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September 23, 2019 06:09

ITS Bayucaraka Team Successfully Wins World Champion in Turkey

Oleh : adminits | | Source :

ITS Bayucaraka Team with their flying robot successfully won first place in the 2019 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) competition in Istanbul, Turkey

ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has again demonstrated its achievements in the international robotics field. Participating in the 2019 Tübitak International Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Competition, ITS Bayucaraka Team won first place in the Fixed Wing category that held in Istanbul, Turkey for four days, since Monday (16/9).

Mohamad Ikbal Pangestu, the public relations of ITS Bayucaraka Team, explained that besides winning the first place, his team’s aircraft robot also successfully achieved the best design. All team in the Fixed Wing category was required to complete two missions in this race.

The flying robot of ITS Bayucaraka Team when preparing for the 2019 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) competition in Istanbul, Turkey

First, the drone is obliged to maneuver to form the eighth figure when flying. In this mission, the ITS Bayucaraka Team succeeded and got the fastest time with autonomous control. “It is also allowed to control manually, but the value obtained becomes smaller,” said by him.

While the second mission, continued the young man who is often called Ikbal, each aircraft was challenged to drop an item from the air on a predetermined area. Amazingly, the ITS aircraft robot is also fortunate to be able to get the least distance.

Bayucaraka Team (Yellow T-shirt) with their flying robot while in the 2019 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) arena in Istanbul, Turkey

Ikbal admitted, ITS Bayucaraka Team also participated in the 2018 competition, but could only reach the fifth place. “Based on many evaluations from the previous year, thankfully this year we were able to perform optimally and succeed to won the first place,” he said.

The competition was also attended by more than 40 teams that come from 30 different countries. Apart from ITS, teams from Indonesia also came from Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). The acquisition of the ITS Bayucaraka Team will certainly bring ITS and Indonesia to the forefront of the world.

Not stopping here, the ITS Bayucaraka Team will also prepare themselves to win the national event in the Indonesia Flying Robot Contest (KRTI), which is officially held by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti). “Hopefully, ITS Bayucaraka Team can also win first place in the national competition later,” he concluded. (sof/gayatri/ITS Public Relation)

The flying robot of ITS Bayucaraka Team that is contested in the 2019 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) competition in Istanbul, Turkey

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