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Master's in Technology Management Registration

The selection process for new student admissions to the Master’s Program in Technology Management is managed in an integrated manner by the Academic Directorate of the Graduate School at Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology through the ITS Entrance Selection (

The Master’s Program in Technology Management opens student registration twice a year.

Latest Registration Information

Get the latest registration information by filling out the form below.



  • Prospective applicants with TOEFL/TPA scores and GPAs below the minimum requirements can still apply for postgraduate programs at ITS.
  • If accepted as new students, they will participate in an English proficiency upgrading program provided by ITS.
  • The entrance examination is conducted online.

Registration Requirements

  1. Peserta program terbuka bagi lulusan
    1. Bachelor’s degree with a GPA of 3.00 (for Master’s Program) from a Public University or a Private University with a study program accredited at least B.
    2. Master’s degree with a GPA of 3.00 (for Doctoral Program) from a Public University or a Private University with a study program accredited at least B.
    3. For the Master’s to Doctoral Education Program for Outstanding Bachelor’s Graduates (PMDSU).
      1. Outstanding graduates (fresh graduates) from the last 3 (three) years or those who will graduate in September for ITS graduates
      2. The requirements for the applicant’s GPA are as follows: :
        • For applicants from University A with Program Accreditation A, the GPA must be ≥ 3,00
        • For applicants from University B with Program Accreditation A, the GPA must be ≥ 3,00.
        • For applicants from University A with Program Accreditation B, the GPA must be ≥ 3,00
        • For applicants from University B with Program Accreditation B, the GPA must be ≥ 3,00
      3. Age at the time of application must not be more than 24 years
  2. Obtain two recommendations online by providing the Name and Email of two recommenders (It must be ensured that the recommenders are informed and given 2 days (24 hours) after each participant completes the online form). The recommenders should be from :
    1. The head of the institution for those who are already employed, or
    2. A former lecturer or undergraduate program supervisor.
  3. Must have a TOEFL/TOEFL-like Paper-based certificate with a minimum score of 477 (for the Master’s program) and 500 (for the Doctoral program) on a scale of 1 – 700 from the following institutions:
    1. Institutional Testing Program (ITP).
    2. English language certificate from all State Universities in Indonesia.
    3. or ITS, the schedule for TOEFL-like tests (TEFL) can be found at: or by calling (031) 5990322 / 5947274 ext. 1221
    4. All TEFL scores must be converted to the TOEFL paper-based score according to the conversion link:
  4. Must have a certificate of Academic Potential Ability Test (TPKA) with a minimum score of 477 (for the Master’s program) and 500 (for the Doctoral program) on a scale of 200 – 800, issued by: Directorate of Postgraduate and Academic Development (DIRP2A-ITS), or Academic Potential Test (TPA) issued by BAPPENAS, and TKDA HIMPSI. For the TPA test by DIRP2A-ITS, you can check at or contact Tel. (031) 5994251 – ext 1126, 1384.
  5. Must pass the entrance selection/test:
    • Written: Field-specific material;
    • Interview
  6. Must declare willingness to comply with the applicable academic and financial procedures.
  7. For applicants to the Master’s program, a Research Topic Proposal must be completed. For Doctoral program applicants, a Dissertation Proposal Draft, approved by the potential supervisor, must be submitted. The format for the research topic proposal and dissertation proposal draft can be downloaded here. The format for the potential supervisor’s consent for Doctoral applicants can be downloaded here.

Tata Cara Pendaftaran

  1. MThrough this website, prospective participants can register for the Registration Access Code (KAP) and Personal Identification Number (PIN). Applicants must provide their full name, date of birth, and a valid email address.
  2. The prospective participant will receive an email containing the Payment Code, KAP, and PIN.
  3. Using the Payment Code, the prospective participant must pay the registration fee of Rp. 500,000.00 via Teller/ATM/Internet Banking for Bank Mandiri, Bank BNI, Bank BRI, Bank BTN, and Bank Jatim (Note: The registration fee is NON-REFUNDABLE for any reason).
  4. Details of the Payment Method are as follows:
    • Payment guides for Bank Mandiri, Bank BNI, Bank BRI, and Bank BNI Syariah can be found here.
  5. The prospective participant must register online (via the Internet) by visiting this website and logging in using KAP and PIN.
  6. To register online, the prospective participant should prepare:
    1. A recent color passport photo size 4×6 cm (wearing neat and proper attire) with a white background in JPEG or PNG format (max size 500 KB).
    2. Bachelor’s Degree Certificate (S1)/Letter of Study Completion (SKL) (must include contact details of the department head/program coordinator: name, email, and phone number).
    3. Bachelor’s Transcripts (S1).
    4. Master’s Degree Certificate (for Doctoral program applicants).
    5. Master’s Transcripts (for Doctoral program applicants).
    6. Two Recommendation Letters (online recommendation process by providing Name and Email for 2 (two) recommenders).
    7. TOEFL/IELTS Certificate.
    8. TPA or TPKA Certificate.
    9. Health Certificate.
    10. For S2 applicants, a Research Topic Proposal must be submitted, and for S3 applicants, a Dissertation Proposal Draft approved by the prospective supervisor. The format for the research topic proposal and dissertation proposal draft can be downloaded here. The format for supervisor consent for Doctoral applicants can be downloaded here.
    11. Portfolio (for S2 and S3 Research Path). The portfolio format can be downloaded here.
  7. The prospective participant must save and print the online Registration Proof Card.
  8. Prospective participants are not allowed to change the chosen study program for any reason.
  9. The prospective participant must sign the Registration Proof Card at the designated place.
  10. The Registration Proof Card must be brought during the field-specific material test and interview.
  11. All original documents uploaded online must be brought during the interview.

Download Registration Documents

Download the registration form here.

Contact Us

For more information, please contact:

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
ITS Tjokroaminoto Campus
Jl. Cokroaminoto 12A
Surabaya 60264
Tel: +62315613922, +62315666172

Register Now

After gathering all the required registration documents, please register through the following link.

Informasi Pendaftaran