One of the online public lectures that has been successfully held on Thursday (5/14), this lecture carries the theme “Maritime Business Under Covid-19 Disruption” delivered by Raja Oloan Saut Gurning, ST, M.Sc., Ph.D. and moderated by the Secretary of the Department of Technology Management, AAB Dinariyana Dwi Putranta, Ph.D. Some things discussed in this public course include the impact of maritime business due to the COVID 19 pandemic, the main response of maritime entities, disruption management approaches, approaches: adaptation and continuity, as well as its best practices. Around 160 participants were very enthusiastic in attending this lecture, the question and answer session was very dynamic and interesting.
This Public Lecture can be listened to again on the MMT ITS Youtube Official channel, guest lecture material can be downloaded at this link.
If you interest to enroll this Maritime Business Management course, feel free to fill this form
Rudiyanto: Studying at SIMT, Succeeding in the Professional World Successfully balancing studies and work, Rudiyanto has proven that success
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