mosques, parks, student dormitories, canteens, sports buildings / fields, etc.), are excluded for the Medical Center;
  2. Lockdown as number 1 is addressed to all lecturers, education staff, students, partners, and the general public, except for Health Workers, Security Units (SKK), Covid19 Task Force, on-duty Infrastructure (Sarpras) personnel, and residents of the ITS Campus housing complex. ITS Sukolilo Surabaya;
  3. Sterilization or spraying with disinfectants will be carried out for the entire ITS campus area coordinated by the Infrastructure Bureau with assistance from the Covid-19 Task Force;
  4. All lecturers and education staff are expected to stay at home, carry out Working From Home (WFH) on weekdays and are prohibited from traveling outside the city, either for official or personal interests;
  5. Lecturers, ITS education personnel and their immediate family members who live in the same house, who are in direct contact with people who are indicated to have tested positive for Covid-19, are required to do a PCR swab test in consultation and coordination with the ITS Covid-19 Task Force at hotline number 08113010103;
  6. Asked all ITS extended families to remain disciplined in implementing health protocols strictly and seriously, maintaining family health, avoiding gatherings or crowds that have the potential for covid-19 transmission;
  7. Violation of this circular letter, will have an impact on the imposition of employee disciplinary sanctions, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Thus we convey it to be implemented, for your help and cooperation we thank you.



Vice Rector’s Letter (in Indonesian Language):

SE Larangan Masuk Kampus (lockdown) ITS 2020


ITS News (in Indonesian Language):

To Prevent Covid-19 Transmission, ITS Again Goes on a Lockdown

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