ITS News

Kamis, 03 Oktober 2024
15 April 2012, 06:04

Indonesia Atlantic Challenge 2012 Team Ready to Seize Title in Ireland

Oleh : Dadang ITS | | Source : - –  Preparation started in March 2011 and then to start the third ship
building Rojo Segoro that we can finally launch on January 24, 2012 and
in ARMATIM, Surabaya. For now priority in the preparation of physical
exercise, simulating afight for 13 race categories, and fundraising for
the departure of the team. Exercises conducted in Surabaya Kenjeran
Coast by boat Merdeka (2002) who had won a trophy Spirit Of Atlantic
Challenge 2002 and was named the most beautiful ship of this century and
the ship Rojo Segoro (2012). Atlantic Challenge Indonesia Team under
the auspices of the Student Activity Unit ITS Maritime Challenge, which
is supervised by Prof. Dr. Ir. Daniel M. Rosyid. Indonesia Team
Coordinator of the Atlantic Challenge 2012 is Rikki Styadi. After sea
training is completed, for an empty lecture schedule busy with
activities in non-metal workshop in the PPNS to make an unfinished boat
accessories, such as mast ship backup, backup paddle and a few other
supporting tools.

ATLANTIC CHALLENGE is a routine activity held every two years in the
Atlantic Challenge Foundation member countries aimed to building
international cooperation in the field of socio-cultural among young
people an insight as to the maritime world. As a means of activity used a
wooden vessel (boat) called Yole de Bantry in a single design standard
(strict one design). Boats are taken from the momentum of the Great War
between the French against the British in 1796, which in those days the
French war ships can not enter into the territorial waters of Britain.
Yole de Bantry through which serves as a landing craft, the fleet of the
French troops were sent to mainland Britain and Ireland.

In the prestigious event in participating countries based maritime,
Indonesia was represented by a team called the Atlantic Challenge
Indonesia. To go to the grand event "International Contest of Seamanship and
Boatbuilding Atlantic Challenge 2012", held in Bantry, Ireland, 21-29
July 2012, Atlantic Challenge Indonesia Team 2012 has prepared a Yole de
Bantry new ship named "Rojo Segoro". Ships are in the process takes 6
months and this is a breakthrough innovation from Atlantic Challenge
Indonesia Team 2010, which competed in the Midland, Canada who are
members of Wooden Sailing Boat II "Yole de Bantry Project". Rojo Segoro
ship is a ship design improvements from the previous (Merdeka, 2002) who
has followed four similar events in America and Europe from 2004 to
2008, and GARUDA who has followed events in Canada in 2010. With the
construction of lighter material than the previous ship, and innovation
on the part thwart bamboo (base rowers), this ship is expected to be
able to compete in the realization of the victory and reclaim the title
of honor "The Spirit of Atlantic Challenge Award" which is the rule
supreme in the international maritime as well as bring in some other
trophy as proof tha tIndonesia is capable and able to resist the
Europeans and Americans.

And this year, with spirit, and spirit of the new crew and ship to our
new III has advantages over light and stable. International Atlantic
Challenge team with hard work and optimism, to return the trophy "The
Spirit of Atlantic Challenge Award" into Indonesia. And want more of it,
some will be targeted by Team Atlantic Challenge International
Indonesia. Trophy is a Janker Award .

Progress and outstanding achievements have been shown when the teams
first Atlantic Challenge Indonesia following the event Intenasional
Atlantic Challenge in 2002. Even "International Contest of Seamanship
and Boat building – Atlantic Challenge 2002", held in Rockland –
Maine, USA. The first time is able to follow the rule and managed to win
the highest trophy in the form of "The Spirit ofAtlantic Challenge
Award". Written in the name of the trophy INDONESIA. One proof that we
can and can beat the superiority Eropas and American countries. Great
title of mental strength and the spirit of stating maritime youth
Indonesia can reach back again defended the Atlantic Challenge team now
Indonesia followed a similar contest called "Jeunes Defi Marins –
International Challenge 2004" held in the city of Toulon, France. In
2006, introduced the board ships of the Madurese traditional Gole’an
and until now on display at the Maritime Museum USA. In 2008 the ship
managed to make a replica of Yole de Bantry, and in 2010 the second ship
(Garuda) has been named to pilot the project at the Nautical Tremolino
Museum, USA.

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