ITS News

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January 28, 2019 10:01

Schneider Electric Awarded Scholarship to ITS Outstanding Students

Oleh : itsmis | | Source : -

The four ITS students who received the Spark Scholarship Program took a photo with the ITS Chancellor Prof. Joni Hermana (far right) and HR Director of PT Schneider Electrical Manufacturing Batam, Susi Yulianti (far left)

ITS Campus, ITS News – The distinction of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya, Indonesia as one of the best engineering schools in Indonesia has been recognized by various world technology-based companies. One of them was PT Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam who was interested in cooperating with ITS, which was marked by the signing of a memorandum of understanding to provide scholarships to outstanding ITS students at the ITS Rectorate Building, Monday (21/1).

PT Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam is a subsidiary company of Schneider Electric Manufacturing that based in France. The company focuses on providing reliable electric power plant services with a controllable operating cost. They have accepted almost 60 students intern each year from several universities in Indonesia. “We see that the role of young generation in energy developing is really needed to face industrial revolution 4.0 in Indonesia,” said Susi Yulianti, Human Resource Director of PT Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam after signing the agreement.

Human Resource Director of PT Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam Susi Yulianti (left) and ITS Chancellor Prof Joni Hermana (right) during the explanation of the given scholarship program

According to Susi, Spark Scholarship Program is awarded to ITS excellent students to give them a chance to receive financial help also to experience six months internship in PT Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam. “The students that we awarded are have been through a tight selection so then later they can contribute to the company.” Susi added. The scholarship that given to the students is in form of money as much as 8 million rupiah that given in each semester and the chance to experience six months internship. Even after graduate, the students that have received the scholarship will be given a managerial training for 24 months in PT Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam. “After that, they can hold a strategic position in the company,” she explained.

ITS Chancellor, Prof Joni Hermana (right) and Human Resource Director of PT Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam, Susi Yulianti, signing the MoU

Meanwhile, ITS Chancellor Prof Ir Joni Hermana MScES PhD claim that he really appreciates the cooperation in form of scholarship awarding. He stated that PT Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam participation in scholarship awarding gives a positive effect, especially for the students to maximize their best potential. “Even after they succeed, this contribution will be beneficial for them to develop the nation,” he added.

The scholarship from PT Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam this year is awarded to Naufal Ihza Revandhika from Information System Department, Zahrah Ayu Afifah Febriyani from Informatics Departemen, also to Aurel Quinta and Divyah Laksmi form Electrical Engineering.

The students claim really blessed to receive the scholarship. “ I hope, this (re : scholarship) can help to cover the tuition fee and our everyday needs during our college period,” said Naufal. The student from 2016 batch also added that he got the information of the selection process to get the scholarship on social media. He went through a long selection process, started from Curriculum Vitae submission, an interview with Susi Yulianti as the Human Resource Director, until the direct interview with one of senior manager at PT Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam. “The selection process has a long interval in between, but I’m glad that I went through all of that,” he stated while smiling. (sep/Yuliawati/ITS Public Relations Officer)

ITS Chancellor, Prof Joni Hermana (right) and Human Resource Director of PT Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam, Susi Yulianti, after signing the MoU

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