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July 24, 2019 20:07

After Vacuum, This Is The Journey of ITS Antasena Team to the World Championship

Oleh : adminits | | Source : -

Antasena Team when joining SEM Europe in London

ITS campus, ITS News – being an invited participant to compete in the Shell Eco-Marathon (SEM) Europe is an achievement and dream for all students who struggle in the automotive field both from Indonesia and other countries. This year, the turn of Antasena from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), was fortunate to participate in the competition. However, this achievement turned out to be a hard struggle from its members.

An escort lecturer at 2019 Europe in London as well as head of Material and Metallurgical Engineering Department, Dr. Agung Purniawan ST MEng admitted that actually, the idea of the hydrogen car Antasena has begun to be initiated since 2009. Later in 2012 and 2014, the car has successfully participated in SEM Asia. “But unfortunately, still not able to reach the finish line,” said Agung.

After a while there was no activity, Agung narrating, about three years ago some students asked for permission to turn Antasena back on. “Please turn on but must be with a different type of car with the team already exist in ITS namely Sapu Angin and Nogogeni,” said Agung to the students who are fighting for team Antasena ITS at that time.

Meanwhile, General Manager of ITS Antasena team, Ghalib Abyan explained, the struggle of the return of the Antasena is not easy. The classic issue related to funding by sponsors and public trust to the Antasena’s team is still very low. Indeed, the name Antasena is not yet popular and there has to be its proof. Therefore, the team seeks to participate in various innovative competitions to build and introduce the name Antasena.

The success of ITS Antasena team at SEM Asia at Sepang International Circuit, Selangor, Malaysia.

Finally, in the International Young Innovative Award (IYIA) 2018 in Bali, Tim Antasena ITS success earned a gold medal and two bronze medals in all three of his works.  One of them is a tool that serves to reduce combustion pollution in the exhaust.  Not only that, but in February then also the Antasena ITS success won the bronze medal for the 3D printing portable extruder in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Ghalib also sparingly for the national level, the energy Efficient Car Competition (KMHE) category of hydrogen cars still no. Because he continued, the needs of different skills with other fueled cars. However, with the high spirit to always learn and innovate, the Antasena team took an empty spot on the diesel class previously used by the wind sweep team and was abandoned.

The Car of ITS Antasena Team when following KMHE 2018 in Padang

So, in the end, all classes in KMHE have representatives from ITS. There is a good result on the KMHE 2018 in Padang where the Antasena Diesel car reached its third position. Of course, it completes the achievements of ITS car team. As a result, the General Champion Trophy on KMHE successfully achieved by ITS. “We will always maintain the spirit and commitment to strive to provide the best for ITS and Indonesia with a drop in diesel grade for KMHE 2019 and in the hydrogen class for SEM 2020 later,” he concluded with a high spirit. (sof/owi/rev)

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